Can I embed videos on my blog?

by Zaflow
25 replies
I have a question regarding adding videos straight from youtube on some of my articles, am I allowed to that ? or will I be infringing on someone elses property.

What about photos created by the manufacturer of my products, can I use them to promote the product?

Thank you
#blog #embed #videos
  • Profile picture of the author Myles Sinclair
    You shouldn't have a problem in most cases, as this is the purposes of the embed code that YouTube provides. So it can be shared and played on other sites.

    The only problem you might get is if the video you use ends up being removed by YouTube for copyright violation. Then it will no longer appear on your site, and you'll have to find an alternative video to embed.

    I've come across a few sites where this has happened. It may not be an issue for you, but it's something to be aware of.
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    • Profile picture of the author Zaflow
      Originally Posted by Myles Sinclair View Post

      You shouldn't have a problem in most cases, as this is the purposes of the embed code that YouTube provides. So it can be shared and played on other sites.

      The only problem you might get is if the video you use ends up being removed by YouTube for copyright violation. Then it will no longer appear on your site, and you'll have to find an alternative video to embed.

      I've come across a few sites where this has happened. It may not be an issue for you, but it's something to be aware of.

      Thank you for the speedy reply, So if it got removed for copyright infrigment, will there be any consequences on my site? or is the worst thing can happen is for the video to be removed and thats it?
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      • Profile picture of the author jfalxr
        If you're not allowed to do so, it is impossible Youtube provide us the facilities..

        You should ask the vendors first whether or not you can use their photos to promote the products.. In many cases, they will grant you the access..

        Some vendors even already provides you with all the tools such as email swipes, banners, etc.. If they provide you this, then you are free to use them..

        Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

        Thank you for the speedy reply, So if it got removed for copyright infrigment, will there be any consequences on my site? or is the worst thing can happen is for the video to be removed and thats it?
        the copyright infrigment never happen to me.. The worst thing when videos been removed from youtube is on your articles the embedded videos won't appeared and it says "This video has been removed"..
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      • Profile picture of the author Myles Sinclair
        Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

        Thank you for the speedy reply, So if it got removed for copyright infrigment, will there be any consequences on my site? or is the worst thing can happen is for the video to be removed and thats it?
        No, there won't be any comeback on you. The video is actually hosted on YouTube, and you are just making it accessible from one of your pages. When one of your visitors plays a YouTube video, the content is being streamed from YouTube. The only person deemed to have infringed copyright is the account holder who uploaded the video.
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        • Profile picture of the author Zaflow
          what about images found available from social media sites such as pinterest, downloaded by regular people, would that be ok to use?
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          • Profile picture of the author Myles Sinclair
            Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

            what about images found available from social media sites such as pinterest, downloaded by regular people, would that be ok to use?
            You really need to check the terms and conditions of the various sites that you are interested in using images from. Here's an extract from Pinterests T&C for business accounts -

            How Pinterest and other users can use your content.
            You grant Pinterest and its users a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, store, display, reproduce, re-pin, modify, create derivative works, perform, and distribute your User Content on Pinterest solely for the purposes of operating, developing, providing, and using the Products. Nothing in these Terms shall restrict other legal rights Pinterest may have to User Content, for example under other licenses.
            At first glance it looks as though you can use their images. However, it's not 100% clear if permission to use images is restricted to reposting them on your Pinterst account or taking them offsite to use elsewhere.

            If it was me I would email the sites and ask them to confirm you can use the images. That way you can't go wrong!
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          • Profile picture of the author Eugen Prodan
            Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

            what about images found available from social media sites such as pinterest, downloaded by regular people, would that be ok to use?

            The question about using such images on your blog can get really sensitive. If you want to be 100% sure that you're not messing with the good ol' Mr. Copyright, I'd say use images from sites, such as Wikimedia Commons Or Creative Commons. But of course, it all depends on the reason why you want to use that one specific image from Pinterest/Facebook/etc.

            Either way, you might find Wikimedia Commons useful. Once you find an image you'd like to use, simply follow the instructions on how to give credit to the author (aka "to attribute the author"). The exact attribution text is provided there for you. Sometimes it's a full line of text, and sometimes authors are really lax about you using their images (I've seen images where authors don't ask for an attribution at all).

