Making approx 2 - 3k a month how to take it to the next level

18 replies
Hi everyone,

I have been at internet marketing now for a number of years and been both successful and unsuccessful. Mainly success has come in the last 10 months I have created a great platform which is generating around 2 - 3k$ a month. However it seems that no matter what I do I can't get it to the 5k a month mark. Just to let everyone know how I am doing it, it was through a mixture of affiliate and onsite advertising and of course old faithful adsense.

I guess the problem is I am still working 9 - 5 Monday to Friday and can't afford to live without my salary as well(well at the moment). But in saying that if I did quit my job I would be fairly confident by working on online marketing 9 - 5 I could reach the 5k a month mark...

I guess the reason for my post is to see if anyone has been in my position and what was it that they did? I am so happy to be earning this steady income but at the same time want to take it to the next level. Because technically with my salary and website my earnings are coming in at around 6 -7k per month which is great! I hope you guys see my dilemma?

Oh and word of advice for those trying to make it in online marketing don't give up! Took me 4 years to get to where I am and about 10 different projects until I got it right!
#approx #level #making #month
  • Profile picture of the author ttomp13
    Hey man! Definitely have thought about that! I'm a medical assistant. Born marketer. When I hit 5k a month for 6 months straight, I told my wife, I'm focusing fully on Marketing.

    Risk vs reward.

    How confident are you? Do you have your own products? Your own email lists? If not, that is the next endeavor I would recommend. YouTube? That's a beautiful way to build a loyal subscriber base.

    ARM is a program for increasing conversions! Everyone should read this.

    How are your conversions to traffic? A buddy of mine is pulling 10k a month if not more. His traffic? About 300 unique daily visits.

    If you do not have your own product? I'm killing it with ARM. But you probably don't want some no-name dude in the internet marketing world telling you that. :p
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Congrats on the success. It was only a few short years I was in your exact position. Actually, enjoy the stability of a job with additional income.

    Do you have a system? What I mean by this is if you replicate what you're doing, will you grow your revenue? For example, are your earning from publishing content? From email marketing? Both?

    If it's content (which I suspect it is if Adsense forms a a significant portion of your revenue), why not take your surplus income and invest in outsourcing more content. Be sure you know what kind of content earns revenue, and buy as much as you can.

    If you're earning more from email marketing, use your present surplus income to buy more traffic for more subscribers. Perhaps hire a copywriter to write a really good or improved newsletter that converts better and offers even better info.

    If your niche is suitable on social media, start adding Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and perhaps Tumblr into the mix. At first, results will be nothing. But if you build up a following, in time you can drive a lot of traffic from social platforms to your website and email newsletter. It can take many months to see any real pay off with social (unless you pay for advertising such as Facebook ads).

    The key is to identify how to scale your current business and use your surplus income to scale faster by buying traffic and/or content.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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    • Profile picture of the author palmer9999
      Originally Posted by jgant View Post

      Congrats on the success. It was only a few short years I was in your exact position. Actually, enjoy the stability of a job with additional income.

      Do you have a system? What I mean by this is if you replicate what you're doing, will you grow your revenue? For example, are your earning from publishing content? From email marketing? Both?

      If it's content (which I suspect it is if Adsense forms a a significant portion of your revenue), why not take your surplus income and invest in outsourcing more content. Be sure you know what kind of content earns revenue, and buy as much as you can.

      If you're earning more from email marketing, use your present surplus income to buy more traffic for more subscribers. Perhaps hire a copywriter to write a really good or improved newsletter that converts better and offers even better info.

      If your niche is suitable on social media, start adding Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and perhaps Tumblr into the mix. At first, results will be nothing. But if you build up a following, in time you can drive a lot of traffic from social platforms to your website and email newsletter. It can take many months to see any real pay off with social (unless you pay for advertising such as Facebook ads).

