I suck at making money online

129 replies
Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online. First I say, okay that one looks good, but then I read a little bit more and realize "Well, if I do that then that means that I also need to learn how to do x y and z," so then I start researching more things...

And it just leads to an endless cycle of researching and blah blah blah.

I decided to go the easy way and just write some erotica books for kindle. That went okay, I did sell a few copies but I can't help but have the feeling that there is an easier way to make money writing three thousand words. Plus, writing that stuff gets boring after a while.

Also, it seems like the products I have bought just give you a little taste and then they want you to buy more things. When do I start making money?

I know that somewhere out there, someone is reading this post and laughing. You say, Stupid noob! All you have to do is blah blah blah and you'll be able to quit your job and live in the bahamas while you make a bazillion dollars a day.

Recently I just said to myself "**** it" and made a blog. I write quite a lot and have no problem cranking out thousands of words, thanks to my fast typing ability. My blog just tells personal stories about my life, down to the little details. I have fancy titles like How To and Lists, but now even that is getting old.

I know that out there people are making money! I also know that if I sat with you for an hour you'd be able to whip up something that would be making money that day!

I don't really have a question, I'm kind of just complaining. I hate when people say, Put in hard work and you'll figure it out. Yeah, sure that is true. But I can just do what the successful people are doing and cut out the frustration of trial and error.

Over the last several months, I've been working my ass off in a "real job" and have saved quite a bit of money, enough that I can easily afford to work from my laptop for the next 6 months building some kind of online business. If all else fails, I could just keep adding content to my blog and slap some adsense on there to pay the bills, but I KNOW there is a better way!

wtf is it!?!?!!??! I check the WSO category every once in a while, but my brain just gets fried from all of the sales copy. I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money? I'll gladly buy it or pay you or whatever if I knew that I would be getting checks at the end of it.

Not calling anyone out in particular, but if you choose to respond to this post, please be nice. I know some of you have worked hard through trial and error to figure out ways to make yourselves lots of money. Much respect, but I would rather start off doing what works instead of wasting money on products that just want me to buy more products to get the magic formula.

Call to action: please help me out!

#making #money #online
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    maybe it is not for you

    move on and do something else


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author 01scouser
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      maybe it is not for you

      move on and do something else

      I disagree. Don't give up - not now you've come so far only to throw in the towel.

      I understand exactly where you're coming from. I've been in the same trap since 2006, but have just decided I'm going to get serious and make something happen.

      I'll keep you posted on how I'm getting on....
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    • Profile picture of the author Zanesta
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      maybe it is not for you

      move on and do something else

      I strongly disagree.

      If you want to make money online, then it is damn right for you. You just need to put your time into it and take it seriously. Be persistent and never quit.

      This isn't online money related, but take a look at this link here. All of these successful people failed a million times or so before they reached success. It isn't easy so put an effort and take action. Like I said before, never quit!
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      maybe it is not for you

      move on and do something else

      I hope you don't apply that advice to your marriage.

      Chic Fil A > McDonald's

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9391166].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
        Originally Posted by Chris30K View Post

        I hope you don't apply that advice to your marriage.
        Lol good one. Too bad that was the case with most of my ex girlfriends.

        To lionpuncher: Eventually if you keep going down the long frustrated path that you're on... you're going to *still* "get it" one day. You have a choice: learn and implement with the information given on this forum... or wait 5-10 years before you start making good money.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9391600].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      maybe it is not for you

      move on and do something else

      I hope you don't apply that advice to your marriage.

      Anyways, this is bad advice, if you do business in the year 2014, having an online presence is no longer a luxury. Just take a step back and analyze what you did wrong. I took one year off to figure out why I sucked so bad. When it came down to it, my problem was:

      1. I was working hard and not smart
      2. I wasn't experimenting enough
      3. I wasn't tracking what worked and what didn't
      4. I kept trying to hit the homerun and become an overnight success, as opposed to putting in consistent effort everyday

      Chic Fil A > McDonald's

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9391173].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    The best way that I can help is through this illustration!

    Most give up on any particular method too early.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shane Hale
      I did this several years ago and watched someone take my idea and make 1.5 million off of me. Yes my idea! Why? I was hard up to make a buck. I sold out and they took advantage. The real truth is a lot of the hungry people out there have tons of ideas but no money.

      This is where you stand your ground. I deleted my list pissed off and wanting to get back to the regular grind. So fast forward I see myself starting a new list and starting over again. Yes, I am blogging about it. I will probably sell it as a product to show someone or anyone that you can start over from nothing without any start up money.

      Don't get down, look at that cartoon they posted it is so true. If you feel discouraged now then you are down on yourself. Trust me bro it gets better. I have done about 4k in last couple of weeks from using a -120 bank balance. No shit.. Keep grinding and never give up bro!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390081].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bennie07
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    • Profile picture of the author 4tune4me
      That's a great picture that not only fits to internet marketing. It fits in general by achieving high goals.

      Just a short tip to gain longterm access in the internet as I also had big time troubles at the beginning.

      1) Internet Marketing is like a job or any other business. You need to know what to do. So you need to learn the skills how to handle a successfull internet marketing business. As the internet is very dynamically "machine", you should schedule for life long learning.

      -> Visit 3 seminars a year
      -> Read at least 2 books per month
      -> Learn from the best to eliminate failures they have done already

      2. Focus on your main goals and activities that bring in money for you. Focus on traffic.

      3. The internet works different as the real world. The internet is more difficult regarding selling something as you are not able to speak with your potential customer. If your customer doesn't like your website, the customer will leave immediatly. So you need to focus much more on your customer by using the internet success formular: Providing so much value for free that your customer will see you as a good friend. Relationship marketing is required as its best.

      There are more very important topics but I just wanted to post 3 of them here.

      Have a nice day....
      Juergen :-)
      I love the Internet and helping other people to reach their goals.

      "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

      by Henry Ford

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    • Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      The best way that I can help is through this illustration!

      Most give up on any particular method too early.
      I love that illustration Joseph haha

      Firstly find what you have a passion in, then build your foundation around that.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390966].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Nile Vincent
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      The best way that I can help is through this illustration!

      Most give up on any particular method too early.
      Damn if that's not the truth!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9391614].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ryanhopkins
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      The best way that I can help is through this illustration!

      Most give up on any particular method too early.
      I'm going to feature this post in my newsletter.

      This is the first time I've seen this, I'm pretty new at this.

      But this gave me quite the motivation to keep going.

      So, Thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9704028].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tonyharte
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      The best way that I can help is through this illustration!

      Most give up on any particular method too early.
      Amen! This is WORK! Put in the work and there will be success. It is quite simple - never stop working!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9706089].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Dart
      Thanks for that great cartoon. It summarizes how I feel most of the time. My biggest hurdle is time management and knowing what to do each hour of the day to build an online business. Any suggestions for experienced marketers would be welcome.
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    • Profile picture of the author DigitalGuy50
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9938264].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
        Just keep the pick axe sharp and you can go a greater distance in less time.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    If you want big money, you must develop your sales funnels. Sell something related with your niche. You must offer your services, sell your skills. Adsense only is not enough. You must combine the proven methods from your "trial and error" how the money come to your pocket untill you think enough about how the big money is enough for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulsavola
    everything that you is a learning process, is other people inside of upline making money with the same product or everyone struggling to find a solution to really money.

    Sometimes the difference is the trained, and untrained marketers seek out a mentor to try to see if its your mindset or just lack of skills. If you have all the skills required then its the product, and hard to sell. Then find another product to help you become successsful
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  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    How much money do you have to invest?

    And I don't mean in products, I mean in ads, if you want the easy way you pay for traffic, if you want the hard way you work for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author smaddoxjr
    Hey man , I hear ya with the post. I been searching for a couple a years and had zero success, I keep pushing forward. I heard that in golf when you swing you can manipulate the ball to go crazy curves by a millimeter. I spoke to several people some beginners and some professional golfers. I noticed that the beginner with his swing is just a millimeter off his stroke to get to the intermediate spot. I guess what I am trying to say is just keep pushing through because your probably just a millimeter off. Hope your have a good weekend.

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  • Profile picture of the author dgui123451
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by dgui123451 View Post

      Joseph's illustration says and shows it all!
      Please excuse the "contrary" tone but I disagree 100%.

      We get that cartoon pasted in to this forum regularly. I think it's hugely misleading, misinformative and unhelpful.

      It implies that a lot of people who fail are just "giving up too early". It's simply wrong.

      The real reason that most people fail isn't that they give up too early. It's because they didn't understand how to get to where they wanted to go, so they set off in the wrong direction in the first place.

      If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't matter how much "action" you take.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390677].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author The Marketing Mom
        Here is a simple solution for you:

        - Figure out what you want to do online (something you would enjoy and be good at)

        - Find someone who is making good money from it AND teaches it AND gives decent support (do some research to make sure they really are making money this way, and to make sure they really know how to teach it)

        - Learn from that person and reach out for help when you need it

        Worked for me several times :-)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390684].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author boydstone

          I disagree with Marketing Mom. Though what she suggests is almost a staple of advice.

          So below when I say you I mean Marketing Mom:

          You say the first step is: "Figure out what you want to do online (something you would enjoy and be good at)." For most people that step takes 20 years and $30,000.

          Your advice sounds good but with all due respect it's not really practical. I've been on the IM scene since "Bill's Old Board" in 1995. In the early 2000s I hung out at sowpub and I wish I'd joined the Warrior Forum then. The reason I didn't was that thread replies here were stacked, the same way they are now, instead of branching down from the OP like on the early forums--the way Warrior Forum displayed the replies didn't look like what I was used to from Matt Wright's original forum software. Anyways I mention all that both to brag that I'm an oldtimer (admittedly one who hasn't done shite yet) and also to point out that your advice sounds like what Gordon Alexander used to teach. His "Step One" was: Find out what you want and why you want it. The only problem was that usually you were 85 years old before you could find that out and then go on to Step Two.



