What makes a good WSO?

27 replies
In looking at the WSOs it seems like the ones with the most views on them are ones that are like "Get started making $1,502/day with $10" or some flavor of that. Of course they get the views, but that might not translate to sales.

Do you find yourself clicking on things like that just to see what's going on? Does it make you actually want to buy?
#good #makes #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Hunnyyadav
    Yeah the headlines like this make you to click on these Offers!
    I buy wso based on testimonials and its perceived value
    Hope you get my point
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  • Profile picture of the author Ledux
    It did attract my attention when I was a newbie. All those claims of $10 000 in 30 days etc. But now I actually look what could improve my current business. I basically just filter out the hype automatically.
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  • Profile picture of the author Imfactsandsecrets
    Originally Posted by AffordableMarketingLists View Post

    In looking at the WSOs it seems like the ones with the most views on them are ones that are like "Get started making $1,502/day with $10" or some flavor of that. Of course they get the views, but that might not translate to sales.

    Do you find yourself clicking on things like that just to see what's going on? Does it make you actually want to buy?
    There's a reason why WSOs with such headlines get so many views. They sell dreams and that's what people want.

    Now, whether or not its a good WSO ....well, the reviews and also the number of bumps will tell you that. If its a good WSO, it will sell well and the seller would have money to keep bumping it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by AffordableMarketingLists View Post

    Do you find yourself clicking on things like that just to see what's going on? Does it make you actually want to buy?
    No - I run a mile from anything with an income claim, and I advise others to do the same.

    Originally Posted by AffordableMarketingLists View Post

    What makes a good WSO?
    A respected vendor, a product/service in demand, a non-hyped-up sales-post, and testimonials in the thread from a couple of well-known, respected Warriors who have bought and paid for and used the product/service and comment on their results (not just on "what it looks like" the day they bought it).
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  • Profile picture of the author markgaperl
    I like WSO with minimal hype (they all have some hype and they have to have it to sell) with lots of testimonials. The more long timers are there on the testimonials the better it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    What makes a good WSO headline? Wild claims of big money without working.

    What makes a good WSO? A viable plan for a reasonable and workable business model.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alice12345
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      What makes a good WSO headline? Wild claims of big money without working.

      What makes a good WSO? A viable plan for a reasonable and workable business model.
      OMG, you are definitely right. Make money without working is simply dont exist.
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  • Profile picture of the author DeadRooster
    I think a good WSO is one that actually helps people. So many people create WSOs because they "need to make some quick money." They create them for their benefit and not the buyers'.

    Unfortunately, hype can be an effective marketing tool and it's not always easy to tell which products deliver on their promises.
    Get my latest book! Available in both paperback and Kindle
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  • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
    I think the thing that make a wso the best is that it has to have step by step information that can be done without too much struggle. That way you can start making money as soon as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terry Gunn
    All of the above.
    The headline to get your attention, the testimonials to add credibility to the claims being made, the hype serves as an exclamation point, but there better be some meat to chew on! If not, see ya. It is helpful to include a complete process, not just a piece of the puzzle. I pretty much just glance through the first half and see what's really being offered. If I need it, I need it; if I don't, I don't. Just make it plain what is included so that i can decide whether I need it or not!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alice12345
    I like a WSO with ton of honest review and the great support of the seller. Besides, I will track back his previous product and review. Keep eye on the thread. Besides, making a consistent amount of money is the main priority here.
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  • Profile picture of the author chickenfillet
    Originally Posted by AffordableMarketingLists View Post

    In looking at the WSOs it seems like the ones with the most views on them are ones that are like "Get started making $1,502/day with $10" or some flavor of that. Of course they get the views, but that might not translate to sales.

    Do you find yourself clicking on things like that just to see what's going on? Does it make you actually want to buy?
    What makes a good WSO? I'll tell ya!

    - One that doesn't claim to make $10,000 per month from buying the $17 WSO.
    - One that doesn't claim "I'm a millionaire but, please buy my $17 WSO. Pretty please?"
    - One that doesn't have people giving out free review copies.
    - One that doesn't claim "anybody can do this", because no, they can't.
    - etc...

