clickbank order form tracking

5 replies
Clickbank now offers vendors the ability to put a tracking pixel on the CB thank you page when someone buys the product.

I have a code that I would like to put on Clickbank's thank you page after a customer buys my product, but the code is rather lengthy and there is no tracking pixel available that I can use.

Anyone know a work around for this? Is there a way to put a tracking pixel on the CB thank you page, which in turn triggers the code I want to run?
#clickbank #form #order #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    I never knew about this, but this is also because I haven't been able to sell any products on CB recently. I am mainly an affiliate. This seems like it is really new to the cb marketplace I am sure there are tons of other guys who know about this.
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    • Profile picture of the author ClickBank
      All clients, including affiliates, now have the ability to include a tracking pixel on the order form and on the confirmation page. You can define different pixel URLs for both steps in the funnel if you desire. As an affiliate, when you promote a vendor, your pixel will load on that order form and/or confirmation page depending on where you want pixels to fire. You can also include optional parameters that we will append to the request string for the tracking pixel.

      You can now add Facebook conversion tracking scripts to one or both steps in the funnel as well. Simply create a new sales reporting integration of the desired type and tick the checkboxes for the parameters you want.

      The only caveat I will mention is that your URL must be an HTTPS URL. We did this because we need to avoid warning messages on the consumer's browser about 'mixed content' which occurs if you try to load an HTTP URL for a tracking pixel on our secure checkout/confirmation pages.

      More info can be found here: ClickBank Support: Integrated Sales Reporting

      ClickBank Team
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      • Profile picture of the author John2810
        Hi Clickbank Team,

        I'm creating a Facebook conversion pixel right now, and I see some changes when adding a tracking code in the Integrated Sales Report?

        It's asking for the Pixel ID. Is that referring to just the 13 digit number? So I just put that in and discard all the accompanying HTML code?
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      • Profile picture of the author K.Callwood
        Originally Posted by ClickBank View Post

        All clients, including affiliates, now have the ability to include a tracking pixel on the order form and on the confirmation page. You can define different pixel URLs for both steps in the funnel if you desire. As an affiliate, when you promote a vendor, your pixel will load on that order form and/or confirmation page depending on where you want pixels to fire. You can also include optional parameters that we will append to the request string for the tracking pixel.

        You can now add Facebook conversion tracking scripts to one or both steps in the funnel as well. Simply create a new sales reporting integration of the desired type and tick the checkboxes for the parameters you want.

        The only caveat I will mention is that your URL must be an HTTPS URL. We did this because we need to avoid warning messages on the consumer's browser about 'mixed content' which occurs if you try to load an HTTP URL for a tracking pixel on our secure checkout/confirmation pages.

        More info can be found here: ClickBank Support: Integrated Sales Reporting

        ClickBank Team
        The link there is wrong. It is now

        I would like a bit of clarification on how this works from the affiliate side if you don't mind @clickbank. If I'm using Facebook ads, does this mean that I can only ever have 1 conversion pixel working at any given time? In other words, if I'm promoting 2 different products, is there any way for me to select which conversion pixel will be used with each one or am I stuck firing the same pixel on both?

        Obviously this feature is only useful if we can control it at the offer level so that we can be running effective campaigns at each stage of the funnel for several products at once.
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        • Profile picture of the author ClickBank
          Hi K.Callwood,

          You will only be able to add a single tracking pixel for a given ClickBank account. However, you can also use different tracking IDs for your hoplinks and these can be passed back as a parameter on the tracking pixel. In this case, that would allow you to differentiate between different campaigns. We will also add the vendor nickname as a parameter also. You'll just need a tool or code that can parse these values when the tracking pixel fires.

          Hope this helps and thanks for the update on the support article link.
          The ClickBank Team
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