          Originally Posted by The Marketing Mom View Post

          Here is a simple solution for you:

          - Figure out what you want to do online (something you would enjoy and be good at)

          - Find someone who is making good money from it AND teaches it AND gives decent support (do some research to make sure they really are making money this way, and to make sure they really know how to teach it)

          - Learn from that person and reach out for help when you need it

          Worked for me several times :-)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9864453].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
        Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

        Most give up on any particular method too early.

        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Please excuse the "contrary" tone but I disagree 100%.

        It implies that a lot of people who fail are just "giving up too early". It's simply wrong.

        The real reason that most people fail isn't that they give up too early. It's because they didn't understand how to get to where they wanted to go, so they set off in the wrong direction in the first place.

        If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't matter how much "action" you take.


        And if one quits before they learn to get in the right direction that equates to what I said, "they quit too early"
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390883].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author surflongdude
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Please excuse the "contrary" tone but I disagree 100%.

        We get that cartoon pasted in to this forum regularly. I think it's hugely misleading, misinformative and unhelpful.

        It implies that a lot of people who fail are just "giving up too early". It's simply wrong.

        The real reason that most people fail isn't that they give up too early. It's because they didn't understand how to get to where they wanted to go, so they set off in the wrong direction in the first place.

        If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't matter how much "action" you take.

        Hi Alexa, I've seen a couple of your posts where you've been talking about starting off in the right direction as opposed to just taking action.

        I know you've said you're not selling anything here, so can you elaborate on this further please? Or send me one of your fabulous links that directs me to a post/page that explains it a bit more?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9391191].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by surflongdude View Post

          Hi Alexa, I've seen a couple of your posts where you've been talking about starting off in the right direction as opposed to just taking action.
          At such times, I'm just thinking of the difficult/awkward/dodgy start I had myself (and know that so many others do, too), because I believed all those "widely repeated beliefs" from the Urban Myth School of Internet Marketing like these, which hold so many people back and prevent them from earning anything worth talking about.

          Originally Posted by surflongdude View Post

          I know you've said you're not selling anything here, so can you elaborate on this further please? Or send me one of your fabulous links that directs me to a post/page that explains it a bit more?
          Sorry to disappoint you, but I meant it only "in general"; I wasn't really thinking of anything specific at all.

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      • Profile picture of the author Z1
        Alexa seems to have it right. I am new. I wish I knew how to say thank you. I don't so I will reply. Alexa great feed back. If your hearts not in it find something else. There is nothing wrong with that. You may excel at something completely different.

        If you think you can do it then, yes, put in more work, time and money. And don't give up.

        Based on what you wrote, I think Alexa has it right. But feel free to prove me wrong. Good luck.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9392768].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
          Originally Posted by Z1 View Post

          Alexa seems to have it right. I am new. I wish I knew how to say thank you. I don't so I will reply. Alexa great feed back. If your hearts not in it find something else. There is nothing wrong with that. You may excel at something completely different.

          If you think you can do it then, yes, put in more work, time and money. And don't give up.

          Based on what you wrote, I think Alexa has it right. But feel free to prove me wrong. Good luck.
          The right path is doing what you enjoy and making it fun every single day otherwise you'll quit before the 7-10 year mark. During that time you have to concentrate on building up the kind of trust that Alexa Smith obviously has!!

          I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

          When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9412044].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        The real reason that most people fail isn't that they give up too early. It's because they didn't understand how to get to where they wanted to go, so they set off in the wrong direction in the first place.

        If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't matter how much "action" you take.
        Alexa is absolutely right!

        Based on the information in the original post, the OP needs a lot more clarity and direction. And until he has that, all of the action in the world isn't going to help. (Just blogging won't bring in more than pennies.)

        Clarity is a HUGE part of IM success. I hope this post brings some clarity. It's so simple when you know it -- and darn difficult when you don't! I owe my mentors a world of thanks for bringing this clarity.

        IM is actually pretty simple: you can sell only one of two things:

        1. Products
        2. Services

        That's it!

        And selling products or services online happens in the same basic way for everyone, no matter what they're selling:

        Traffic > Opt-in page > Autoresponder series (or e-zine) > Sales page

        That's it! It's just that simple. (We IMers tend to overcomplicate things.)

        But no matter what your niche is, or whether you're selling a product or a service, do you know what your business model is?

        A business model is the framework or skeleton of your business. Essentially there are three types of online business models:

        1. Membership-based model

        A membership-based business model allows you to build a community of people (your members) who are as passionate about your subject as you are. Your membership fees can be monthly or annual, but either way, you're building recurring, passive income.

        There are a lot of resources and information out there to help you build a membership-based business if you're interested in doing this.

        2. Product-based model

        Selling products allows you to maximize your time and effort by selling items over and over again. This can be hard goods or it can be information products. Information marketing is it's own business model under the product-based model. Information marketing allows you to take your brain to the bank by creating a product ONCE based on what you know and selling it over and over again.

        Affiliate marketing falls under both models. You can choose to market either products or services as an affiliate.

        3. Service-based model

        Selling services can be great for 1) generating quick cash (as in the case of article writing or video producing) and 2) establishing your expertise and getting testimonials.

        However, in the long run, your goal should be to offer services at a PREMIUM. The biggest advantage of IM is LEVERAGE. You're able to leverage your time, money and expertise exponentially online. We all have just 24 hours each day. Time to get ruthless about what you expect for those hours you spend in IM each day. Expect more of yourself and more from your business friends, clients, partners, etc.

        What results are you getting for those hours you spend online each day? Ultimately, your services should be at the bottom of your funnel and cost the most since they involve your time and personal attention. (We all have a limited amount of time each day.)

        The fun (and confusion) comes in with all of the endless mix-and-match possibilities of the above models. If you're just starting or still struggling to make money, keep it simple:

        Pick just ONE!

        1. Pick ONE niche. (Something you're interested in and know something about.)

        2. Pick ONE target market for your product or service. (Who will buy what you're offering? The more specific you are, the more you narrow it down, the more successful you'll be.)

        3. Pick ONE business model.

        Now that you're clear about what business you're in, FOCUS! (And stop buying any info not related to your niche and target market, period!)

        F -- Follow
        O -- One
        C -- Course
        U -- Until
        S -- Successful

        And remember: build a list, Build a List, BUILD A LIST!

        In IM, it's easy to put the cart before the horse. Take a deep breath, step back and consider what type of business you REALLY want. Don't worry about getting traffic or buying that expensive traffic product until you know 1) what your business model is, 2) what niche you're in and 3) WHO your target market is!

        Successful business people will tell you that MARKETING is more than half the effort that's needed for success anyway. So pick a niche, target market and business model. Then spend most of your time and effort marketing it.

        If you DON'T have a solid plan or system, THAT'S when it's hard. A good system will shave YEARS (and save you big $$$) off of your learning curve

        That's why I recommend investing in at least one good, comprehensive IM course (or mentor who will give you such a system) instead of jumping from one $37 e-book to the next. A lot of people here complain about not being able to make any money. But neither are they willing to invest in their business. (Buying a random bunch of $37 e-books doesn't count.)

        The best thing I ever did was invest in a comprehensive IM course aimed at REAL business owners, not just other IM wannabes. Yes it was $1500. (It's no longer available.) But it was truly some of the best A-Z IM info I ever bought. Everything else I've learned (from the $37 e-books) since has simply been plugged into this system.

        My two best recommendations for phenomenal IM training programs are Ali Brown's Elevate program (ElevateBizTraining.com) and Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula (ProductLaunchFormula.com)

        Get a solid plan or system and then work the plan!

        Hope this helps!

        "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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      • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Please excuse the "contrary" tone but I disagree 100%.

        We get that cartoon pasted in to this forum regularly. I think it's hugely misleading, misinformative and unhelpful.

        It implies that a lot of people who fail are just "giving up too early". It's simply wrong.

        The real reason that most people fail isn't that they give up too early. It's because they didn't understand how to get to where they wanted to go, so they set off in the wrong direction in the first place.

        If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't matter how much "action" you take.


        I have to agree with Lex here:

        Ella Wheeler Wilcox 1916
        But to every mind there openeth,
        A way, and way, and away,
        A high soul climbs the highway,
        And the low soul gropes the low,
        And in between on the misty flats,
        The rest drift to and fro.

        But to every man there openeth,
        A high way and a low,
        And every mind decideth,
        The way his soul shall go.

        One ship sails East,
        And another West,
        By the self-same winds that blow,
        'Tis the set of the sails
        And not the gales,
        That tells the way we go.

        Like the winds of the sea
        Are the waves of time,
        As we journey along through life,
        'Tis the set of the soul,
        That determines the goal,
        And not the calm or the strife.

        To your Success,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9703877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    There's a couples of way that are fast to make money online (that i know) and blogging is not one of them (you can still make money with blog)

    1- List building, you create a landing page for a product, you connect it with an autoresponder like aweber and you give + value to your reader. After when you have a good relation with the list it's easy to sell them stuff.

    2. You build a product like a WSO, a book, a udemy course and you promote it like crazy by using affiliate.

    3. You offer your service to help other, stuff like webdesign, SEO, copy writting and you promote to place like here at warrior for hire, rent a coder, freelancer, craiglist etc...

    I'm sure there is more but these one are working for sure if you are great (not good, great...)

    Oh and you never give up, you can fall on you knew but get up and start again, only 2 % are successful at IM and they are the one that don't give up

    i often read stuff like the guy that try 19 times to do and lost 1000$ each times but the 20th times he did 100 000$, you can do it if you really want. Remember what human can do, go to space, create computer technology, fly in plane, create nuclear reactor etc etc etc... Compare that to IM and you'll see that it is VERY DOABLE !!!!

    Get up and do it my friend, ask help when you feel lost but get up again and start again!!!
    Stop Struggling With Your Website and Marketing
    30$ / task, pay after done!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390419].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
      The reason why people give up too soon is simple. They don't LIKE or enjoy what they're doing. People hate doing anything except what they're good at. Why? Because that's fun and when you're doing something fun, you lose track of time and it no longer seems like work.