    - One that will actually provide detailed steps to achieve success, not fluff.
    - One that will actually make me money
    - One that the owner actually cares about me making money. If I make money, I will buy more of the owner's WSO's. See?
    - etc...

    There is not a single WSO here on WarriorForum that is a good WSO, truth be told!

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    • Profile picture of the author TheWillisWay
      I am posting on this thread because i couldn't figure out how to subscribe without posting.

      And truth be told iv had some shots and am about to take some more. But tomorrow I want to be able to find this thread so I can reply to what chickenfillet just said.

      To all warriors...God bless and good night
      Where There is a Willis....There is a WAY!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author brutecky
      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that doesn't claim to make $10,000 per month from buying the $17 WSO.
      Actually I have seen dozens of WSO's that are very viable ways to make $10K a month. The problem many times is the buyer not the product. You see you actually have to take action.

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that doesn't claim "I'm a millionaire but, please buy my $17 WSO. Pretty please?"
      This is just stupid. You think that someone who is selling a $17 product cant be a millionaire? Multi-billion dollar company's make millions of dollars every day selling products that cost under $5.

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that doesn't have people giving out free review copies.
      This actually makes sense because you cant get honest feedback if you give it away for free.

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that doesn't claim "anybody can do this", because no, they can't.
      Actually for most people they CAN. The problem is not ability its motivation. Here is a secrete. There is nothing special about this business. Unless the person is a total idiot .. anyone CAN make money. What you should be saying is they WONT not that they cant.

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that will actually provide detailed steps to achieve success, not fluff.
      Define fluff?

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that will actually make me money
      Get this through your head. NOTHING makes you money. Only you can make you money.

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      - One that the owner actually cares about me making money. If I make money, I will buy more of the owner's WSO's. See?
      - etc...
      Most sellers want their customers to make money the problem is that most buyers DONT want to make money (at least not bad enough to actually put in a little effort)

      Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

      There is not a single WSO here on WarriorForum that is a good WSO, truth be told!
      Yep .. that must be it. Every product sold here is bad. Not one good one out of the thousands listed. Ever think that just perhaps the problem is with you?
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      • Profile picture of the author chickenfillet
        You're joking, right? Do you not have eyes to see the worthless WSO's being sold on here?

        I just saw a banner on WF claim that "Kotton clicked on a banner ad 6-months ago...Last month he made $96,000 With OMG SEO". What the hell would the FTC say about this crap?


        A good example of the trash being listed here. I just can't comprehend how you can't see these, and why you posted that post above, because it just seems like you want to pick a fight with members here on WF.

        Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

        Define fluff?
        Your attitude is something that should be looked at. Your intellect should be examined too, because if you do not know what "fluff" means, then you seriously should start using Google more often, and read forums more to get acquainted with that term.

        Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

        This is just stupid. You think that someone who is selling a $17 product cant be a millionaire? Multi-billion dollar company's make millions of dollars every day selling products that cost under $5.
        Oh my goodness, that isn't what I meant. I have seen people who claim they are a millionaire, on vacation, etc, from their business. Then they 'supposedly' are giving away their secrets on how they did it, in a $17 WSO. That's pathetic! Who would bother creating a $17 WSO with all that hype, graphics, and fancy sales letters, if they already have enough money in the world? Tell me.

        Seriously, enough retaliation from you.

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        • Profile picture of the author brutecky
          Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

          You're joking, right? Do you not have eyes to see the worthless WSO's being sold on here?

          I just saw a banner on WF claim that "Kotton clicked on a banner ad 6-months ago...Last month he made $96,000 With OMG SEO". What the hell would the FTC say about this crap?


          A good example of the trash being listed here. I just can't comprehend how you can't see these, and why you posted that post above, because it just seems like you want to pick a fight with members here on WF.

          Your attitude is something that should be looked at. Your intellect should be examined too, because if you do not know what "fluff" means, then you seriously should start using Google more often, and read forums more to get acquainted with that term.

          Oh my goodness, that isn't what I meant. I have seen people who claim they are a millionaire, on vacation, etc, from their business. Then they 'supposedly' are giving away their secrets on how they did it, in a $17 WSO. That's pathetic! Who would bother creating a $17 WSO with all that hype, graphics, and fancy sales letters, if they already have enough money in the world? Tell me.

