Can Anyone Really Make a Living with IM

41 replies
Hi. 3 years ago I took the big plunge and started a web design, SEO, internet marketing company. I had 2 sales pros that were going to help me with sales...promising that if I invested the money that they would be there to help me. At first it started off well. We landed 2 fairly large jobs almost immediately. Then both sales pros bailed on me. I was able to sell a few more jobs, on my own, while working a full time job. Unfortunately, I have burned through most of my capital now and business has dried up.

I have been thinking over the last couple of months that maybe I should shift my business from offline to online marketing of some sort. Affiliate marketing seems to be highly competitive and almost impossible to make any real money at. I only have about $1,500.00 left. Any ideas? Thanks!
#living #make
  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Here's my advice to you learn all about email marketing and product creation and then start building your online business.

    p.s. Its far from impossible to make real money online you just have to learn how to do it right, and work smarter not harder.

    P.S. I do very well online myself

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    I'm 24 -- wife, house and baby. All supported by IM. We live good. I've made every dollar online from $0.00 and have paid back any investors.

    Buy new book and be entered to win $100 to your Zelle, PayPal or CashApp! Plus, check out the free sample on Thank you for your support! Contest ends at 1,000 purchases.

    See the life of a real affiliate on Instagram

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  • Profile picture of the author deekay
    I do. And most of the service providers I met online are making a living, full-time, through their IM-related services such as content writing, social media marketing, SEO, affiliate marketing, SEM, etc.

    My personal advice: Do not buy anything for now. Nail down what you really want to do first. Would you like to sell products or offer a service. Once you've determined that, learn as much as you can to jumpstart that online business. Identify which ones you should do on your own and the ones you need to outsource. Do you feel more comfortable if your articles were written by you? Then, write it on your own. Otherwise, scout for trusty-worthy and experience-rich writers.
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  • Profile picture of the author sujit1717
    This question should be sticky in the forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author DotComBum
    Yes, you can earn money on IM, moving online is a good move as you can save on the office rent which you can use it for promoting of your service.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnbjr
      Yes it is 100% possible. Just start putting things into action now. The longer you wait the more doubts you will have.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I have to ask... if you had / have a "web design, SEO, internet marketing company" that had a budget no less. and landed jobs... Where did the budget go?

      If I were to start the same business tomorrow, my start up budget would be $20.00 +/ -( business cards ). In the matter of weeks, more like days I would have clients, and cash flow. I say that because I have done that. over the past 18+, years I have always been in this business, but 6 times I have moved locations. Granted I have kept my non local accounts, but start with a new local market each time. I hit the streets with my start up investment ( stack of cards ) and close deals. Its not so hard.

      So you are looking at focusing your efforts for your own benefit? not a bad strategy, one in which I do as well. As a point of interest you might consider using the newly created properties as clients to your web design, SEO, internet marketing company. that way you can add company portfolio.

      You are thinking of affiliate marketing. Not a bad choice really. not as saturated as you might think either. I built a amazon site just yesterday and have gotten sales from it already. if you know what you are doing, it can be an easy consistent pay day. Build enough of them, and you can quite your day job.

      Given the fact that you know how to build sites, and know how to SEO and know how to IM ( or at least that's the services you tried to sell to clients ) you should have no issues.

      The probable reality in all of this is you may know how to put a site together but the other skills are a bit lacking and you are looking for an excuse for yourself to stay in your day job. You are expecting someone to say that you are right, there is no room in IM to make money.

      The actual reality is that the percentage of internet sales are ever increasing. That there is something like 15 to 20% of all retail monies spent on the internet. Its not a fluke, its not a scam, its a reality that YES you can make money online. The methods and the systems that you use to do this is what separates failure from success.

      Once you understand what works, you replicate over and over. Once there is a system in place regardless of the Niche, the Product, or the Service you can duplicate success. The hard part in all of this? finding the system that works for you.

      Don't worry about the product right now. Look at the process to selling. Read everything you can. join peoples newsletters ( to see their process ) Really look at retail commerce websites. what are they doing? What are the common denominators between the 2.