      Natural talent helps but without skills, it's worthless. Skills take practice and that takes time so if you don't love what you're doing, you will never get beyond mediocre or you just give up and quit. 90 second video: http://instantvideowebpages.com/play/stevejobs RIP

      How many people who hate their jobs are happy? None. Most people are taught to believe working hard and never giving up will pay off. The reality is that happiness attracts success and money is the result that follows.

      If you can figure out what makes you happy, then I'm sure I can help you. I've got at least a dozen online businesses that need someone to run them. All you need to spend is your time, not your money. Just try one after the other until you find one you really like and I'll help you with traffic and backlinks while you handle the rest. Use your own affiliate links and paypal account so you don't have to trust me. I'll trust you to send me 20% of the profits and if we decide to sell the site, we'll split the proceeds 50/50 and I'll add your name to the domain registration once you decide which ones you're going to stick with.

      Here are just 3 examples:

      Guru Bullshit
      JV Tools

      I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

      When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9390475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Make a blog where you post daily content to it. Make an email list about the topic of the blog where you give out a free gift in exchange for their email address. After they opt in show them a related offer to the freebie.

    Now you have a blog in place that will keep sending you traffic. And an email list you can mail to again and again.
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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelDavis21
      Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

      Make a blog where you post daily content to it. Make an email list about the topic of the blog where you give out a free gift in exchange for their email address. After they opt in show them a related offer to the freebie.

      Now you have a blog in place that will keep sending you traffic. And an email list you can mail to again and again.
      I think this is a great place to start. You say you are comfortable churning out content...do it about a certain niche instead about your life in general. I think being a writer gives you a step up on a lot of us who are not "natural" writers.
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  • Profile picture of the author EA
    The Marketing Mom: I agree with what she is saying and I know of a complete course for you. However, regarding the post you just wrote I can connect with your feelings been there before. I see you are stuck and I am willing to help. I will send you a private message.

    Be Kind
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    My advice is to stop being a buyer and start being a seller.

    The ONLY thing you need to read at this point is Andy Brocklehurst's book "No More Dogshit"

    You can get the first chapters for free on his page here: No More Dog Sh*t! |

    It will tell you exactly where you have been going wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

    If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't matter how much "action" you take.
    Thanks Alexa, I agree that this is the most simple explanation...of the reason of failure for majority of people.
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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    The reason you struggle to make money online is because you are not willing to start from the beginning.

    There is no way around it....You have to learn basic internet marketing skills, terms, and methods to make money online.

    The first place you should start if learn about email marketing and how to set up an autoresponder and monetize a list.

    Then you need to learn several ways to get the traffic that you need to build a list.

    If you do this you will make money online. Forget about all the fancy gimmicks and get do something that has always worked since the beginning of internet marketing (Email marketing).

    If you lean how to build a list then you will not need to learn much else because you can run your entire business through you list.
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    • Profile picture of the author Oliver Hart
      First, I want to say thanks to Yvon Boulianne, thriftgirl62, Alexa Smith, and Paleochora for good answers. If you reflect on those answers and add some Zig Ziglar quotes to it, you might have your answer.

      "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

      The first question that often comes to mind when you read that quote is: What do people want then? The next quote answer that question.

      "People are basically the same the world over. Everybody wants the same things, to be happy, to be healthy, to be at least reasonably prosperous, and to be secure. They want friends, peace of mind, good family relationships, and hope that tomorrow is going to be even better than today."

      And always remember that "There are no traffic jams on the extra mile."

      Good luck.

      You will figure out your way as soon you shift focus from me to them.

      Take care,

      - Oddvar.
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  • Profile picture of the author Caden
    Going from one program/opportunity to the next is what is frustrating you. Stop doing it! What is working for you now? You said you sold a few erotica books(you don't have to write that, there are other fiction genres that sell well) build up an ebook empire. Most readers don't like 3k word books, shoot for 10K and if you want to get more money and write less ebooks, don't just put it on Kindle, put your books on other websites like Smashwords and Barnes and Noble. Bottom line, stick with what is making money right now and expand on that. Making money online does work, getting it to where you can quit your day job takes much more work.

    Learn How To Write And Publish A Book Fast

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  • Profile picture of the author mubashir
    don't give up. Select a good niche and go for it until you achieve your goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author NShankar
    You are far better than myself few years back. You at least know how to write articles. But when I started to research for ways to make money online I did not know anything. I have done all laughable stuff like joining auto surf, PTC etc and found them to be waste of time and not worth my efforts. I could not buy any course / book as I did not even had any credit card at that time. So the only way was to learn the things myself.

    I continued researching about making money online and found not one but many methods to make money online. Although each one is different and takes different time frame to make money. Even though I may not match any other experts in this forum in terms of revenue, I can happily say that I have made few thousand dollars per year online by working part time in addition to my full time job.

    My main online income sources are freelancing and adsense websites. Since you already know how to write, start an niche blog in which you have plenty of interest, find the relevant affiliate programs and keep on posting more contents to that site. Hire some one to do SEO and some link building, once you see some positive returns increase your seo activity for more income. You can also hire some one to do PPC campaign to promote your site.

    Last but not least, unless you have plenty of patience and passion you cannot survive in making money online. Still everyday I come across new methods to generate money online, but most of the time I stick to my strengths rather than running behind everything. If you want to grow, choose just one path, become an expert in one method and then try to learn the next thing.

    Having Monthly traffic of above 50,000 visitors but low CTR and RPM in Google Adsense ? Give me a chance to fix your adsense income. Pay me once and earn more income life long. Check out my profile as an Adsense Optimization Freelancer in Upwork

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    please help me out!
    A good Internet marketing coach would be a good investment for you.

    They will take you step-by-step. As long as you follow their instructions completely you should achieve your goal.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author AdWordsUzmani
    This image seems more realistic to me

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  • Profile picture of the author SocialMediaZone
    Don't give up. The same problem happens to everyone.When i first started online for 16 months i did not make a dime. But i did not give up, then i found a pattern which works for me, now i can make good income online!
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  • Profile picture of the author markgaperl
    Everyone has gone thru this phase at some point of time. The idea is to learn from your mistakes and improve your chances of success. Pick 1 thing and drive that to finish line. Till you are successful in that, don't get distracted with any launches and the next best product out there. Take tiny baby steps before you start running and you will be just fine.

    Wish you all the success!
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    • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
      I would suggest just picking something your passionate about and going full force into it that way you can enjoy what you are doing
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  • Profile picture of the author serpyre
    Actually we sympathise with the OP, but we believe have the why. What you will not see in everything is the averaging effect, take a WordPress commerce site, some high-end consultants provided us the stats and the average is $50,000/yr revenue (not profit) within a 1-2yr period assuming you have everything pretty correct. Then you move your site to Magento and that has a $120,000/yr average, so 3-5yrs, it's only when you get to the 7-10yrs that it becomes interesting. The OP doesn't have a problem with hard work it seems, the problem is the timeframe to get to the end result - 95% will not have a problem with it - we do.

    The issue is that there are so many variables within the 7-10yr timeframe the chance of failure is 95% - which is why 95% of all online sites fail when both time and money are taken in to account. Our definition of success is 6figures profit (not revenue) – but that is just us – if you are making $500,000 to $1million revenue the chances of you being in the forums are more or less zero.

    It’s not about giving up, it’s about finding out how to do it – it is like good comedy – it’s all about the timing. So it’s easy to make $50,000 revenue (80% of cases), fairly hard to make $250,000 revenue (top 20%), stupidly difficult to make $250,000 profit (not revenue - top 5%), above that you are in the 1% and 0.1% ranges. We are told by some VCs that there will be another recession in the next 12-18mths, that may be where the OP shines.
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  • Profile picture of the author cianci1129
    I understand your frustration. Trust me, I do. But It seems like you're falsely rewarding yourself having put in your "due diligence" because you've been reading a lot of different things on the warrior forum, but believe you're missing something because you haven't made any money yet.

    From what I gather, this is where you're at. You have a few interests online (a blog, kindle ebooks, and writing in general). And you are a member of the Warrior Forum, and want to link up that fact with your online interests to monetize, but are getting frustrated because you can't find clear direction and it seems there's some new idea or method being marketed as a WSO every minute.

    It's great that you made a blog. And it's great that you've written some kindle books. But I think you aren't really thinking deeply on this, your thoughts are at the surface of working online and making money, and what "missing key" you are lacking that others have.

    You say you want to do more than just make some cash with adsense from your blog. In my opinion, the "better way" you speak of is probably to start an online business. But, like any business, there really isn't a magic button. There's concepts you need to understand and tools that are essential to success, which anyone could get access to on this forum. That being said most people still fail. Combine these concepts/tools with the hard work you clearly like to put in to things, and you're headed in the right direction.

    For starters you can research niche selection, PLR, affiliate marketing, squeeze page, sales page, auto responder, and traffic to get you started and see if this is something you'd even enjoy doing.

    Hope this helps on some level, though my thoughts might be a little scattered.
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  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    Sometimes making money online takes trying several different things before you find your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author RWBiggs
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online.

    wtf is it!?!?!!??! I check the WSO category every once in a while, but my brain just gets fried from all of the sales copy. I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money?

    Just my opinion, I think you said it all when you said "I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online." and "I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end?"

    Make it end today. Don't be a buyer of everything. Focus on 1 path for now. Make a plan and follow the plan. Sometimes it's the small things you do on a daily basis that build, and build, and build on top of each other that makes the big thing.

    Just as Alexa Smith said - start off in the right direction.

    You have to make a decision as to what you want to do.
    Gain the knowledge and keep getting the knowledge.
    Make a plan of action.
    Do what matters the most.
    Focus, focus, focus.

    I like what Chris30k says too - Items 1 - 4.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel. I use to say that to my ex wife and she'd reply, it's a train, stop what you're doing and get out of the way. But, that's one reason why she's my ex.