          Seriously, enough retaliation from you.
          Of course there are bad products on here, just like there are bad things for sale a shopping mall. However you said ALL things on the WSO section are bad. That is a silly generalization. Sorry if you lack the ability to understand this.

          "Fluff" is a relitive term. That is, if something is fluff is based on the opinion of the person. I asked YOU to define what you think fluff is. Not tell me what a general definition of fluff is. Sorry if you lack the ability to understand that as well.

          Once again you missed the point. As I said lots of people make millions of dollars selling low cost products. Why would these people choose to spend all that time making graphics, sales pages, etc.. to sell a $17 WSO. Well how do you think they got all their money genius? For real .. thats like saying .. Why would Stephen King spend all that time writing a 800 page novel, getting it edited, cover art designed, published etc .. just to sell it for $8 when he already has so much money. Its a question with an easy answer .. because thats how he got the money he has.

          Just a FYI .. people dont (give away their secretes) .. because there are no secretes. Honestly successful people tell guys like you every day how to make money online.

          Really you sound like your angry. Like your mad because you didnt get rich overnight. I strongly suggest that you take a look at your attitude because its very poor.
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          • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
            You know, even though I have made a ton online, I still am VERY cautious of the $1 Million dollars in 30 days, etc and very big income claims. But some of them are real too.

            Here is how you will know.

            When someone has made a lot of money, there is usually a hint of WISDOM is their words if they have written their own copy and even with their responses.

            I like down to earth people, because it takes work to make money online.

            Most of the "work" when you first begin is making sure what you are reading is the real deal and sifting through the nonsense.
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          • Profile picture of the author chickenfillet
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        • Profile picture of the author Lance K
          Originally Posted by chickenfillet View Post

          Oh my goodness, that isn't what I meant. I have seen people who claim they are a millionaire, on vacation, etc, from their business. Then they 'supposedly' are giving away their secrets on how they did it, in a $17 WSO. That's pathetic! Who would bother creating a $17 WSO with all that hype, graphics, and fancy sales letters, if they already have enough money in the world? Tell me.
          Well for one, someone who understands customer acquisition and lifetime customer value.

          For sure, some of the people who make such claims are full of balogna. However, some are legit.
          "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
          ~ Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde Dennis
    What makes for a good WSO is the exact same thing that makes and product or service good, whether it'a a WSO or not.

    That exact same thing? Ask and answer this simple question... Does it solve the specific problem I'm looking to solve?

    If it does, then it's good... FOR YOU.

    If it does NOT, then it's not good... FOR YOU.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlwaysAwa
    What make a good wso is when the creator willing to help and guide you. And now day, I more interesting in the amount time taken to complete the step than how much I can make.
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  • Profile picture of the author AnnaMolly
    A good WSO in my opinion is content that WORKS and is directly to the point. I really HATE flash and no substance. It seems that a lot of marketers put most of their time into making a shiny box and forget about the content and the method they are teaching.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMToThePoint
    A good wso in my opinion is one that actually delivers. Not too hypey if that's even a word. And one that'sactionable
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Razor
    A WSO is good if the product delivers on their claims. Some are just too over the top.
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  • Profile picture of the author unreal
    What make a good SEO is a being natural in your seo as most as possible! Google just want that!
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  • Profile picture of the author LegendaryGuy1
    Getting testimonials can seriously help the reputation of your WSO. Without them, people will simply look at your offer and just click the X button because they don't know if the product actually delivers.
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  • Profile picture of the author raffman999
    Originally Posted by AffordableMarketingLists View Post

    In looking at the WSOs it seems like the ones with the most views on them are ones that are like "Get started making $1,502/day with $10" or some flavor of that. Of course they get the views, but that might not translate to sales.

    Do you find yourself clicking on things like that just to see what's going on? Does it make you actually want to buy?
    I think that's a good headline rather than a good WSO.
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    • Profile picture of the author image89
      Offering a great money making opportunity that gets results to those that decide to purchase it. And also the reviews will help others make a decision on whether or not to buy the product or service promoted in the WSO.
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