The Honest Guru-------------- a thing of the past era.

by teepee
19 replies
Has there ever been a WSO product that rocked the IM world? A product that everyone bought, talked about for weeks and actually made the producer rich.

I don't remember one.

I'm sick and tired of these overproduced sales pitches. I've been scammed a fair number of times, also.

Where can a person go, knowing that he won't get taken for his money, his time?

Is it true that writing a bad recommendation will get you kicked off Warrior Forum?

#era #guru #honest #past #thing
  • Profile picture of the author paulie123
    They are out there, but keep in mind, on some of those ridiculously priced courses, ($497 to $1997 or whatever). Those honest gurus are not going to buy them and rightly so. So it is hard for them to give those type of courses thumbs up or down. What gets me, since the dawn of Internet marketing I have seen few people testify they have made it from those courses. My two sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarrod
    Well, once upon a time there was this dude named Frank that made a product called Mass Control that kind of did that. Wasn't a WSO though...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    Originally Posted by teepee View Post

    Has there ever been a WSO product that rocked the IM world? A product that everyone bought, talked about for weeks and actually made the producer rich.

    I don't remember one.
    George Brown launched Google Sniper as a WSO, then went onto Clickbank. There have been many others, but that was one of the largest.

    Originally Posted by teepee View Post

    I'm sick and tired of these overproduced sales pitches. I've been scammed a fair number of times, also.

    Where can a person go, knowing that he won't get taken for his money, his time?
    If this keeps happening to you, are you sure it's other people's fault?

    Originally Posted by teepee View Post

    Is it true that writing a bad recommendation will get you kicked off Warrior Forum?
    No, go to the Internet Marketing Product Reviews & Ratings section of the WF. You see bad reviews all the time. Some people even warn others before the product is released.

    The reason people typically get banned for their "review" is for aggressively going after the product vendor on a personal level or throwing a tantrum like a toddler.
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  • Profile picture of the author Content Commando
    Mass Control was pretty big from what I can remember.
    One article received 10,519 social shares! Become a true authority within any niche INSTANTLY by investing in a proven content writer.

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    • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
      What you will find is that most of the courses you buy mostly are re-branded type stuff. The reason for that is that people usually learn and teach what they learned. So much same stuff online.

      I have bought way to many courses spent thousands on programs and systems. After awhile you will learn that there are only a few ways to make money online. I'll save you time.

      1. Have a Product
      2. Sell someone else's product (Affiliate Marketing)
      3. Sell a Service

      and there are 2 traffic methods

      1. Free Traffic
      2. Paid Traffic

      and it takes massive action to make any course or system work.

      Once you realize that, then you can move to start studying guru's and learn what they are actually doing to make money because you wont be hypnotized by all the sales pitches.

      The real GURU's specialize in usually 1 thing. They talk about one thing... And they are living what they are talking about.

      Your title made me laugh because you say "Honest Guru" most people who are true will tell people things honestly as you say, but we usually don't listen and want to do things our way or look for another answer an easier answer...

      This is why many fail because there is no easy answer to making money online other than smart work.

      Oh yeah if you believe everything is a scam then when you get the real you will dismiss it as a scam before you even try.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    It's highly likely the issue is you are buying products that have ridiculous claims.

    Get more realistic about your goals and you'll find yourself buying into less hype.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    Much of the information you can get from a paid source, can be found via free sources online. You just have to be willing to use Google search and devote hours or days to the effort. The biggest part of the challenge is not just reading but understanding and implementing what you learn, whether from a WSO or any source you read online.
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  • Tom,

    Originally Posted by teepee View Post

    I'm sick and tired of these overproduced sales pitches. I've been scammed a fair number of times, also.
    First, learn brick and mortar business fundamentals.
    Second, learn offline sales and marketing basics.
    Third, learn offline advertising fundamentals.
    Fourth, read up on business back end and front end PPTs = People, Process, Technologies.

    =>> You'll be able to significantly improve your judgement when it comes to selecting a digital info WSO product to buy, an IM coaching program to subscribe to, or a signature link of others here to click; and

    =>> You'd most likely be able to ignore almost all of them, since you probably won't need them...

    Originally Posted by teepee View Post

    Where can a person go, knowing that he won't get taken for his money, his time?
    If you don't at least familiarize yourself with the things above, then you probably won't be able to know what you need to search for and what sources to get updated information from and what things to focus on and what test results to monitor and what things to improve in your related venture...
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      When you've been a member two years and almost every thread and post you make is a complaint about WSOs or what people don't teach you....there's something wrong with your expectations.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    There have been a lot of great WSOs in the time I've been a member.

