If you had to start from scratch, how would you do it?
If you would have to start all over again with internet marketing, and building up your business one more time, but you would still have the knowledge that you have learned so far, how would you do it?
What would you do differently from when you started as a beginner? What would you focus on?
- Seo?
- List building?
- blogging?
what would be your strategy?
Oh and you only have $100 budget to start with as well

I would start by setting up a squeeze page on a paid hosting, then i would get an Aweber account. And setup my thank you page and a rediret to affiliate offer and make sure that funnel is working.
Then i would spend the left over money i had on solo ads. After that i would focus mainly on free traffic methods, such as guest blogging forum posting and youtube.
What would be your strategy?
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