Buyer asking for a refund after sharing my product on black hat forums. What would you do?
I have quite an interesting situation regarding a buyer of my IMfinite Wealth product. The guy bought an upsell, downloaded it and asked for a refund immediately saying his wife bought it by accident and he wants a refund.
I'm ok with the refunds, for whatever the reason, so I try to give him refund instantly through JVZoo, but the guy has (already) filed a dispute over Paypal so JVZoo cannot process my refund request. The guy keeps harassing me over the email about the refund, while I tell him to be patient because I contacted JVZoo. After receiving support answer that I have to do the refund manually, I contact the guy asking for his transaction ID, and in meanwhile I receive google link alert - meaning a link to my OTO has been published somewhere....
wait for it....
Yes, the guy that's asking for a refund published direct link to my product on the blackhat forum (he has 6000+ posts there). I contacted him back saying I don't plan to give him a refund after he shared link to my product publicly and behaved like he did.
I don't care about the blackhat links, all products end up there eventually . But, all the email harassing, lying and now threats (he'll share all my products forever, he'll diss me on all the forums, he'll tell the world I never refund...) made me share this story publicly, wondering - what would you do? Refund or no refund?

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