    Just my two cents worth.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    Slapping Adsense on a blog as you put it, won't necessarily make money. If you are making money in real life and that's the first real money you earned all year, then maybe online marketing is not for you. Not everyone succeeds at internet marketing, despite money and time invested.
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  • Profile picture of the author lionpuncher
    Well to be honest with you guys, I have made a bit of money already. The kindle books that I wrote, I put up on Barnes and noble etc via Draft2Digital, and in total I have made about two hundred bucks. But its slow and boring, and I know there are better ways.

    A few years ago when ezinesarticles was the big thing, I locked myself in my room and wrote 97 articles with links to minisites that I made. I put a big adsense block at the top. That's another few hundred, but once again, it was a ton of work and I know there has to be a better way.

    What seems to be the "big money" to me is things like affiliate marketing, building a list and marketing to that list. Maybe I am overthinking it but it seems like those things have more steps involved. Sure, to make the kindle books I had to learn how to format them, but that was pretty easy. And I suppose to make the minisites I had to learn how to use Wordpress, but that's also minimal.

    I think I just have a mental lock on setting up a multi-step process like building a list. After reading some of the responses in this thread, that really seems to be the best, most efficient way to make it work. If you're a one-man show in the beginning, you just set up a squeeze page, drive traffic and then market a product to your list.

    It sounds easy enough and I've heard it a billion times, but each of those steps has bunch of little steps that you need to figure out. To be honest I wish I could actually physically sit next to someone at a computer and have them walk me through it, but I haven't ever met another human being who is making money online like this way. Anybody in southern california?

    Also, I think another problem I've been having is that my most recent efforts have been of the "free" nature. In other words, I didn't want to spend the money on hosting and domains, so I've been using things like blogger and free hosting to get started and it seems like its a bit harder... you have less features available and stuff. So tomorrow i'm going to bite the bullet and spend some money and get started...

    Thanks to the people who said encouraging things!
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    • Profile picture of the author sau77
      I have the same issue - I have never made any money online but with no job security, I want to go online and don't know where to start. I have been visiting this forum on and off but it confuses me further but this time I have decided to stick. Right now I don't even know how to make a website. Just bought my first hosting just 2 hours ago. So, i think you are already better than me!
      I have read something about autoblogs and will try my hand at it for a couple of months to see how it works. Any comments on it would be great.
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      • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
        I disagree with everyone

        This is a classic case of shiny object syndrome.

        That doesn't mean you give up too easily, or that you are facing the wrong way, or have gotten ill advice, or that you are confused about whatever, or anything else. It's just a

        classic case of shiny object syndrome!

        "Yeah, so?"
        if that was your response: give it up.

        "Fu** off!"
        if that was your responose: give it up.

        "But it isn't! I've always wanted this.."
        if that was your response: dig in and work your ass off.

        Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

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      • Profile picture of the author agelmanager
        I am currently working on a site that promotes these programs that really do make you some money. No not Millions but at least enought to work from home comfortably paying your bills. Still a work in progress. Will let you know when all is done if your interested.
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      • Profile picture of the author Life Naturally
        Originally Posted by sau77 View Post

        I have the same issue - I have never made any money online but with no job security, I want to go online and don't know where to start. I have been visiting this forum on and off but it confuses me further but this time I have decided to stick. Right now I don't even know how to make a website. Just bought my first hosting just 2 hours ago. So, i think you are already better than me!
        I have read something about autoblogs and will try my hand at it for a couple of months to see how it works. Any comments on it would be great.
        Making money online is very difficult and in reality is no different then a regular job. It takes persistance, creativity, and skill to make an income. My best advice for you would be to start a blog and post high quality original creative content. Add amazon, google, or Clickbank banners and links to your website to monetize it. Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
      Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

      Well to be honest with you guys, I have made a bit of money already. The kindle books that I wrote, I put up on Barnes and noble etc via Draft2Digital, and in total I have made about two hundred bucks. But its slow and boring, and I know there are better ways.

      A few years ago when ezinesarticles was the big thing, I locked myself in my room and wrote 97 articles with links to minisites that I made. I put a big adsense block at the top. That's another few hundred, but once again, it was a ton of work and I know there has to be a better way.

      What seems to be the "big money" to me is things like affiliate marketing, building a list and marketing to that list. Maybe I am overthinking it but it seems like those things have more steps involved. Sure, to make the kindle books I had to learn how to format them, but that was pretty easy. And I suppose to make the minisites I had to learn how to use Wordpress, but that's also minimal.

      I think I just have a mental lock on setting up a multi-step process like building a list. After reading some of the responses in this thread, that really seems to be the best, most efficient way to make it work. If you're a one-man show in the beginning, you just set up a squeeze page, drive traffic and then market a product to your list.

      It sounds easy enough and I've heard it a billion times, but each of those steps has bunch of little steps that you need to figure out. To be honest I wish I could actually physically sit next to someone at a computer and have them walk me through it, but I haven't ever met another human being who is making money online like this way. Anybody in southern california?

      Also, I think another problem I've been having is that my most recent efforts have been of the "free" nature. In other words, I didn't want to spend the money on hosting and domains, so I've been using things like blogger and free hosting to get started and it seems like its a bit harder... you have less features available and stuff. So tomorrow i'm going to bite the bullet and spend some money and get started...

      Thanks to the people who said encouraging things!
      97 articles? I've written that in less than 3 days before. The bottom line is that you have a poor work ethic. Most of the commenters here didn't even clearly read your first post. You already know what to do to some extent. But you just want to work for one week and then keep making money till you die. You aren't going to be successful until you change your attitude. And stop thanking people for saying "encouraging things." You need someone to kick your butt and change your attitude. Now get to work or just go get a job at Walmart and forget about it.

      1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lurk
    lionpuncher I also know that if I sat with you for an hour you'd be able to whip up something that would be making money that day!
    Well well well isnt that interesting. Write a wso about it then.


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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Call to action: please help me out!
    Just about everyone I know 'sucked' at making money online when they first started.

    Some were worse than others.

    You aren't alone, it just tends to be a part of success.

    Keep pushing on.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by jamescanz View Post

      Just about everyone I know 'sucked' at making money online when they first started.

      Some were worse than others.

      You aren't alone, it just tends to be a part of success.

      Keep pushing on.
      Yeah, I have to agree. Although there are exceptions.

      But for the most part it is that way with anything in Life.

      You have to take baby steps almost always.

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Choose something that "harmonizes" with your values and that you're passionate about. Making money is nice however being of service is equally important (IMO).

        (And, you'll be more likely to stick with it until you start seeing results if you do the aforementioned.)
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardGB
    Sounds like you are trying too many thing without putting enough effort into 1 specific method. You'll never get anywhere jumping from method to method to method to method. Pick one, and test/fail/tweak/repeat until it works. The trick is to not give up. Find a method, sit down and put a few weeks/months into it. Things take time, if you're expecting to make money instantly you're fooling yourself. It's not going to happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author rwhite10
    As you say you have been trying to do this for several years. You could not have spent that much time and not come away with a great deal of knowledge. Sit down and get your thoughts together and come up with what you feel that you understand the best. Then pursue it until you master it. I had a similar experience starting out. There is so much information out there that you try to go in to many directions at the same time. Focus and success will follow.

    Learn Affiliate Marketing the Right Way

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  • Profile picture of the author Samson Inneh
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online. First I say, okay that one looks good, but then I read a little bit more and realize "Well, if I do that then that means that I also need to learn how to do x y and z," so then I start researching more things...

    And it just leads to an endless cycle of researching and blah blah blah.

    I decided to go the easy way and just write some erotica books for kindle. That went okay, I did sell a few copies but I can't help but have the feeling that there is an easier way to make money writing three thousand words. Plus, writing that stuff gets boring after a while.

    Also, it seems like the products I have bought just give you a little taste and then they want you to buy more things. When do I start making money?

    I know that somewhere out there, someone is reading this post and laughing. You say, Stupid noob! All you have to do is blah blah blah and you'll be able to quit your job and live in the bahamas while you make a bazillion dollars a day.

    Recently I just said to myself "**** it" and made a blog. I write quite a lot and have no problem cranking out thousands of words, thanks to my fast typing ability. My blog just tells personal stories about my life, down to the little details. I have fancy titles like How To and Lists, but now even that is getting old.

    I know that out there people are making money! I also know that if I sat with you for an hour you'd be able to whip up something that would be making money that day!

    I don't really have a question, I'm kind of just complaining. I hate when people say, Put in hard work and you'll figure it out. Yeah, sure that is true. But I can just do what the successful people are doing and cut out the frustration of trial and error.

    Over the last several months, I've been working my ass off in a "real job" and have saved quite a bit of money, enough that I can easily afford to work from my laptop for the next 6 months building some kind of online business. If all else fails, I could just keep adding content to my blog and slap some adsense on there to pay the bills, but I KNOW there is a better way!

    wtf is it!?!?!!??! I check the WSO category every once in a while, but my brain just gets fried from all of the sales copy. I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money? I'll gladly buy it or pay you or whatever if I knew that I would be getting checks at the end of it.

    Not calling anyone out in particular, but if you choose to respond to this post, please be nice. I know some of you have worked hard through trial and error to figure out ways to make yourselves lots of money. Much respect, but I would rather start off doing what works instead of wasting money on products that just want me to buy more products to get the magic formula.

    Call to action: please help me out!

    Hey dude,

    First of all I appreciate your honesty, there are so many scammers out there in this internet marketing space trying to profit of peoples desperation to make money.

