How important is it to get and .org with the .com for a product site?

8 replies
Say you are going to develop an info product and there is a hooky domain available (a domain with a strong sales hook), how important is it to get the .net and .org also?

Also, if a .com is taken and a .net is available, is it a good idea to take it if the domain name is strong?
#important #org #product #site #thenet
  • Profile picture of the author seoster
    Not really INHO. Better /easier work on one site & throw targeted traffic at it en masse. Nothing much else matters you will find.
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    • Profile picture of the author NateJasper
      Originally Posted by seoster View Post

      Not really INHO. Better /easier work on one site & throw targeted traffic at it en masse. Nothing much else matters you will find.
      The reason to do it isn't to make other sites but to block competition from using those domains.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by NateJasper View Post

    Also, if a .com is taken and a .net is available, is it a good idea to take it if the domain name is strong?
    I wouldn't.

    I wouldn't want to build a business on a domain-name of which the .com version already belongs to someone else. That's all potential downside and no benefit at all.

    Regarding your first question, I don't think it matters all that much, unless you think you're going to need them for some reason. Personally, for reasons of my own, I register the .com and the .info and leave the others, but few people here are going to agree with that, given the extraordinary prejudices that marketers sometimes have against .info domains (customers don't, though!)
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    I would recommend .com, but in reality, it doesn't make much of a difference when it comes down to selling something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anne Laidlaw
    If I can't get the .com I don't buy the domain. But If I can get the .com I don't care if the others are available.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    For me it is always better to get the .com for my site but if this is not available, I would

    *jumble/re-arrange my domain name, perhaps get new set of keyword phrases until I can get a .com domain available
    *or just get the .info or net, whichever is available

    For your second concern, I would not worry much about my competition. It will all depend on how you convert traffic to sales anyway
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  • Profile picture of the author markgaperl
    Seriously if .com is not available, then you should reconsider the name. The other domains are a plus but not necessary. But .com is a must.

    If you are really sitting on a goldmine, then I would go ahead and grab all the domoains to avoid any complications in future.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Marketing Mom
      The reason you want the .com is because it is because people automatically use that when typing site urls from memory.

      How many times have you gone to instead of or only to find out it was the wrong site? It has happened to me many times.

      That's in addition to any SEO considerations...
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