      Then you just need to buck up. pick a product, get a domain and some hosting and make it happen. you stated you have $1500.00 left. $500.00 for domain and hosting, and a theme if you feel you need to have a "Premium" one. that leaves you with 200 $5.00 ad campaigns on facebook.

      Hope that Helps!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author gloria123
    Yes I really think it is very possible to make money online... The problem is, there are sooo much information and systems bombarding your inbox, that you just don't know what direction to take.
    Pick something that you are comfortable with and give it all your focus, effort and concentration. Just one thing.... When you are making money, and only then consider to expand to another venue.
    Good luck.
    G. Lewis.
    "Successful People Do What Average People Don't do"

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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      I'm going to digress with the others here based on what your title says.

      Not anyone can make a living online. That's just what most MMO products will make you believe.

      Making a consistent living online take a crap load of dedication and trial and error. It would make most of the population insane trying to innovate and evolve as much as an online business requires.

      But you're still kicking lol so it appears you have the persistence to make something happen.

      I say learn copywriting and experiment with list building. Build a kick ass sales funnel and try out different markets to see what feels best in terms of long term commitment.

      I know a few budget oriented courses that might be able to help you. You're still going to have to put the work in, but it's a start. PM me if you want some links.
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  • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
    It takes a lot of perseverance and hard work for most people to earn a living online. There are some overnight success stories, but most people earning a living online worked their butts off to get where they are now.

    It's tough to give you advice without knowing what you're attempting to make money on, but don't throw bad money after good. If you've burnt up most of your capital, don't spend more money on the same thing in hopes it'll take off. Learn from your mistakes and try a different angle.

    "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
    -Franklin Jones

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  • Profile picture of the author littledan
    Yes it is perfectly possible to make a good living online.

    Regarding where all your budget went, I can fully understand where you are coming from. Over the years I have tried many different strategies to move my business forward which cost a fortune. I have hired pros which was a waste of money, one company early on charged me $8,000 to help turn my small online business into a market leading company, it was a disaster and I just ended up with a useless company and a massive debt, but that's hindsight for you.

    There are people who get it right first time spending $0, but they are few and far between, it comes down more to luck and chance when you hit the jackpot first time. What you have done is more realistic and part of the course.

    Keep going!!!

    Learn how to make more money while working less with high ticket commissions and a top tier business! > <

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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    There are 3 steps to earn online

    1) Learn and learn
    2) Find niche where you want to build online business
    3) Take massive and serious action on what you learn

    Along above 3 steps, you also need to have dedication and commitment to your online work. Also you need to have positive beliefs that you will make your online successful. Positive mindset is very important. Amid fear of whether you can make it or not will not work. Bring all the positive feelings for online work and I bet you will make it.
    Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author JtxTop
    Since u seems to already have the expertise of web design and SEO, you may just use that $1500 to do advertising and get customers, do your research well and track your budget so that the money will get roi
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by Strikeforce View Post

    Affiliate marketing seems to be highly competitive and almost impossible to make any real money at.
    Why does it seem that way, to you? There are (at least) hundreds of people here making our full-time livings from it.

    I don't suggest it's "easy", and I don't deny that far more people are unsuccessful than successful (that's true of all kinds of self-employment, I think?), but if you start off with the assumption that it's "almost impossible", you might just find evidence to confirm your pre-existing beliefs ... which are clearly belied by the facts, you know?

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    • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
      Thanks for all of the advice, guys. I have been studying online marketing for about 10 years. I tried a couple of things here and there, but when I saw the opportunity with offline marketing, I dove in. I have a great website and good fulfillment, but the marketing part is where I think I fell down. I did spent quite a lot on marketing the company. I don't feel defeated yet, but I am getting close.

      Your words of encouragement have helped me a lot. Everyone says that you can use contract sales people to sell your services. That has never worked for me and I seriously doubt that will work for very many. Since I can't quit my day job, I can't attend client meetings nor make sales calls. It's also very time consuming managing each job...especially web design projects. This is why I began looking at online marketing again.