    When I first joined you had to pay to be a member - IF you even knew how/where to join (it was somewhat of a hidden secret at first) and there was about 1 WSO a week and you really paid attention when they came out.

    I'm sure there are still really good WSOs, but the number is so massive and the sales pitches to hyped up that it's almost impossible to tell just from browsing the offers what is rehashed and what is genuinely new.

    However, as has been said - expectations are often more the problem than anything and the age-old warning of Buyer-Beware still applies.

    In general - you get what you pay for, so for many newbies who want to spend $5 and get all the answers to making money handed on a plate - they will be disappointed.

    Not that you can't get that for $5, in fact you can get it for free - but it's about how you use information to take action rather than what you read that will ultimately make the difference.

    Many people just aren't suited to the type of dedication and self-reliance that's required to do well in many online business models, but there's definitely no shortage of decent information around.


    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
    The problem is that most students have unrealistic goals and coaches have such overhyped sales letters.

    Those combinations are a disaster waiting to happen.

    But on a serious note. I recommend finding the guru or mentors testimonials first and their income statements if need be.

    Ask all the right questions in the world to make you build the trust you need to join his team.

    People dont join business but people join people and a coach who answers all of your questions and gives you value first before any sales pitch is the honest transparent guru for you

    Once dishonesty is brought in the relationship, the partnership is doomed from the start.

    Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
    Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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    • Profile picture of the author easy does it
      What is it you need help with? Answer that question for yourself. Now start doing searches for the answer on the forum - hint, use the search button. From time to time you'll see a post that rings honest, and down-to-earth realistic and workable to you. Now check that poster out. Read his/her other posts - hint, use the search button again. Does he or she still seem honest and real? Do people you respect on the forum agree or disagree with him ot her. Yes. Bingo! Now, do some work. This is a better route than WSOs. Best wishes.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gh0zt
    Some really great posts in this thread - read through the advice these warriors have given you: it's all genuine. And thanks to the warriors who have posted helpful responses

    My advice about info-products: most of them have a money back promise and paypal make it really easy to claim a refund too - so if after 30 or 60 days or whatever you've come to the conclusion (after genuine effort on your part) that the product is junk and doesn't live up to your standards... get your money back.

    The expirience can be worth the cost of time - if you put genuine effort into any system: even if it fails you will have undoubtabley learned a valuable thing or two along the way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Hugall
    I have paid $5k for programs and $9k. Both had some of the same old same old in them, but they also had to key components to them.

    1.) I paid a ton and there was no way in hell I was not going to make my money back.

    2.) Name association with the person I paid. Leverage in my marketing.

    There are so many sides to the story and so many people hating on "guru's" which by the way were only created as a way for the seller to relate to the buyer. There are no guru's! They are just people who understand how to make you buy stuff.

    Until you learn how to do that... you will always be a buyer and they will keep making money. I have made thousands off of $9 wso's and off of $9k programs. It's all about doing!

    Yes there is a ton of rehashed stuff out there, do you want to know why?

    IT WORKS! The reason being is that you may not have found the right voice to listen to yet. I spent hundreds of dollars on sales funnel training, but it wasn't until the 10th product that I actually started applying it. Am I mad at all those people who sold me the same type of info... NOPE!!!

    Bottom line is this. Until you think like a marketer and learn about marketing and sales you will always be chasing a dream and many of us will keep selling it to you because it sells.

    Stop trying to make money and learn about what makes money and you will find that you suddenly make money. Scam is another funny one because everyone says they have been scammed and out of the hundreds of products I have bought I would say that only 3 come to mind as a scam.

    Then again I was the one looking for a lottery winning button. That is what they sold me and I bought.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joseph Villanueva
      Originally Posted by Bill Hugall View Post

      I have paid $5k for programs and $9k. Both had some of the same old same old in them, but they also had to key components to them.

      1.) I paid a ton and there was no way in hell I was not going to make my money back.

      2.) Name association with the person I paid. Leverage in my marketing.

      There are so many sides to the story and so many people hating on "guru's" which by the way were only created as a way for the seller to relate to the buyer. There are no guru's! They are just people who understand how to make you buy stuff.

