Very low bounce rate - Could this be an error?

1 replies
I have a site that has a bounce rate below 10%. Sometimes it's even very close to 0%. I haven't heard of something with such a low bounce rate and I am thinking this might be an error on my side. What could be wrong here?

I've installed Google Analytics in the header and also used a plugin that installed it in my footer. I also have StatCounter on my posts.
#bounce #error #low #rate
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by blackcobra View Post

    What could be wrong here?
    You might have the Google Analytics code appearing twice on the page, once in the header and again in the footer, maybe? That can account for it. Just a suggestion.

    Originally Posted by blackcobra View Post

    I’ve installed Google Analytics in the header and also used a plugin that installed it in my footer.
    That will teach me to read the whole post before starting to type my reply.

    Yes - that's the reason for the problem. You need to remove one of them. I think you'll find that will fix it. It's a "known issue", when you've installed it twice, that it can show you very low bounce-rates (even under 1%, which can never be right).
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