    Firstly if you want to start actively making money you must move away from a consumer >> producer or affiliate(middle man)

    you need to begin giving people reasons as to why they should give you money, so theres going to need to be some personal development involved.. Business hasn't changed since day one, it just looks different on the outside but on the surface level it is the same.. If there is a demand, if you supply what is in demand you make profit.. The internet marketing space is a highly in demand market because so many people believe that they can achieve the american dream online these days. it is possible but the one aspect that these dreamers get wrong is that achieving the american dream has always taken commitment and sacrifice, but now theres this idea that you can make 6figure sums without any work... i'm not saying you'll need to put in a marathons training session but you'll need to develop... And stop buying these quick method products and if you want start making them, even buy 1 method and use the infromation from the product re-write it and re-sell it if thats what you feel comforatble doing.

    But i feel the internet marketing niche is in need of some ethical practices and truth here is a method to generate followers and a list and get free targeted traffic
    A proven internet marketing business model - they all use this.

    Create a product or offer (information product) >>> create a landing page >> get affiliates to market your product for a commission ( so you get free traffic to the landing/squeeze page so even if they make a purchase or not they will enter their information onto the sqeeeze page which will enable you to build up your emailing list >>> to those who make purchases >> add an up sell or an advanced vip offer >> then send emails to all the newly added people on your emailing list with new offers similar or related to the product bought.

    Examine this method i just outlined? don't you know this is how they all do it? but its possible to use this same SYSTEM for good and to add value to the market place, but the main aim is that to make money online you need to make a product or a service, you need to add value to the market place? I have a lot more information on the ways to actually apply an effective business model to simillar to what i just shared..

    I hope this helped a little take care
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  • Profile picture of the author natas105
    I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, with all being said here I would like to say this:

    * Never give up , you don't fail until you say so.
    * focus 80% of your time taking consistent action and executing what you've learned and now know what to do and 20% (or less) of your time learning instead of the other way around.
    * Excell at one thing, instead of being average in many.
    * Find a trustworthy coach
    * Find mastermind groups

    Good luck!

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  • I totally understand you man it really sucks to have to go through that kind of stuff especially for so many years. Your story reminds me of my own actually. It literally took me 4 years of studying, wasting money and wasting sleep before I finally began to earn a decent living on the internet. You have to keep the faith. I'm rooting for ya!

    "Anyone Can Master The Art Of List Building And Generate A Solid Income All You Need Is Professional Advice"


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  • Profile picture of the author Mesina

    I know how it feels to have responses that doesn't actually contribute to solve your issue. I was like you about a year ago. I won't talk about nonsense I will just tell you what worked for me.

    1.) HTML, CSS, and PHP (for making a really good website, landing page)
    2.) Traffic Generation (I'm talking about PAID traffic)
    3.) Basic sales funnel (to make your traffic convert into profit)

    HTML, CSS, and PHP
    I'm a nurse and I just learned HTML, CSS, and PHP online via stackoverflow, youtube, and by making fun sites about anime, gaming and etc until I manage to sculpt any website I picture in my head.

    Traffic Generation
    For traffic generation, I want to thank VICK STRIZHEUS for pointing out how to actually gather massive amounts of traffic.

    The best traffic sources is already INFRONT OF YOU:
    - FACEBOOK ADS (don't do dating cpa in this platform)
    - ADULT MOBILE ADS (trafficjunky imo f***ing best source)

    Trust me they are not complicated to use like what you see in most "guides" from the "gurus" they are EASY TO USE

    What didn't work for me
    - adfly traffic
    - 7search traffic

    What I haven't tried
    - JV traffic
    - Email List traffic

    For basic sales funnel it works like this for me: (brief detail)
    1.) Audience CLICKS your AD
    2.) Audience SEES your website
    3.) Audience WATCHES your video
    4.) Audience now has option to OPT IN or NOT
    5.) When your audience opt in, it means you have HIGHER CHANCE to make such subscription a SALE, and when you make a SALE you get profit

    Focus on this:
    - CPA (any network as long as they PAY and have good offers) I will not name any because I don't want to start a discussion about who's the better network.

    - Custom T-shirts » Design & Sell T-Shirts for Your Group | Teespring

    I'm 23, graduated as a nurse but haven't been employed ever, not a guru and not selling any WSO, I hope I helped you.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money? I'll gladly buy it or pay you or whatever if I knew that I would be getting checks at the end of it.
    That's the mindset of an employee.

    Your better off giving up now instead of wasting more money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Papapanch
    It's pretty obvious you have the skills, you have the persistence. Alexa is right. Your success is just around the corner.
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  • Profile picture of the author UnkwnUsr
    Okay, so I didn't read all the replies so some of this may be a repeat. To the OP I would say don't confuse "buying" with "taking action" it's not actually the same thing. Almost every IM model will have a portion that may be outside your comfort zone. I would say go with time tested models that have been proven to work. Your first try may not be successful but you will learn from it. Try to focus on a niche that has problems to solve and find (or create) a product that solves them. Get the product in front of your audience (this will require an investment of time and money).
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  • Profile picture of the author TomVa
    I see one thing you said, ""real job"" whats a real job? Well I've always been told and thought what I am doing is a real job most of the time it's harder then going out to a 9 to 5 job. You have to always think what you're doing online IS A REAL JOB because it is. Good luck and don't give up, you're probably right around the corner to making it.

    Do you need stable WEBHOSTING? https://hpthost.com HEY folks, for a limited time get the first month of service For only $0.01 That's 1 cents. At checkout use coupon code 1cent. This is only for web hosting, and only applies to the monthly services.

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  • Profile picture of the author Katie Rich
    If you are a published author, why not write a 'how to get your book published' info package? you could give it away in chapters to build up an email list.

    If you are writing erotica and have buyers then look at trying the 'darker' erotica, which seems to be selling well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    Internet marketing is not overnight success. You must be committed to your goals until you achieve them. Once you make your first sale then the fun really begins.
    ► ► ► FREE REPORT!!◄ ◄ ◄

    ★ ★ ★ Introducing THE BRUTAL TRUTH About Internet Marketing! ★ ★ ★
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  • Profile picture of the author graphicsdev
    1. Focus on your strengths
    2. Offer a Service
    3. Sell a Product
    4. Build your list
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  • Profile picture of the author Avocado Plugins
    Just remember this one short and simple idea - it was NEVER easy for anyone. People who succeed are the ones who stick with it. There is no other way. Once you internalize that idea you will not have a reason to give up.

    Also WHY do you want to be successful at this? I mean money yes but that's a short term motivator. What is your MAIN motivation? What drives you in this? Once you answer that you will also have even more motivation to get up and keep going.

    Good luck in all!
    Let our lean, healthy and shredded WordPress Plugins make you more money... start here.
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  • Profile picture of the author littlepandaman
    I made $XX,XXX.XX last month. It can happen. Need to sell big ticket stuff. Not piddly stuff unless you have tons of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author elusian

    Giving up is not the answer. There are tons of ways to make money online.

    1) You can write and sell ebooks on Amazon, Smashwords, click bank, jvzoo, etc...
    2) You can offer your services on guru, fiver, and other freelance sites.
    3) You can sell affiliate products through video reviews.
    4) You can create plr products and sell the rights.
    5) You can sell products on ebay or amazon.
    6) You can create adsense mini sites.
    7) You can create blog sites, drive traffic and then flip them on flippa.
    8) You can find people seeking internet services on craigslist and then either work for them or hire freelancers to do the work and take a percentage.

    There are tons of ways to make money online. Is it the millions promised by the "gurus" well no not at first but there is money to be made. Just be persistent and never, ever give up.
    [$1000 Commissions] Watch this webinar to find out how to earn $1000 Commissions straight to Your Paypal Account.. http://www.BUYDFYCOM
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  • Profile picture of the author dasinfo
    Hi there... good rant and very true as well..

    Go have a look at this site Im sure you will get some good ideas from it as you have already built a blog yourself.. PreMadeNiches | PLR Blogs | Turnkey Sites
    I am not an affiliated with this site
    Good luck in all your bussiness in the future//
    Alex Woods
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymagneto
    50 Cent: "Get Rich or Die Trying". That's my belief. I'd rather die trying than give up and be a bum.
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  • Profile picture of the author seekdefo
    I hear you. What you need actually is a mentor. He has been through failures and will guide you to success. It would cost much more than the $7 WSO that gets peddled here but you'll learn to catch the fish buddy.

    Brevity is the soul of wit

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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online. First I say, okay that one looks good, but then I read a little bit more and realize "Well, if I do that then that means that I also need to learn how to do x y and z," so then I start researching more things...

    Yo lionpuncher, have you taken a look at what you wrote? This is very telling, and
    one of the main reasons that so many people fail online - NO FOCUS!

    You apparently are going from one thing to another. You say you are bored, well,
    no one ever said that internet marketing was the most exciting job in the world, but
    it IS a job. It takes work and, in most cases, patience. You do not seem afraid
    of the work part, but patience seems to be one of the virtues that you are having
    difficulty handling.

    If you like to write, then write. Keep the kindle books coming. Keep your blog
    rolling along, but, as has been mentioned, start building a list from both of these.
    After that you can promote to your list. New Kindle book coming out? Promote.
    New blog post? Promote.

    You are also right about there being "...so many little things" to deal with when
    building a list. But you seem like a smart guy (how many people have made
    money from nothing but free web sites and free promotion?).

    You already know how to make money. You have proven that to yourself. That is
    way more than most people starting out can say. Most people just keep losing
    money because, like you, they can't stay focused on their main objective.

    I do like Alexa's point: "The real reason that most people fail isn't that
    they give up too early. It's because they didn't understand how to get to
    where they wanted to go, so they set off in the wrong direction in the
    first place.

    If you're not facing in the right direction to start with, then it doesn't
    matter how much "action" you take."

    I don't see this as your problem. I see you wanting to go in too many directions.
    Get one thing going, make it work, then get bored doing something else. In the
    meantime you will be making money from your first source of boredom.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrod
    Not sure if lionpuncher is still reading this, but I'd like to chime in in case he or anyone in a similar scenario is.

    So many of the posts in this thread annoy the crap out of me.

    "Just keep going! Don't quit! Follow your passion!"