      In regards to affiliate marketing, I always get stuck trying to pick the niche. I know this is probably a common problem. I always wind up telling myself that this niche and that niche is saturated. I guess I just need to try a few things.

      Thanks again for all of the advice. You have no idea how great it is to hear that many of you are successful in this business.

      If anyone else has any further advice, please don't hesitate to jump in.
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  • Profile picture of the author BizOnTheWeb
    Do you know why your current business is failing? If you can pinpoint the problems, it is definitely possible to recover. It sounds to me like sales might be a deficient can you recover? I know you distrust contracted salespeople, but perhaps you can find a way to learn a process for vetting and contracting them that works better than what you had before.

    My advice would be to not necessarily abandon your current business. Just examine the areas of failure and learn how to fix them. It sounds like you might have a passion for what you first set out to do.
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    • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
      Originally Posted by BizOnTheWeb View Post

      Do you know why your current business is failing? If you can pinpoint the problems, it is definitely possible to recover. It sounds to me like sales might be a deficient can you recover? I know you distrust contracted salespeople, but perhaps you can find a way to learn a process for vetting and contracting them that works better than what you had before.

      My advice would be to not necessarily abandon your current business. Just examine the areas of failure and learn how to fix them. It sounds like you might have a passion for what you first set out to do.
      That is very true. I really do have a passion for what I had originally set out to do. The sales function is what is failing. I place a paid ad on craigslist for a sales rep and usually get a couple of decent replies mixed in with the the junk. I contact the good ones and will usually get at least one that will want to join my company. They fill out the required paperwork, I set up their email address, give them a sample of my marketing materials and then they stop talking to me. I have a feeling that some might be intimidated by the technical end of this business. I try to stress that most business owners are not interested in the nuts and bolts of how our services work. They are only interested in how our services are going to bring in more customers. I always tell the sales reps that I can help them with the technical end, if they need it. But for some reason, they always jump ship. This seems to be my issue with my current business.
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      • Profile picture of the author BizOnTheWeb
        Originally Posted by Strikeforce View Post

        That is very true. I really do have a passion for what I had originally set out to do. The sales function is what is failing. I place a paid ad on craigslist for a sales rep and usually get a couple of decent replies mixed in with the the junk. I contact the good ones and will usually get at least one that will want to join my company. They fill out the required paperwork, I set up their email address, give them a sample of my marketing materials and then they stop talking to me. I have a feeling that some might be intimidated by the technical end of this business. I try to stress that most business owners are not interested in the nuts and bolts of how our services work. They are only interested in how our services are going to bring in more customers. I always tell the sales reps that I can help them with the technical end, if they need it. But for some reason, they always jump ship. This seems to be my issue with my current business.
        Are you meeting these people in person?
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        • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
          Originally Posted by BizOnTheWeb View Post

          Are you meeting these people in person?
          Yes, I met with each one in person.
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  • Profile picture of the author rayray13
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    • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
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    • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
      Originally Posted by rayray13 View Post

      Strikeforce if your trying make living of IM if your really interested I can show you something that can make you good money.
      Excellent post. Chock-full of high quality, valuable information.

      I'm interested.
      Beware of people who have no regard for the forum rules.
      Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
      All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author gcbmark20

    There are just TOO many ways to make money online to be honest!

    That's why people end up jumping from one to the next when they have their
    first problem with the current one they're using.

    The key is to pick a money making method, run with it until you get results
    then give away part of that information as a product to build your list.

    Now you can sell the FULL version to your list as it grows.

    Or you could just give away the FULL product and create a strong bond
    with yourself and your subscribers.

    When you have something to share with others that you have made your own
    people will naturally want to join your lists for that information and will look
    upon you as an authority etc.

    Build a list with a great and unique offer of your own!

    Okay all the best,

    “Morale is a state of mind. It is steadfastness and courage and hope.”
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  • Profile picture of the author fixie
    If you are a marketing newbie, I recommend you get a stable job first and experiment, see what suits you best and when you get good at something that makes you more money then your job, switch over.
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    • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
      Originally Posted by fixie View Post

      If you are a marketing newbie, I recommend you get a stable job first and experiment, see what suits you best and when you get good at something that makes you more money then your job, switch over.
      Thanks for the response. I'm not really a newbie at this. I have a good full-time job, but would really like to, one day, transition into my own business, rather than relying on others for my future.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ihate9to5
    Yes can make a living out of it.It takes time to make your first dollar if starting from the bottom just like other businesses online or offline.Being persistent and creative brings results.

