Best online scheduling software?

by RRG
8 replies
I'm looking for a simple solution (free or paid) where prospects can self-schedule an appointment with me, then give me a few pieces of information.

What services(s) can you recommend?
#online #scheduling #software
  • Profile picture of the author NatesMarketing
    If I understand you correctly - Gravity forms could do just that. You could even sync it with Zapier to go to Google Calendar or something similar.
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  • Profile picture of the author moneywithtim
    Currently using SlackSocial, works great for me!

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  • Profile picture of the author paulbola
    Schedule an appointment for what purpose? Diverse appointment software are available for diverse needs and purposes.
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  • Profile picture of the author anhvu
    Originally Posted by RRG View Post

    I'm looking for a simple solution (free or paid) where prospects can self-schedule an appointment with me, then give me a few pieces of information.

    What services(s) can you recommend?
    Acuity Scheduling is my favorite
    Its free version has minimal options and I much prefer the paid version. I'm all about paying a little bit for something that can make me more in return. If you use an online calendar more than a couple times a month, I would definitely check this one out.
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  • Profile picture of the author apollo gabriel
    slacksocial is goog try it .
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  • Profile picture of the author bobby_shahzad
    Google Calendar is by far the best tool for appointments
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  • Profile picture of the author sayangkuyip
    google calender is one of the best tool
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  • Profile picture of the author vovanfree
    what about iphone and calendar? That works great!
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