"Am I Cut Out For Internet Marketing?" (See if you relate to this)
But the thing is... I'm coming at a crossroads and I've been asking myself if IM is really for me. See if you can relate to my story below.
Despite some of my mild successes, it's never been that consistent. While I got over 1000 visitors per day with one site, Google's algorithm change affected it that I'm now only getting 200 visitors per day. And it's on a topic I don't particularly care for nor am I passionate about. I'm working on 2 other sites but it's such a pain to start from scratch again.
As far as affiliate marketing goes, I've never been able to be consistent with my results. While I've gotten numerous sales, it's been inconsistent. Plus, there are so many technical things that has to be done (setting up tracking, hosting, etc) that aren't my strong suit so I wonder if it's worth all the effort.
Furthermore, I'm more of an extrovert and love being around people. I feel the idea of IM is more for introverts or maybe those who aren't as sociable (sorry if this offends anybody but it's kinda true). I do like the idea of developing relationships with others in your industry via email and Skype, but for some reason this seems a bit unnatural to me and besides, how do you really (I mean, really) develop a relationship that's virtual-based?
The reason I got into IM is the possibility (and idea) of being able to generate passive income with my sites. I see success stories such as Ramit Sethi, Mike Geary, etc and I'd like to be able to do that as well. But then again I've been known to idealize things and not be able to see things for what they really are. Perhaps that's what I'm doing here.
The reason I'm doubting my ability to make it in IM is because there are so many technical and analytical pieces (keyword research, making sure the anchor links are proper, make sure to have breadcrumb URLs, SEO, CTR's etc) which aren't my strong suits that I wonder if I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Since I'm talking about my strengths, I'm considering getting back into sales since I'm more of a person-to-person type and from that I'm looking to invest my money in other businesses (most likely offline) and real estate. Figured sales is a great way to network with others and it helps to create other opportunities (now I'm just more talking out loud as I'm writing more than anything else).
I've probably ranted enough. Has anyone else experienced the same thing I'm going through? Can anyone else relate to this? Am I wasting my time with IM?
Any thoughts, candid feedback or sharing of your story is welcome.
Digital Marketer | Investing Enthusiast
― George Carlin
Simple Muscle & Fitness
Simple Abs Diet
Fitness for Fun Online
Journalism, the profession is undergoing a massive change since the WWW has arrived. I help people to build their personal profile and create a multi-media platform with WordPress, Podcasting, Writing and Video.
Digital Media for a Noisy World
Simple Muscle & Fitness
Simple Abs Diet
Fitness for Fun Online