    Life is for living

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  • Profile picture of the author hantoren
    Of course. Just don't over complicate it and don't spend your money on it if not neccessary. I started from nothing, as many others did. And succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    Yes ofcourse it's possible to make a full time income online, many people are doing it.

    The main problem is information overload and / or giving up too soon on a method.

    That being said, this is something you should start doing from day one:
    -> Setup a funnel (squeeze page and sales funnel)
    -> Send targeted traffic to that funnel.
    -> Test your funnel until it's profitable
    -> Rinse and repeat

    It's not a secret how you can make money online really. Many people are just too caught up with the newest hypes that worked for one person a little while, and then give up because it doesn't work anymore.

    If you stick to the basics i explained, then there's no reason you can't succeed really.
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  • Profile picture of the author thisisraz65
    Yes, affiliate marketing is competitive. But, many people make their livings through im.
    Proper training and mindset are important here.

    No signature right now
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    • Profile picture of the author myfab
      but how can you be trianed?
      Get a Mentor,study his method and dedicated your self to it until you see a tangible result
      we have many ways to make good money in internet
      Get dedciated to one way ,research it and start implementing it,don't forget to PRAY,you sure will succeed
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  • Profile picture of the author TheFranchiseMarketer
    Wow StrikeForce. I really feel for you. Those guys that you worked with? Screw them! You don't need then anyways. The IM niche is competitive but it still sells very well because of our American economy being so financially corrupt. That is really the only reason why the IM niche will continue to be a money maker. With just over $1,500 to burn, I would most likely learn how to trade if I were you. The stock market is really the best way to make money online ever once you learn how to trader like a pro. I wish nothing but the best for you my friend!
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Originally Posted by Strikeforce View Post

    I have been thinking over the last couple of months that maybe I should shift my business from offline to online marketing of some sort. Affiliate marketing seems to be highly competitive and almost impossible to make any real money at. I only have about $1,500.00 left. Any ideas? Thanks!
    Show me an area that isn't competitive For now I would do what you know, get the basics down and get some cash flow coming in. Once you have a basic foundation laid on skills you already have (I am assuming SEO, probably social media since most companies demand this) then start expanding and testing other avenues. Since you have been in this business for three years you know it is more then possible, just comes down to work ethic and persistence.

    Just a word of advice, PPC can test a market very quickly, you just need to invest in it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
      Originally Posted by butters View Post

      Show me an area that isn't competitive For now I would do what you know, get the basics down and get some cash flow coming in. Once you have a basic foundation laid on skills you already have (I am assuming SEO, probably social media since most companies demand this) then start expanding and testing other avenues. Since you have been in this business for three years you know it is more then possible, just comes down to work ethic and persistence.

      Just a word of advice, PPC can test a market very quickly, you just need to invest in it.
      Thanks for the advice. I have never tried PPC but have heard that you can lose your shirt if you don't know what you are doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author jonat2005
    Originally Posted by Strikeforce View Post

    Hi. 3 years ago I took the big plunge and started a web design, SEO, internet marketing company. I had 2 sales pros that were going to help me with sales...promising that if I invested the money that they would be there to help me. At first it started off well. We landed 2 fairly large jobs almost immediately. Then both sales pros bailed on me. I was able to sell a few more jobs, on my own, while working a full time job. Unfortunately, I have burned through most of my capital now and business has dried up.

    I have been thinking over the last couple of months that maybe I should shift my business from offline to online marketing of some sort. Affiliate marketing seems to be highly competitive and almost impossible to make any real money at. I only have about $1,500.00 left. Any ideas? Thanks!

    I have been in this biz since 2008 and have survived it. Its my main and only source of income. So, anybody can too
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    • Profile picture of the author YaniB
      As others have stated, it is indeed possible, but you need to do your research and know what area you want to focus on.