    Yes, perseverance and passion are critical, but they are all for naught if you don't have a system for making things work. You just end up spinning your wheels, being torn in every direction. (Thanks to Alexa for your excellent initial comment in this thread. Spot on, as usual.)

    Furthermore, when someone is going through what lionpuncher posted, yes, they need encouragement, but they also need a little solid advice. Simply offering oft repeated cliches like "build a list" and "don't give up" and "follow your passion" often do little to steer the frustrated struggler in the right direction.

    lionpuncher, you are absolutely right. Many of us here got here by initially being duped into thinking it would be fast easy money, only to then realize "well, to do that I need to learn this" and it just becomes an endless cycle, because there are so many pieces to the puzzle that must be present and aligned right to get a decent looking picture.

    So with that, here is my personal advice I would offer. You're welcome to take it or leave it.

    There are a few good quality done-for-you systems out there which you can get into if you have the funds to invest. The advantage with these is that you don't have to create and test out all the pieces of the puzzle. The high-converting sales funnel is already in place with top notch products, sales copy, customer service, etc. You just need to drive traffic, and they teach you how to do that.

    What finally worked for me was when I (among a couple other things) stopped trying to build my own dream home from scratch, and decided to shop around and purchase my dream home someone else had built. Now I just live in it and maintain it. You get my drift.

    Hope this helps. It's my personal recommendation, but there are some other good bits of advice in this thread as well.

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author daled123
    Advice would be to carry on and don't be disheartened.

    1. Learn how to find a niche you enjoy working in that is profitable.
    2. Start building lead magnets so you can build a mailing list.
    3. Once your list is growing find and solve potential problems that will help people on your list and
    make a product that solves this down to a tee.
    4. Make a sales funnel to automate your sales of this product.
    5. Make a WSO Thread and recruit affiliates in your niche.

    There are a lot of "cogs" that build the machine if you like but figuring them out while building your first one (even if it doesn't make any sales) is so valuable for you to learn, then you know you can apply this to anything.

    Good luck, Don't give up.

    Edit* Don't get sucked in to trying to make everything perfect as you will waste time and learn less. you can perfect it on your next go around.
    Don't think you can learn everything up front because there is simply too much to learn, do each step at a time and when your confident enough move onto the next step.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chaudhary Daniyal
    Instead of doing everything by yourself, you should look into getting a coach from WSO section.

    You mentioned that you've saved up some money, you should invest that into getting coached from some reputable member here from warrior forum. If i had the money, I'd get coached by Tristan Bull. He charges $497 but gets results.

    Get someone who'd take you by hand and helps you earn!

    Sig in the making ...

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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Swift
    Hi lionpuncher,

    Never give up on your dreams if they are what you really want to achieve.

    It is certain that this business requires a lot of work, especially when you are starting up.

    The only way to have a more passive business is through LEVERAGE. When you have the campaigns set up for your products (when they are made), and a list that you have built up over a period of time, it will become a lot more leveraged.

    The hard bit is getting to that position!

    If you want it, go get it.

    Everything worth anything in life comes at a cost, no matter whether that is time, effort, pain or money.

    Don't count the cost when chasing your dreams.

    Otherwise you may never try at all!

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  • Profile picture of the author OldToad
    Its certainly not for everyone. Perhaps move on into something that resonates more with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    Sucking isn't a bad thing once you keep pushing through and never give up you make it. Just stick to fundamentals tweaking and testing and you get through it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Terrance01
    There is a lot of good advice here.
    Don't let anyone steal your dream.

    Do not give up!

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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    From what I'm reading your not going to do anything till you learn everything


    Jump in there get your feet wet and learn as you earn.

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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    By the way you know how many times I got knocked on my a** learning martial arts. You don't start out perfect and you never are perfect. So get in there get knocked on your a** then dust yourself off and put those fists back up and remember how you got knocked on your a** so you learn from it!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffs89
    We all sucked at making money starting out. You need to find a good blog, mentor and be persistent! Here's a very inspiring story from one of the best affiliate marketing bloggers online, Charles Ngo The Rise of Ngo: Chapter 1 - CharlesNgo.com
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  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    This is a very interesting topic and i believe all of us at some point had to go through this kind of things. I see a lot of different opinions and that's great because you can't just learn from your mistake you have to learn from others too. So i am going to give my point of view on this.

    I don't think there is a lack of knowledge or direction, i believe it is a lack of motivation. You see, these days we have so much information about everything just laying around everywhere, we can bury in it. Of course you can't learn everything and you don't need to. You need to find what you like to work on! On internet business you can take any topic and make money, that's not the problem. The difference between winner and loser is the attitude about that. And you can't maintain a healthy and positive attitude if you don't enjoy what you are doing.
    That's why what is working for some people is not going to work for others. You need to catch the basics and find your own methods, your own way, your own path.

    Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
    Steve Jobs

    My advice? Take a deep breath, try to relax, focus and in that moment of clarity you will find the answers.
    We can give you a hint, hit you with a brick, but only yourself can provide the actual solution.
    Good luck with that !
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronBurton
    Takes money to make money. I see a lot of people wanting free ways to make money but in reality you have to either pay for traffic or crank out mad content. Blogs take while to pick up. You have to be really consistent. Might wanna look into drop shipping. That's how I first started, did really good on a shoe string budget. Graze over the WSO' section, i'm sure there's something you can apply yourself to. Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author turboshandy
    ^ I disagree, although not entirely. i agree that sometimes you need to invest in ads, promotion and other "stuff".
    However, you can make money without investing a dime, you can offer services like SEO services, web design, writing services and so on... You can set up an ebay business, for free, start small with no investment... possibilities are endless... You don't have to invest anything , you just need to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProveResults
    As you've already learnt making money online is a real pain in the a**!

    My advice is if you want to make a decent amount of cash online to get a taster of what its like without taking any risk is to target a seasonal niche and monetize with affiliate offers.

    Use seo methods to rank the site to get targeted traffic for free and watch the money roll in for a short period while its trending.

    Examples of seasonal events upcoming are valentines day (UK) easter and to late for this year but the Superbowl which has just finished.

    Say you decided to start a site on easter you could monetize it by using amazon associates program and list Easter eggs, cards and anything else you can thing of that people buy easter time.

    If you create the site now and put in the work you should easily be able to make a few $100s at least which may not sound like much but its a very good start into the world of making money online.

    Anyway hope that was helpful if you need me to go into more detail on anything just let me know.


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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by ProveResults View Post

      As you've already learnt making money online is a real pain in the a**!
      In all due respect, I find it very rewarding and enjoyable.

      It can be tough at times but as far as referring to it like this...well it has never been that way for me at least.

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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      • Profile picture of the author ProveResults
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        • Profile picture of the author ProveResults
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          In all due respect, I find it very rewarding and enjoyable.

          It can be tough at times but as far as referring to it like this...well it has never been that way for me at least.

          - Robert Andrew
          I never meant that it's always a pain in the backside, but when you start out, especially the way I did cranking out 20 plus articles some days that took me 12 hours plus on a subject I didn't like just to make some adsense clicks or affiliate income it wasn't the most enjoyable thing I ever did.

          However what I will say is when you earn your first money online it is one of the most rewarding things ever! I remember my first ever adsense click I received from HubPages many moons ago, it was only a few cents but the enjoyment I had from that was amazing.

          Hope that clears it up.


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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    wow, don't know what to say! if you are serious about earning online, then keep at it and it will happen, if you are not serious/passionate/determined then it would be best to move on..
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  • Profile picture of the author gracie2339
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online. First I say, okay that one looks good, but then I read a little bit more and realize "Well, if I do that then that means that I also need to learn how to do x y and z," so then I start researching more things...

    And it just leads to an endless cycle of researching and blah blah blah.

    I decided to go the easy way and just write some erotica books for kindle. That went okay, I did sell a few copies but I can't help but have the feeling that there is an easier way to make money writing three thousand words. Plus, writing that stuff gets boring after a while.

    Also, it seems like the products I have bought just give you a little taste and then they want you to buy more things. When do I start making money?

    I know that somewhere out there, someone is reading this post and laughing. You say, Stupid noob! All you have to do is blah blah blah and you'll be able to quit your job and live in the bahamas while you make a bazillion dollars a day.

    Recently I just said to myself "**** it" and made a blog. I write quite a lot and have no problem cranking out thousands of words, thanks to my fast typing ability. My blog just tells personal stories about my life, down to the little details. I have fancy titles like How To and Lists, but now even that is getting old.

    I know that out there people are making money! I also know that if I sat with you for an hour you'd be able to whip up something that would be making money that day!

    I don't really have a question, I'm kind of just complaining. I hate when people say, Put in hard work and you'll figure it out. Yeah, sure that is true. But I can just do what the successful people are doing and cut out the frustration of trial and error.

    Over the last several months, I've been working my ass off in a "real job" and have saved quite a bit of money, enough that I can easily afford to work from my laptop for the next 6 months building some kind of online business. If all else fails, I could just keep adding content to my blog and slap some adsense on there to pay the bills, but I KNOW there is a better way!

    wtf is it!?!?!!??! I check the WSO category every once in a while, but my brain just gets fried from all of the sales copy. I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money? I'll gladly buy it or pay you or whatever if I knew that I would be getting checks at the end of it.

    Not calling anyone out in particular, but if you choose to respond to this post, please be nice. I know some of you have worked hard through trial and error to figure out ways to make yourselves lots of money. Much respect, but I would rather start off doing what works instead of wasting money on products that just want me to buy more products to get the magic formula.

    Call to action: please help me out!

    My mentor told me this story...

    If you want to catch a fish in the middle of the ocean, you have to go where the fish are...

    Where are the fish?

    If you've ever seen an oil rig, you'd know that's where the fish are.

    First, algae and a bunch of plants and producers grow on the oil rig from the sunlight, which attracts little fish, which attract bigger fish, which attract even bigger fish.

    If you want to catch the fish, build yourself an oil rig.

    If you want to try and chase after the fish, you'll be running around wasting your energy.

