Order Now, or Buy Now Button?

by RexX
23 replies
Which is more effective an "Order Now", or "Buy Now" Button?

I've tended to use "Buy Now", but wonder if that puts people off.

I've got a few examples but any suggestions of effective button greately appreciated.

#button #buy #order
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Reserve/Get your Copy Now! <---
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    • Profile picture of the author Saul'
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      Reserve/Get your Copy Now! <---
      Ditto. I would also consider "Customize Your Order", if applicable.


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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    I like the words BUY NOW better as it seems to mean more of a instant delivery.
    When I hear the word ORDER it sounds like I have to wait for it to be delivered

    Something new soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author DesignWarrior
    I prefer the Order Now button, I think it is more attractive and however odd it may be, I don't like the Buy Now button because it is so similar to eBay's "Buy It Now" which drives me crazy these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author shorwood
    If you have no upsells and you aren't going to sell them anything after, then "Buy Now" is ok. However, it is definitely not the best, and it will destroy your conversions on any upsells you have, because "Buy Now" implies the end of the buying process, so the customer will assume they are done and they will get out of buying mode.

    The best converting is "Add to Cart". It is low pressure, and it has been tested countless times. Amazon uses it, top marketers use it, big sites use it...it just converts the best.

    It also implies that there could be more to the buying process, so they are ready for more products to be recommended that they can "add to cart".

    "Add to Cart" is much better than either of those choices, and it is something people are used to seeing at trusted places like Amazon, and it is just lower pressure and doesn't sound nearly as salesy or pushy like "Buy Now" or "Order Now"


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    • Profile picture of the author Lawrh
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    • Profile picture of the author psresearch
      Originally Posted by shorwood View Post

      If you have no upsells and you aren't going to sell them anything after, then "Buy Now" is ok. However, it is definitely not the best, and it will destroy your conversions on any upsells you have, because "Buy Now" implies the end of the buying process, so the customer will assume they are done and they will get out of buying mode.

      The best converting is "Add to Cart". It is low pressure, and it has been tested countless times. Amazon uses it, top marketers use it, big sites use it...it just converts the best.

      It also implies that there could be more to the buying process, so they are ready for more products to be recommended that they can "add to cart".

      "Add to Cart" is much better than either of those choices, and it is something people are used to seeing at trusted places like Amazon, and it is just lower pressure and doesn't sound nearly as salesy or pushy like "Buy Now" or "Order Now"

      MarketingExperiments made some useful distinctions about this a while back:

      "There are times when simply saying "Add to Cart" on the button works just fine. But this is the case only with very simple and familiar purchase types.

      For instance, if you are on Amazon, have found a book, read the details and reviews, and seen the cover...their button which says, "Add to Cart" will do the job.

      Why? Because what you are buying is so familiar and so self-evident. You see the book, you want to buy it, and you "add to cart".

      But what if you have a landing page or offer page selling something a little more complicated and unfamiliar, like a free trial subscription to a new online publication or service?"

      You can read the full article here:
      Best text to use on your buy now buttons

      Related article:
      10 things you can do today that will improve your internet marketing

      Obviously you still need to test but previous observations like that are good starting places.
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      • Profile picture of the author shorwood
        Originally Posted by markquinn View Post

        MarketingExperiments made some useful distinctions about this a while back:

        "There are times when simply saying "Add to Cart" on the button works just fine. But this is the case only with very simple and familiar purchase types.

        For instance, if you are on Amazon, have found a book, read the details and reviews, and seen the cover...their button which says, "Add to Cart" will do the job.

        Why? Because what you are buying is so familiar and so self-evident. You see the book, you want to buy it, and you "add to cart".

        But what if you have a landing page or offer page selling something a little more complicated and unfamiliar, like a free trial subscription to a new online publication or service?"

        You can read the full article here:
        Best text to use on your buy now buttons

        Related article:
        10 things you can do today that will improve your internet marketing

        Obviously you still need to test but previous observations like that are good starting places.
        That is interesting, but look up the Belcher Button. Perry Belcher has done extensive tests in small niches and unfamiliar products and the "Add to Cart" button has ALWAYS converted better, no matter what the circumstance.