      Two things I would zero in on:

      1. Find someone who is already successful in the business area you want to be in and be mentored/coached by them.

      2. Make sure you have a list of people you can market to, and keep building a relationship with. You can make money with the click of a mouse this way, once you do it right.

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  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    The answer to your question depends on how you define "IM." Be more specific. What exactly are you looking at?
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  • Profile picture of the author nysoh
    It is indeed possible!

    But make sure you follow one coach you really like and stick with him/her.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
      Yes, its possible to live off of affiliate marketing. Many people in sales jobs do exactly that: they make a commission selling other people's products. With affiliate marketing, you are taking that model online.

      The only thing that you must be careful of is what affiliate program you join. You could start your own but that is a lot of work and you really should have experience marketing someone else's program first.

      There are thousands of programs though so you should focus on one that will fit your personality and needs. It took me a long time of fumbling around, jumping from program to program, and a lot of time and money to find out what I needed from an online business that fits my personality.

      I am happy to say that I found one. But if I was to give you tips so that you could possibly avoid having to take a painful road like I did, then I would say:

      1. You need to join a program with a high converting sales funnel

      2. You need to position yourself in that program to make the most amount of commissions

      3. You need to promote high-ticket and/or recurring commission products

      4. You need to drive traffic to that program's sales funnel and they should have some training on how to do this.

      I previously promoted programs that did not have those 4 things above and I always ended up jumping to something else until I figured out what I needed from an affiliate program. This might be different for you but that's where Id start.

      Its easy to get suckered into all the promises of big money, etc, but if you don't find what works for you, you will end up with shiny object syndrome. The trick is to find something you would do without getting paid for it because you wont for awhile in the beginning, so make sure you enjoy whatever you get into.

      That being said, you can sell anything online. The product really doesn't matter all that much if you are building your personal brand, have a good system in place behind you, and I'd highly recommend a personal blog to help build your brand and an email list of your personal "tribe".

      That's where you will put all your heart and soul into your brand with your likes and dislikes, etc...and people that are just like you, or interested in the same things you are, will follow you and buy your products!

      If you are going to get into the affiliate marketing game, people don't really care about your system or your products. What they are really buying is YOU. They want to know that you are a real person. They want to be inspired. They want to know that you can relate to their problems, and they don't want to be BS'd.

      If you tell it like it is, people will follow you, and then they will want to know why you joined the program(s) you did, bought the products you bought, and they might want to do it themselves with you or on your recommendations. That's when they start buying whatever you're selling.

      Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author creaturelocaljohn
    I do own a small local seo company here in the Philippines. When internet marketing was first introduced to me on 2011 I saw a big opportunity on this area. But during the course of my career there is some rough road where I almost give up. I feel like the income is not enough and the client is not happy with the performance. But those hard times make me stronger to be better and learn from it.

    Now I still have failures but I am never give up. I love what I am doing. This work gave me a better life, a good source of income and a new knowledge.
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    • Profile picture of the author Strikeforce
      Originally Posted by creaturelocaljohn View Post

      I do own a small local seo company here in the Philippines. When internet marketing was first introduced to me on 2011 I saw a big opportunity on this area. But during the course of my career there is some rough road where I almost give up. I feel like the income is not enough and the client is not happy with the performance. But those hard times make me stronger to be better and learn from it.

      Now I still have failures but I am never give up. I love what I am doing. This work gave me a better life, a good source of income and a new knowledge.
      It sounds like we started our businesses at around the same time, doing the same thing. I just couldn't seem to keep the momentum going. My business is basically dead right now due not having a sales force. I work a lot of hours at my day job, so I'm sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. That is why my thought process shifted to online marketing, where I would not need anyone out there selling. I wish you the best in your SEO business.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    It's very possible if you get started focusing on one method at a time. So many of us here are making good money online. The best money-making method I can recommend to you now is niche site marketing. Create a niche affiliate site and promote affiliate products on there. Use buyer keywords to drive traffic to your niche site and convert the clicks into sales with proper monetization.
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