      Until you learn how to do that... you will always be a buyer and they will keep making money. I have made thousands off of $9 wso's and off of $9k programs. It's all about doing!

      Yes there is a ton of rehashed stuff out there, do you want to know why?

      IT WORKS! The reason being is that you may not have found the right voice to listen to yet. I spent hundreds of dollars on sales funnel training, but it wasn't until the 10th product that I actually started applying it. Am I mad at all those people who sold me the same type of info... NOPE!!!

      Bottom line is this. Until you think like a marketer and learn about marketing and sales you will always be chasing a dream and many of us will keep selling it to you because it sells.

      Stop trying to make money and learn about what makes money and you will find that you suddenly make money. Scam is another funny one because everyone says they have been scammed and out of the hundreds of products I have bought I would say that only 3 come to mind as a scam.

      Then again I was the one looking for a lottery winning button. That is what they sold me and I bought.
      Need a Coach to generate leads and TRIPLE your online business income?
      Let me Inspire and Empower You!
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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    As far as the scammers go, the world will never be rid of them.
    They have been around, are around, and likely will still be around
    for many years to come. The only way to protect yourself is not
    to be in a hurry. Take your time and educate yourself on what online
    business is about, decide on what you want to do online, create a
    business plan for yourself, and then go to work.

    There are multitudes of information and honest posts within the threads
    of this and other forums. My suggestion is to search for the information
    that you need first, ask some questions (you're already doing that), and
    then pay close attention to any offers that you see to make sure that they
    actually DO serve your need(s). Asking questions can save you money.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    Originally Posted by teepee View Post

    Has there ever been a WSO product that rocked the IM world? A product that everyone bought, talked about for weeks and actually made the producer rich.

    I don't remember one.

    I'm sick and tired of these overproduced sales pitches. I've been scammed a fair number of times, also.

    Where can a person go, knowing that he won't get taken for his money, his time?

    Is it true that writing a bad recommendation will get you kicked off Warrior Forum?

    Personally I think it's more about knowing your own skills and limitations. One person's "easy" might be 100 other people's "easy" and a million people's "impossible".

    A step by step instruction manual on how to do something is only valuable if you're actually capable of DOING all of the steps. If I wrote a book called "How to build a boat", at some point one of the instructions is going to be to weld something to something else. If you don't know how to weld, that doesn't make my book a fraud...

    That seems like such a "common sense" answer, yet when it comes to the Internet Marketing community people throw common sense out the window and would declare that same book "incomplete" because it doesn't teach you how to weld. I've actually seen people call a product "crap" because it tells them they need to set up a Wordpress site, but not how to set up a Wordpress site step by step... seriously?!. If you need instruction at that level, you don't need a product, you need a coach.

    Also, one thing I've found on this forum is that people skip steps. A lot. It's the nature of the beast ... people who are looking for "easy" money want it to be, well, easy. So when they encounter a step that seems unnecessary or tedious, they say "What? Screw that, that's too much work! This was supposed to be easy! Ripoff!!"

    See Post #24 in this thread for some more clarification (actually, read them all, that thread is hilarious):

    Ron Rule

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    • Profile picture of the author perryny
      If you buy a WSO that blatantly doesn't contain the info you were told it would contain, I would say that's a scam. Fortunately, I've yet to encounter this myself - but I don't doubt it happens.

      If you buy a WSO that's generic, broad, rehashed, nothing new, nothing that can't easily be gotten for free, missing steps, over-generalizing, etc... - it doesn't make the WSO a scam - and it doesn't mean the info won't work in producing the results the author promises.

      You need to apply the information provided and do the work suggested. If you aren't able to because you don't know how to proceed, hopefully the author will provide you help. If you aren't able to do the work because the info is bad or wrong or just not possible for you, hopefully you can get a refund.

      If you buy a WSO that's fantastic and provides very detailed, proven info on how to accomplish something specific - it in no way means you'll get any different results than if you bought a crappy WSO or even got scammed.

      You've got to do the work. Too often, I see people who don't want to do the work, or make excuses why they can't do the work, or justify that even if they did the work, it wouldn't work anyway... and then point their finger at the instructions for their continued struggles.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Many people just aren't suited to the type of dedication and self-reliance that's required to do well in many online business models,
    Hit that nail right on the head!

    If the requirements of being a successful Internet marketer were posted as a job listing, and you all were being honest with yourselves, then only about 2% would be qualified candidates.

    The Internet is there. Most everyone has access. So...
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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