            Either way, if you'd like to do some further reading about this, here are some articles:
            (no affiliates links or any of that jazz)

            How to Use Pinterest without Breaking the Law - Law Blog - WSJ

            Bloggers Beware: You CAN Get Sued For Using Pics on Your Blog - My*Story - Blog - Roni Loren, Romance Author

            Good luck,
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            • Profile picture of the author Zaflow
              Eugen Prodan, Thanks, That clarified everything regarding photos on Pinterest
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              • Profile picture of the author Eugen Prodan
                Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

                Eugen Prodan, Thanks, That clarified everything regarding photos on Pinterest
                Glad it was helpful info, man!

                All the best,
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    • Profile picture of the author Myles Sinclair
      I missed your question on the photo's! This will be down to each manufacturer. All of them have the right to refuse anyone the use of their photo's as they own the copyright.

      In practice, most of them will be fine with having the pics used as they form part of the promotional / advertising material in selling their products. This assumes that the reseller is operating a legit business, and not doing anything that might reflect badly on the manufacturer.

      So most people probably won't have any issues. But checking the terms and conditions of using promotional material from each manufacturer would be a good idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Yes! You can add videos from YouTube to your blog without any problem.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelcvang
    Ofcourse, you can do it easily from youtube video.
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  • Profile picture of the author blindapeseo
    Well, if a video is removed, the PLAYER will remain, but as soon as someone clicks on it ...
    they will get the "This video has been removed" message
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  • Profile picture of the author someshets
    its depend on the site in which we are posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author megamind22
    I dont think it posses any problem posting other peoples video on your blog cause they know it would them get more views too so its a win, win cause you are doing them a favor too.

    As for the images bit if its from the product you are promoting I dont see why not as long as you are not promoting a different offer with those images.

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Kikrly
    I think you should ask the uploader first. He will probably agree, because he benefits from sharing his video. too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Mayers

    I would double check with the owner of the video if it belongs to someone else. This is just to be safe.

    Also, I believe you should be fine with promoting pictures provided of your product. Most of the time, if you promote the product as is, you'll be fine.

    Hope this is helpful!

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  • Profile picture of the author wickid
    If a video has an embed or share link on it, you should be fine. If the author of the video did not want to make it shareable/embedable on people's personal sites and blogs they can disable that option within their videos.

    In regards to images, it is always best to look at the products terms and conditions to see if the author will allow you to use their images on your site. Sometimes it is clearly stated, other times you may need to reach out to the vendor or your affiliate manager for clarification.

    On some websites, images are shared with users to use with a creative commons license. Depending on the use on your site, you should be able to get away with it if they are licensed for creative commons. Google Images has a more advanced search feature where you can look for free images under creative commons that may be helpful to you.
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  • IYoutubE shows if its for public use or not and within the new wp post editor you can just enter the youtube url and after you hit "publish" It automatically turns into video format
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  • Profile picture of the author fatchap
    I sell physical products and always use vendors photos. Not had a problem yet. They make money out of it after all.

    I screen grab them, save as something different and go from there. I don't have deep pockets so the idea I would buy a product and take my own pictures is laughable.
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  • Profile picture of the author gregdavidson727
    Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

    I have a question regarding adding videos straight from youtube on some of my articles, am I allowed to that ? or will I be infringing on someone elses property.

    What about photos created by the manufacturer of my products, can I use them to promote the product?

    Thank you
    Visit the page of the YouTube you want to share and click on SHARE > EMBED. Take the code they give you and add it to your blog post. It's a little simpler if you use a plugin.
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  • Profile picture of the author sr.20
    You will be fine. as long as the video on YouTube has no copyright issues then the video will stick. All you are doing is making it accessible from one of your pages. The content is hosted and being streamed via YouTube.
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  • Profile picture of the author Imfactsandsecrets
    Originally Posted by Zaflow View Post

    I have a question regarding adding videos straight from youtube on some of my articles, am I allowed to that ? or will I be infringing on someone elses property.

    What about photos created by the manufacturer of my products, can I use them to promote the product?

    Thank you
    Youtube videos aren't going to be an issue, except of course the one mentioned by another warrior about videos getting deleted, but for photographs and banners you'd need to have permission from the vendor to be able to use them for publicity. Most vendors offers specific banners available for use in promotion.
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  • Profile picture of the author mubashir
    Youtube allows you to embed their videos. So its all legal.
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