      The key is to identify how to scale your current business and use your surplus income to scale faster by buying traffic and/or content.
      Yea to be honest my articles are very specific I don't think content writers are the best approach more so people that want to contribute. Some great points about reinvesting, I need to look at viable options. Social media is pretty much my bread and butter about 95% of my traffic comes from social media

      Thanks for the advice
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWrok
    i guess it depends on what you are doing exactly,
    but usually if you throw more money at a thing, it gets bigger!
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by ChrisWrok View Post

      i guess it depends on what you are doing exactly,
      but usually if you throw more money at a thing, it gets bigger!
      I would advise against this, unless your ROI is good.

      money likes speed, but when you have something working lower scale, its good to refine that and get ti really ticking over so when you upscale, things just explode and you will be happy.

      There is a formula to this, yet people make it hard. I would try three things first 2 of them will do ok, but another one will absolutly kill it we have found.
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  • Profile picture of the author novalj30
    Having a well paid 9-5 job is a great bonus for your Internet Marketing. With your current IM income, your thousands better than us who just started to figure out what's working..the key in every situation is finding the way to Scale up the effective ones.

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  • Profile picture of the author greenrevolu1
    I agree with you and i'm sure you've done something good work. B'coz all marketing strategies is depend on excellent knowledge. And as you know hard and smart work always give you better results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
    Quitting your job is a pretty life changing move, I quit my job on a lot less online earnings than you are currently earning but I'm not you and for me to advise you to quit your job would be wrong. I also hated my job and was living on the other side of the World from my wife and kids so I took the risk.

    If you are in a position where your don't totally hate your job I would hunker down and just put more hours into what you are doing and save as much money as possible until you are at that tipping point where you have savings to fall back on if it does go wrong but are earning enough to replace your monthly salary.

    I like Jennifer Bland's Blog and she has recently left her job to go full-time online, sensibly replacing her 9-5 salary with a full time online income

    My Internet Marketing Journey
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  • Profile picture of the author ratracegrad
    Hey Palmer,

    Congrats on your success. This only happened because you were committed to making the time to take sustained action and did not get up.

    As Steve mentioned above when he posted about my website, I was in the same boat as you. I spent over 2 years working on building up my online business while still working a 9-5 job. I got into the habit of getting up early every workday and spending at least one hour on my online business and at least one hour on it again after work. During the work week that was 10 hours on myself and 40 hours in my day job. On weekends it was not unusual for me to spend 7-10 hours per day on Saturday AND Sunday working on my online business. So in one week I was working 40 hours on my day job and about 26+ hours on myself. Not many people are willing to put in 66+ hours a week for 2+ hours to get what they want. So I congratulate you on getting to where you are today.

    As for advice I would give you this guidance:
    1) If possible start paying off any and all debt you have while you still have a steady paycheck. If you haven't looked at Dave Ramsey Financial Peace program then sign up for it today. Start eating rice and beans and cut out expenses right and left and use that money to pay off debt. The last thing you want when you go full time is to start stressing out over how you are going to pay your bills. When I went full time I had zero debt - no credit card debt, no car loan, no mortgage no nothing. It has provided me with a peace of mind that has allowed me to definitely grow your business when you are full time.

    2) Create multiple streams of income. You seem to be having great success with adsense and affiliate marketing. Now what would you do if Google closed your adsense account tomorrow and all of that income was gone? To go from $2k to $5k per month you need to have multiple streams of income. I got almost 95% of my income from affiliate marketing in 2012 and in a matter of less than 5 days my 2 largest affiliate marketing programs closed down literally cutting my income by almost 60%. It was devastating and I wanted to quit but I sucked it up and kept going. I will tell you that since I had spent about a year building up this affiliate marketing problems it took me about 6 months to pick other programs and use the knowledge I had gained and start from ground zero and get all that income back. Plus it gave me the knowledge that if I ever lost everything again then I can just get it back because I know how and nobody can take that knowledge from me. In my blog I write extensively what it was like when this happened and what steps I took to recover. My best method of recovery was to start learning new methods of making money online like book royalties, solo ads, facebook ads, and creating my own products. You should do the same. I want from earn about $3k/month mainly just from affiliate marketing to earning over $8.5k in June with multiple income streams. This is how you can scale up.

