Feedback on my First Venture

14 replies
Hey all,

This is my first internet marketing venture! I'm starting to write content for it now so there will be a lot more in the coming weeks. The link is below. I'd really appreciate any advice and honest feedback that you might have.

Thanks for your time.


LINK: Best Online Piano Lessons
#feedback #venture
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    To be honest, when I saw the title I thought "great - a site full of good piano lessons but landed on a squeeze page where I had to give my details in order to access a report.

    So the fact that there was zero information about any piano lessons or techniques would normally make me click the back button rather than fill in details to receive an email about a report that maybe had the information I wanted in.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Davelington
    Ok, thanks for the feedback. There's a menu at the bottom of the page with most recent posts and categories, do you think having a main menu just below the banner would help?
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Do you actually provide the piano lessons yourself? Or do you just steer people to other sites that you consider the best lessons? It isn't really clear to me . . . and maybe others are wondering the same thing?

      There is a reason why I'm asking.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Davelington
    I'm going to provide some lessons myself for free and review/recommend other paid lessons. I was trying to focus the attention of the page onto the ebook opt-in form section, but maybe it's just ended up being unclear...
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Here are a couple of things I would suggest:

      1- A more engaging headline. You want something that stops people in their tracks - something that they can see themselves doing or being. Folks really aren't interested in lessons, per se. Trust me on this. They want to be able to play songs effortlessly. There is a big difference. You need to focus on "the dream" . . . that is, sitting down at the piano and dazzling all your friends with your skills.

      Here's a very famous headline that sold millions: "They laughed when I sat down at the piano - but when I started to play!"

      Do you see how this sells the dream? Here's an easier example . . .

      People don't want to hear about all the work and exercise it takes to get six-pack abs. So what does all the advertising in that niche sell? They sell the dream of a muscle-bound tanned "hunk" with rock hard abs taking off his shirt while surrounded with gorgeous babes all drooling over him.

      I wouldn't use a cursive font for the headline. Make it bold and make it stand out. You want to get attention and make folks read your sub-heads.

      2. I would include a graphic (maybe change your header) that showed a guy in a relaxing setting sitting at the piano with friends all around laughing and having a good time - as though he was the center of attention, the life of the party. (This graphic could also be your ecover for the report.) Again, your selling the ultimate benefit of playing the piano better. Appeal to the emotions and desires of the end result of the practicing, not the practicing itself.

      3. On your page, I would get rid of everything below "Enter your details to the right for instant access to your free ebook!" No menu, no article links. This page should have one alternative place to go ----> directly to the sign-up . . . no other options.

      4. The four stars (your bullet points). Use a larger font so they appear as sub-heads not regular body text. Make them more appealing, enticing, and desirable. People are reluctant to give up their email address these days. You've got to make your report a "must have" so it forces them to subscribe. In that regard, I would also change the title of your report. Again, most people don't want to practice . . . they just want the end result. Of course, we all know they have to practice if they want to get good. But practice doesn't sell. You want people to see themselves with the end result. So the title might be something like "Dazzle your friends with your piano prowess at the next office party!" (I'm sure you can come up with something much better) SELL THE DREAM (end result)

      I hope maybe this will at least get your thinking like a marketer.

      Good luck,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • For your first venture it's not that bad but I think should consider providing more information about piano lessons. You could also add an introductory video which will encourage your visitors to opt in more.

    What are you doing to drive traffic to your website?

    Having a good squeeze page is a great step forward but without traffic you won't become successful in your internet marketing venture. I would encourage you to post video tutorials on piano lessons on video networking websites, write and submit articles and press releases and use social networking websites to drive more traffic to your website.

    Finally does the E-Book have links to your sales page offering piano lessons and do you have a one time offer after people have signed up to your newsletter?
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    • Profile picture of the author kingde
      You're claiming to be the best but you certainly don't seem like the best.. so that causes your credibility to take a hit from square one

      How about an honest, upfront introduction so we can 'connect'? and not need to veer away from inflated claims?

      Your first bullet point is about reviews (well reviews are usually free and not exciting) - what else do you have?

      It's hard to figure out the overall focus of the site.. are you about reviews or lessons?

      How about giving us a sample of what you are proposing is valuable so we can start to see for ourselves before any commitment?

      Principle: asking for too much too soon in the relationship, think about it!

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  • Profile picture of the author Davelington
    I was hoping to rank for a couple of key phrases in Google for traffic, at least to begin with. The idea was to implement the blog subtly at the bottom of the main page, so as to get the obvious benefits of a squeeze page with the SEO of a blog.

    As for the ebook, it does have links to the front page of the site on every page but no one time offer. Clearly I have a long way to go!
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  • Profile picture of the author Davelington
    Yeh, maybe there's a little too much hype lol I've really only just built the site so am starting to add content now, but am planning to offer free lessons myself and reviews of others.
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  • Profile picture of the author seo3659
    are you doing CPA on your site?,
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  • Profile picture of the author Davelington
    Wow Steve, thanks so much for such a comprehensive reply, you've given me A LOT to think about! Will give that a lot of thought and make some changes. If you don't mind I may PM you for some future feedback.

    Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lizfish
    Well done on your first venture. I love piano and am trying to learn. The font was hard to read and I'm not sure about the colours. Looks like a great product though and good luck with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JessUBotNinja
    I would definitely provide a little bit more information about piano lessons up front maybe have some translation of music notes on the front page or something. People want to feel like they have received something before they give you their information -- or need more information about what EXACTLY it is they will be receiving before they give you info.

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  • Profile picture of the author kingde
    Just remember who you want to connect to... people who are dabbling with the idea of playing music or real musicians who are looking for ways to get good music?

    If you are targeting serious committed people they may not appreciate an 'in your face' marketing approach.

    If you are dealing with people who get a rush from trying something new for a while before they go onto the next thing, they may appreciate the 'life changing' approach to getting involved.

    Really, as a evolving marketer, you want to test various approaches to see which one works the best for the crowd you are addressing

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