    In internet marketing terms, you need to build something, and sometimes when you're building something, you can get extremely impatient and always wondering when the results are going to come in...

    That's probably why a lot of people quit and can't get it to work. Because they have no patience and don't want to sit down and actually do the work of building a real business.

    In order to make money online, you have to sell. That's the only way you can physically (or in this case, virtually) get money to flow towards you.

    Think about it... just because it's online, doesn't mean it's not real. This is real. And realistically speaking, you need to sell something in order to make money.

    Sure there are other ways of making money like writing a blog and posting up AdSense, but even in that sense, you're selling your ideas and information on the blog to try and attract more people.

    Two ways to sell:

    1. Sell your own product
    2. Sell other people's products thru affiliate marketing

    Or you can just sell physical products thru dropshipping or warehousing, but we all know that takes work, and we don't like to work, right.

    But it all comes down to personal preference.

    Another thing I've learned from my mentors:

    In order to become rich, you have to give tons of value.

    Your income is directly proportionate to the amount of value you give to the marketplace.

    Since you're not making a ton of money, you probably aren't giving a ton of value to the marketplace.

    How do you give value to the marketplace?

    Well you figure out what market you want to serve, or give to. Then, figure out what they want.

    Figure out their problems.

    Give them a solution.

    You get money.


    The secret to your all your problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author spiegs13
    Man do I know where you are coming from. The first thing I would say is if you don't spend any time on personal development, you should. Your post is riddled with negativity and self-defeat. Read 15-30 minutes per day and listen to audio for the same length of time. EVERY DAY. Read/listen to self help/instruction in your industry. I know it's hard to not beat yourself up right now, but if you have the drive to do what you've done to this point, you can achieve anything you want. However, perhaps the problem is you're trying to do too much. I've lived it. Big time. Focus on who you are and what you like to do. Is it video? Blogging? Solo ads? Email marketing? Whatever it is, pick ONE thing and become great at it. YOU CAN DO IT. Don't give up, brother. The journey makes the rewards that WILL COME so worth it. ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      I have to agree. It's one thing to be working hard, but without a clear objective and negativity peppered throughout your mind and consequent action, it's difficult, if not impossible to take any positive action in any clear direction.

      It sounds to me like you're throwing stuff on the wall and doing many different things to see what works, and doing that is both exhausting and discouraging. Instead of trying to learn about everything and attempting to do everything, define your focus and vow to learn as much as you can in your chosen area.

      Without the right mindset, you're bound to get distracted by some bright shiny object or the premise of some new method you come across. You cannot do this, otherwise you'll just be stuck in this endless loop of negativity and non-productivity where you're just spinning your wheels and not progressing forward in any clearly defined direction.

      Originally Posted by spiegs13 View Post

      Man do I know where you are coming from. The first thing I would say is if you don't spend any time on personal development, you should. Your post is riddled with negativity and self-defeat. Read 15-30 minutes per day and listen to audio for the same length of time. EVERY DAY. Read/listen to self help/instruction in your industry. I know it's hard to not beat yourself up right now, but if you have the drive to do what you've done to this point, you can achieve anything you want. However, perhaps the problem is you're trying to do too much. I've lived it. Big time. Focus on who you are and what you like to do. Is it video? Blogging? Solo ads? Email marketing? Whatever it is, pick ONE thing and become great at it. YOU CAN DO IT. Don't give up, brother. The journey makes the rewards that WILL COME so worth it. ;-)
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Bob Reynolds
    Clear direction. And even with clear direction it will take never giving up. I came into the industry 18 months ago with very little money to invest. I hung out here on the forum and read, and read..

    It became obvious that no matter what my direction, I would need to dial in on building a list, and learning email marketing. There would be several ways to build the list, blogging, running people to an affiliate offer, and then running them to my own product. Use clickbanking partners and solo ads when I could afford it. Otherwise, when I could not afford traffic, I would spend time studying other traffic methods... so the clear cut direction is to not loss site on building the list.

    I hired a coach focused to help me build the list. I was able to get me an automated system up and running, however I was not able to get a good converting funnel up and going to help out with solo ads and clickbanking so I had to temporarily postpone that method of building my list. However, I was able to learn tons..

    The first thing is I had to establish a proven system, with a solid platform comprised of the components necessary for a solid automated email list building machine. That was where money and time was wasted the most for me starting up. The going in circles with, well maybe this name, and that host, well no that host crashed... and well this autoresponder is better than that one, and well lets try them both... and o' yes you should get a tracker... well okay... which one, and after trying the cheapest ones, was it better to save and go for a one time quality program... O' and what about site security... and what is the most solid plug in to go with over all for site design and squeeze pages...

    Even with a decent coach, these types of question from my lack of experience took me months to get to the bottom of.... by the time I got it all figured out, my cash reserves had gone dry, and my energy could have been cut by 75% if I would have had better direction from the start....

    I have not changed my direction on developing the email list, and business. Earning enough to keep myself going along, and making enough to pay for my traffic while I build my list is where I am at now. If I would have been able to start with the direction I have now, at the beginning I am certain I would have been a lot further into the process of making money.

    So, dont give up. Focus in... I have hired another coach, and have developed my first product and am working on the second.

    Focus on a monetized funnel and build a list in a specific niche, focus on the relationship with your list, and email marketing...

    Make sure you have a solid site, and autoresponder system, make sure you have tracking... and a squeeze page.. test everything, and run test traffic until you see where you can scale up. O, and have more than one funnel, and always be testing...

    Get specific with your business model and niche... make sure it has building the list and the components in place.... and then never give up, keep learning and tweaking... I am on my like, third or fourth hard run at this... now with less money, but more skills... you have gone a long ways, and tried a lot of things to bring in the traffic... narrow it down to one or two that have worked the best, methodically, try and test new avenues to help build your list... everything you do should focus on not wasting any effort unless you can tie it directly into building the health list...
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  • Profile picture of the author MoneyDan
    If you really want it man...if you REALLY want it, you can do it. I promise. Never give up on your dreams.
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    • Profile picture of the author tourist
      Originally Posted by MoneyDan View Post

      If you really want it man...if you REALLY want it, you can do it. I promise. Never give up on your dreams.
      i thinking sometimes give up maybe is good choose .
      Adapt or Die,you only unit option.
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  • Profile picture of the author oghenk
    This is what we often experience :

    We bought numerous Internet Marketing products (or downloaded them in the member download forum ) and implemented all advice, tips and techniques in our own business. But no matter what we are doing we are just not achieving the good results we are hoping for. We have read all the testimonials and raving forum posts from other marketers who used the products with great success. But for us it’s just not happening.
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  • Profile picture of the author tourist
    i thinking sometimes give up maybe is good choose .
    Adapt or Die,you only unit option.
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  • Profile picture of the author acopson
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online. First I say, okay that one looks good, but then I read a little bit more and realize "Well, if I do that then that means that I also need to learn how to do x y and z," so then I start researching more things...

    And it just leads to an endless cycle of researching and blah blah blah.

    I decided to go the easy way and just write some erotica books for kindle. That went okay, I did sell a few copies but I can't help but have the feeling that there is an easier way to make money writing three thousand words. Plus, writing that stuff gets boring after a while.

    Also, it seems like the products I have bought just give you a little taste and then they want you to buy more things. When do I start making money?

    I know that somewhere out there, someone is reading this post and laughing. You say, Stupid noob! All you have to do is blah blah blah and you'll be able to quit your job and live in the bahamas while you make a bazillion dollars a day.

    Recently I just said to myself "**** it" and made a blog. I write quite a lot and have no problem cranking out thousands of words, thanks to my fast typing ability. My blog just tells personal stories about my life, down to the little details. I have fancy titles like How To and Lists, but now even that is getting old.

    I know that out there people are making money! I also know that if I sat with you for an hour you'd be able to whip up something that would be making money that day!

    I don't really have a question, I'm kind of just complaining. I hate when people say, Put in hard work and you'll figure it out. Yeah, sure that is true. But I can just do what the successful people are doing and cut out the frustration of trial and error.

    Over the last several months, I've been working my ass off in a "real job" and have saved quite a bit of money, enough that I can easily afford to work from my laptop for the next 6 months building some kind of online business. If all else fails, I could just keep adding content to my blog and slap some adsense on there to pay the bills, but I KNOW there is a better way!

    wtf is it!?!?!!??! I check the WSO category every once in a while, but my brain just gets fried from all of the sales copy. I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money? I'll gladly buy it or pay you or whatever if I knew that I would be getting checks at the end of it.

    Not calling anyone out in particular, but if you choose to respond to this post, please be nice. I know some of you have worked hard through trial and error to figure out ways to make yourselves lots of money. Much respect, but I would rather start off doing what works instead of wasting money on products that just want me to buy more products to get the magic formula.

    Call to action: please help me out!

    I was in the same boat as you, i tried everything until recently, now i am making money and the best thing is i am not alone, i have a supportive team helping me, PM for more details.
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  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
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  • Profile picture of the author twilight2
    make a site about something you have a real passion for, do it for the love of the subject, because it means everything to you, if not, it will feel like work. Start with that, end with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author felisitie
    Don't give up. Focus is the key and always how you can always diversify from what you have already mastered.
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  • Profile picture of the author SandowJ
    It takes time, trial and error, the lessons you learn from failing at it are much more valuable in the long run. Learning what not to do gets you that much closer to learning what to do
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  • Profile picture of the author parmarjeet
    Make money online is not that simple for every one. Try some other business and hope you gets success in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author dewayneboyd
    You are wrong in one respect. There is no easier way than AdSense if you have the right niche and know what you are doing. So if you already know how to do it, then why are you complaining?

    1,574,810 unique visitors and counting. And that's just one of my websites.

