People outside to the United States buy from Amazon?

by gnr991
11 replies
People outside to the United States buy from Amazon?
#amazon #buy #people #states #united
  • Profile picture of the author Caitlinz
    Yes. I have bought from AMAZON USA. Just check if that product is shipped outside usa.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ledux
    Yes, they do there are actually multiple Amazon stores not just in US.
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    • Profile picture of the author gnr991
      Originally Posted by Ledux View Post

      Yes, they do there are actually multiple Amazon stores not just in US.
      If I promote product from, someone from other country can buy this product from, or only with other Amazon (, ?
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      • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
        Yes they do. I sell on amazon and get orders from outside all the time
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by gnr991 View Post

        If I promote product from, someone from other country can buy this product from, or only with other Amazon (, ?
        This is a very different question from the one you originally asked.

        People in countries where Amazon has a company (and people in many neighboring countries to those) can order from only items which their local Amazon doesn't stock.

        But very few actually do.

        If you're thinking about this from the perspective of being an Amazon affiliate, you need to register separately with any Amazon companies of which you wish to be an affiliate, and to send your traffic to the right site as well. Don't imagine for a moment that you'll catch most of the traffic just by being an affiliate of and sending your traffic there: that isn't how it works, at all.

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  • Profile picture of the author origin
    I buy all the time, from both and just check the shipping policy of the particular item. some individual sellers do not ship international. amazon FBA ships almost anywhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephC
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    • Profile picture of the author bbb7
      yes I do.

      I'm from Brazil.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    It's probably best to pick the one closest to your target market to make ordering more convenient to your readers and help your chances of getting the commission
    Will my Associates ID work in all countries? (e.g. can I use my Associates ID in a US widget?)

    No. Your Associates ID will only earn you referral fees from sales in the same locale as your Associate ID. For example, to earn referral fees from an widget, you must be a member of the UK Associates program and use that UK Associates ID in your UK widget. You must sign up to be a member of the Associates program in each Amazon locale for which you will be building widgets. Ready to join? The links to join the Associates program in each country is listed below:
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    My understanding is that Amazon is the largest online marketplace in the world and of course many people outside the US buy from Amazon's site.

    Being an Amazon affiliate is one way to tap into this buyer traffic. Selling globally on Amazon as an FBA seller is a simple process to activate in you are an Amazon seller.
    How I really Make Money With Amazon

    Want to get rich with top rated FREE Super Affiliate Training?
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  • Profile picture of the author amenwolf
    Yes we do, I'm from Singapore.
    And I do buy from Amazon. Especially games that are not release locally.
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  • Profile picture of the author Angshuman Dutta
    Are you thinking from the perspective of being a seller on Amazon or an affiliate? Yes, people do buy from outside of the US, but I don't think you can sell your products on Amazon US if yu yourself are not from that country.
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