How To Focus On The Money
I've been there - worked hard without seeing results. But I've also been on the other side - I've been able to generate 6 figures online while working only 4 hours a day.
So from my experience - here are 10 tips that will help you stay focused on actions that will actually make you money:
1. Know where you want to go
What do you want to do? How much money do you want to make?
2. Be passionate
Are you passionate about making money for it's own sake? If not, include in your business plan things that you are passionate about - that give you joy, satisfaction, and excitement.
3. Have a clear plan
There are so many plans to choose from. Choose one proven one that has made others money.
4. Every day be clear on your 'One Thing'
What is the most important thing for you to do today? Do that first.
5. Have a list of daily activities
Some things need to be done daily. Keep a list so you remember to do them all. Be consistent.
6. Money loves speed
Push yourself to move FAST without sacrificing quality. Don't let obstacles stop you (see #8)
7. Believe in yourself
Too many people fail because they don't believe in themselves. If others can make money online - so can you.
8. Be resourceful
Use Google, forums, or expert help. Don't let obstacles slow you down.
9. Get support
If you can't get it from your family, get it here :-)
10. Stay focused and persist
Focus on your one plan and don't give up.
Do this and you too will be able to make a good living online :-)
How to bridge the theory to practice gap for information product creation
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