        I would trust the guy who has done a ton of tests. (I know others have as well, and everyone I have talked to who has tested it say that "Add to Cart" converts best)


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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[912563].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author psresearch
          Originally Posted by shorwood View Post

          That is interesting, but look up the Belcher Button. Perry Belcher has done extensive tests in small niches and unfamiliar products and the "Add to Cart" button has ALWAYS converted better, no matter what the circumstance.

          I would trust the guy who has done a ton of tests. (I know others have as well, and everyone I have talked to who has tested it say that "Add to Cart" converts best)

          It sounds like you might not understand who MarketingExperiments is exactly.
          I guarantee you they've done significantly more tests than Perry.

          Also, if you go through some of the MarketingExeriments courses on testing, you'll
          discover that alot of the testing methods claimed to be reliable by the gurus have
          significant statistical flaws.

          I doubt that's the case with the Ryan Deiss/Perry Belcher team, but it's something
          to watch out for.

          Bottom line: you have to do your OWN tests.
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  • Profile picture of the author radio
    you would think eBay would figure an add to cart type feature (for fixed price stuff) - i agree with the above, it probably does convert the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author amoore
    I have also heard that "Add to Cart" was the best converting button - My advice would be to do some split-testing.

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    I find it really strange when I go to a site that has one product, and it says "add to cart".

    Cart? You have one product. Why do I need a cart? Is there something I don't know? Am I already holding a cart, potentially with something in it? Are you going to try to add more to my cart? Am I at the beginning of a long upsell chain? How long will it take to get to the end?

    Now, yes, I know it's just paranoia and you're saying "add to cart" because your payment system uses a shopping cart just in case you ever have more products. But that's my left brain. My right brain is crapping little green apples and waving a big red flag at me while yelling "THAT LOOKS SUSPICIOUS!"
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author rtrotter
    Testing is the only way to know for sure. In a large study it was found that 75% of what designers thought would be "best" actually had either no effect or a negative effect.

    I changed one small image on my site and conversions increased 3x relative to control. I had that control image on the site for 4 years. I don't even want to calculate how much I lost.


    Ping All Your Feed On Auto-Pilot

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  • Profile picture of the author swiminsoda
    I would personally would prefer to see 2 things on a sales page:

    1) A call to action text link e.g Click Here To Order Your Limited Copy - Risk Free!
    2) A Buy Now button that is easy to spot at the end of the page.

    **There's nothing more putting off than having to search a lengthy website without a clear and visible 'order button'.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    My favorite for e-products:

    "Download Now"

    Works nicely for me.
    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
    FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe118
    "Get It Now" > "Order Now" > "Buy Now" in order of my preference. Just my $0.02. Avoid words like 'cost'. 'money', 'spend', 'buy'.
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  • Profile picture of the author RLeger
    I like buy it now, but the split test is the way to determine which is most effective for your particular product.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    According to Perry Belcher, as Shawn has already pointed out, "Add to Cart" is the winner. But it's not just "Add to cart". He tested a whole heap of variables and found that 1/ you need to have the name of the offer above the button. 2/ say "Add to cart" 3/ use PayPal orange 4/ use Credit Card logos underneath 5/ surround the whole thing with a broken red line - like a coupon. 6/ make sure the marked-down price is 2/3rds off the original price. 7/ center it. Like this -

    Malkie's Great Offer

    You'll see I've also put a drop shadow around it to help it stand out. Read about it here at BelcherButton.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Kris Turner
    A lot of tests that I've seen the big boys use suggest that Add To Cart converts better than anything else. A simple Click Here To Order text link has always worked well for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ian del Carmen
    Add to Cart works for me if it's a one-off sale.

    Click Here to Join Now! for my membership sites.

    Ian del Carmen
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  • Profile picture of the author Didier Faucher
    Originally Posted by RexX View Post

    any suggestions of effective button greately appreciated.
    Apart the above-mentioned:
    "Claim Your Copy"
    "Get Your Copy"


    Saya Mau Makan Angin - I Want To eat The Wind (Why not?)

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