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  • Profile picture of the author positivegirl
    hi, this is my honest opinion!!
    Do not Give up!
    just seat down and find out what you love the most, your best passion then:

    1. Google your niche (passion) (it must be profitable) and find at least 5 t o10 Authoritative forums on this niche.
    2. start posting/helping people out, just as people do here. (there will be Always people that know less than you in that particular niche) (when you start viewing positive feedback, you are motivated t ogo out there and learn more.
    this way to start positioning yourself as an authority ni your niche.
    I know this envolves time and effort but it is Worth 1000x
    3. when you have your audience, you can monetize yourself (your knowledge) as you want: crearting your own products, recommending other people's products.

    don't give up!
    eliminate the word: "quit" from your vocabulary. Just take a breath and re-start from scratch.

    Thanks me later
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  • Profile picture of the author edyang
    As an entrepreneur that quit the 9 to 5 world in 2008 with no funding to speak of, and having built a small consulting biz that grosses $600k a year, it is definitely possible.

    HOWEVER, I would suggest that you are looking at Internet Marketing as the end, rather than a means to an end.

    The Internet and IM are simply tools. And like any tool, it can be used to help you do something. And like any tool, it has to be used for the right purposes.

    Here's the best part of IM in my opinion: most tactics are testable for very little money. Compare this to the old days of running magazine ads, or billboards, or direct mail blasts.

    Now you can test ad copy on Facebook Ads for very little and get instant results.

    You can whip up a survey and get responses for $1.80 per response within 24 hours on Survey Monkey.

    I would go back to the basics:

    1. What are your passions?

    2. How can you make money related to that passion?

    3. Which IM tools are best suited to help you reach those prospects?

    It's not easy, but it definitely is doable if you look at it more as a real. legitimate business versus an "IM money-making opportunity".

    I hope that made some sense and added some value. Always willing to chat more on PM if you'd like.

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  • Profile picture of the author edyang
    A quick second follow-up. I respectfully disagree with the "never give up" motto. Part of being successful in business is knowing when to quit a money losing proposition and shifting resources to something else. And the hard truth is, some people may not be suited to running an IM business for full time income. If that's the case, there's no shame in building a fulfilling career in the corporate world. "Never give up" sounds good in the success stories, but for each of those successes, there are likely 100 failures that ended up wiping out their savings or destroying their marriage.
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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Not calling anyone out in particular, but if you choose to respond to this post, please be nice. I know some of you have worked hard through trial and error to figure out ways to make yourselves lots of money. Much respect, but I would rather start off doing what works instead of wasting money on products that just want me to buy more products to get the magic formula.
    That's the part you're missing though; the magic formula is HARD WORK. There are no secrets to what the successful people here do...and it's repeated in every single post. Heck, it's been written ten times in this thread alone, but you're still waiting for the big mystical secret. Well here it is....HARD WORK.

    If you want me to be more specific, learn how to code...or pay someone to build you a site that converts. Then, learn SEO. Then learn email marketing, affiliate marketing and how to build customer relationships. Then learn about social media, paid advertising, building backlinks, optimizing for local results, and most importantly...learn to spot the 10,000 pieces of bad advice out there so you stay away from black hat techniques. Because that's the only way you're going to see huge results quickly....and then you're going to wonder why Google shut you down.

    Here's the kicker though...one you do all of that, then the secret isn't to build your own sites anymore, it's to bill out $150-250k a year to people like you that want an "easy button". Then there's no risk involved and you can work from your beach chair in the Bahamas.

    Because make no mistake, the affiliate marketers that are clearing $5-10M a year are paying out well over $500k annually on a sensational marketing team, and that's the only reason they have it so easy.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author carlamae
    If you have the desire then you definitely need to pursue it! Blogging is a great start and feel lucky because most people find it hard to add new content to their site all the time. Be sure to be building a list in the meantime and then find something you enjoy to write about and sell affiliate products. This pays the bills and then when things begin to click, you will know exactly the direction you want to go in.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomako
    Hey, first your message make me find my password and login to the forum after very long time. I understand you very well, so will make it short. I am not a pro( infact still a noob) at earning money online, but making about $1500-$2500 monthly for the last two years and it is enough for me, in fact it is a good money in my country.

    Here is my way, so maybe you can find a similar way, or copy it.

    1- Search for websites or individuals that make money.

    Websites or individuals that make money has a common footprint -> they also spend money and outsource jobs. So I went to freelance sites and look for what they spend money on. How do they make websites, how do they get articles? I also trackback and find their websites, applications. Analyze their incomes stream (adsense? amazon? cb? own products? etc.)

    2- Find one of these big ones that you can make similar activities to earn money.

    Reverse engineering:
    3- Build like these pros but go small and DO NOT COPY them. Even you want, you can't copy them, I come across people spending $100.000 on articles just in a week. But for example if you are an amazon affiliate you can find out which products they are promoting or what they make to promote, how many images they use in their reviews, do they make seo efforts that you do not know? If they are using some scripts maybe try to build similar etc.

    This is my way, I try many things before getting my first pay but things got faster when I learn to search people who make real money.

    I am an amazon affiliate.
    I have about 10 websites, (it was about 20 small blogs last year but closed them).
    I only outsource small portions of articles for about $1.25 (200-300 words), it cost me $20-30 a month.
    I am very lazy so instead of making new websites, reading forums all day

    Hope it is helpful for some people in forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author jejerome69
    Originally Posted by lionpuncher View Post

    Yo internet marketing people. I have been perusing this site off and on for years now. Every time I do, I check out dozens of potential ways of making money online. First I say, okay that one looks good, but then I read a little bit more and realize "Well, if I do that then that means that I also need to learn how to do x y and z," so then I start researching more things...

    And it just leads to an endless cycle of researching and blah blah blah.

    I decided to go the easy way and just write some erotica books for kindle. That went okay, I did sell a few copies but I can't help but have the feeling that there is an easier way to make money writing three thousand words. Plus, writing that stuff gets boring after a while.

    Also, it seems like the products I have bought just give you a little taste and then they want you to buy more things. When do I start making money?

    I know that somewhere out there, someone is reading this post and laughing. You say, Stupid noob! All you have to do is blah blah blah and you'll be able to quit your job and live in the bahamas while you make a bazillion dollars a day.

    Recently I just said to myself "**** it" and made a blog. I write quite a lot and have no problem cranking out thousands of words, thanks to my fast typing ability. My blog just tells personal stories about my life, down to the little details. I have fancy titles like How To and Lists, but now even that is getting old.

    I know that out there people are making money! I also know that if I sat with you for an hour you'd be able to whip up something that would be making money that day!

    I don't really have a question, I'm kind of just complaining. I hate when people say, Put in hard work and you'll figure it out. Yeah, sure that is true. But I can just do what the successful people are doing and cut out the frustration of trial and error.

    Over the last several months, I've been working my ass off in a "real job" and have saved quite a bit of money, enough that I can easily afford to work from my laptop for the next 6 months building some kind of online business. If all else fails, I could just keep adding content to my blog and slap some adsense on there to pay the bills, but I KNOW there is a better way!

    wtf is it!?!?!!??! I check the WSO category every once in a while, but my brain just gets fried from all of the sales copy. I get it, take action. Buy something. But when does it end? When do you actually start making money? I'll gladly buy it or pay you or whatever if I knew that I would be getting checks at the end of it.

    Not calling anyone out in particular, but if you choose to respond to this post, please be nice. I know some of you have worked hard through trial and error to figure out ways to make yourselves lots of money. Much respect, but I would rather start off doing what works instead of wasting money on products that just want me to buy more products to get the magic formula.

    Call to action: please help me out!


    Almost everyone has offered a lot of great tips that can help you keep moving forward. I wish you the best.

    I haven't read all the replies, so if this a repeat then my apologies.

    A lot of people are looking for alternative ways to make money, online and offline. IM is difficult and it's not meant for you, the same thing with real estate, bonds, the usual stuff.

    If you (or anyone else here) are looking for an alternative way to make money, PM me and I might just have the answer you're looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    After starting this thread lionpuncher found his focus and his success.

    He has started a new thread detailing how he broke out of the "newbie mindset" and started making money:


    Well worth reading as he gives all the details.
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  • Profile picture of the author fatcitygirl
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    • Profile picture of the author More Than Tips
      I really like the post because LionPuncher is really being straight up and open and the reality is that most marketers are right where he is and living in denial. Most do struggle and most do fail.

      Back when you were doing articles imagine if you were doing videos. And why not start now?

      When you were doing erotica on Kindle you could have been tying in other income streams like internet dating.

      You should always set yourself up to be collecting email addresses.

      Trust me there is no faster money you will ever make in your life than with an email list that trust you already and respects your recommendations.

      Imagine when that big ticket launch comes around and its actually very good and fits your list like a glove as far as their needs? Then you add your unique killer bonus to that offer and you can make more in a few hours than most will all year.

      What if you began studying all you can on webinars starting today?

      Pick a proven winner category.

      Stick with it.

      Figure out what the best at it are doing and how you can even improve on that possibly.

      Stick with it.

      Give away great information to gain subscribers constantly.

      Stick with it.

      Invest back into your business as much as you can.

      Would love to hear a follow up and how you are doing and what you applied.
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      • Profile picture of the author onSubie
        Originally Posted by More Than Tips View Post

        I really like the post because LionPuncher is really being straight up and open and the reality is that most marketers are right where he is and living in denial. Most do struggle and most do fail.
        You should follow the second thread he made where he reveals how he overcame "shiny object syndrome" and found a method for making money that has started to generate a regular income for himself.

        I find it funny that this older thread has risen to the top rather than the new one where he discusses how he actually makes money, shows his method and answers questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author AngelaWest85
    you cant give up and you definitley cant expect the online marketing world to just send floods of money your way overnight,it does take work and for some more work that labor jobs at other places as they put it many many hours in perfecting or learning marketing strategies.Its really a mind set.If you have a postitive mindset that you will succeed someday then your chances are way higher.I failed at least 100 times before i started finding IM that worked
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    EDUCATE yourself, study, study. Pick an online niche and focus to it (it's normal to get some failures, at the beginning)
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