    3) Network with successful marketers. Go to marketing events even if you have to travel to attend. Dr. Ben Adkins - who I follow - just announced his FearlessSocial marketing event in Memphis TN. It is in October and then there is Marketing Mayhem next month in Florida. You will learn something new at these events and be able to network with people that are more successful and get to pick their brains. I went to Tanner Larsonn's event in Orlando several months ago and walked up to 2 guys sitting in the lobby and introduced myself and started talking to them. Found out that one guy is the brains behind people like tanner and los silva and is now helping out other big names like don wilson and ben adkins. Since that event I have spent over 2 hours on the phone with him sharing exactly what I have been doing online so that he sees and understands and is now implementing that for himself and he showed me things I did not know and I am now implementing. This valuable advice didn't come from the conference I attended but from the people you meet at the event. There is a saying that your net worth is the average of the 5 closest people you hang out with. Start hanging out with people that make four figures a month or five figures a month or even six figures a month and learn from them. Volunteer to work for them for free if you have to just to learn what they are doing so you can do it for yourself. I am a strong left brain person that has been a computer programmer for over 20 years. I would much rather interact with an inanimate object like a computer instead of a person but because i went way outside of my comfort zone and met people it has paid off in spades. So network like crazy.

    Ok hopefully that gives me some advice. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Good luck and let me know when you escape the rat race yourself.

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    • Profile picture of the author palmer9999
      Originally Posted by ratracegrad View Post

      Hey Palmer,

      Congrats on your success. This only happened because you were committed to making the time to take sustained action and did not get up.

      As Steve mentioned above when he posted about my website, I was in the same boat as you. I spent over 2 years working on building up my online business while still working a 9-5 job. I got into the habit of getting up early every workday and spending at least one hour on my online business and at least one hour on it again after work. During the work week that was 10 hours on myself and 40 hours in my day job. On weekends it was not unusual for me to spend 7-10 hours per day on Saturday AND Sunday working on my online business. So in one week I was working 40 hours on my day job and about 26+ hours on myself. Not many people are willing to put in 66+ hours a week for 2+ hours to get what they want. So I congratulate you on getting to where you are today.

      As for advice I would give you this guidance:
      1) If possible start paying off any and all debt you have while you still have a steady paycheck. If you haven't looked at Dave Ramsey Financial Peace program then sign up for it today. Start eating rice and beans and cut out expenses right and left and use that money to pay off debt. The last thing you want when you go full time is to start stressing out over how you are going to pay your bills. When I went full time I had zero debt - no credit card debt, no car loan, no mortgage no nothing. It has provided me with a peace of mind that has allowed me to definitely grow your business when you are full time.

      2) Create multiple streams of income. You seem to be having great success with adsense and affiliate marketing. Now what would you do if Google closed your adsense account tomorrow and all of that income was gone? To go from $2k to $5k per month you need to have multiple streams of income. I got almost 95% of my income from affiliate marketing in 2012 and in a matter of less than 5 days my 2 largest affiliate marketing programs closed down literally cutting my income by almost 60%. It was devastating and I wanted to quit but I sucked it up and kept going. I will tell you that since I had spent about a year building up this affiliate marketing problems it took me about 6 months to pick other programs and use the knowledge I had gained and start from ground zero and get all that income back. Plus it gave me the knowledge that if I ever lost everything again then I can just get it back because I know how and nobody can take that knowledge from me. In my blog I write extensively what it was like when this happened and what steps I took to recover. My best method of recovery was to start learning new methods of making money online like book royalties, solo ads, facebook ads, and creating my own products. You should do the same. I want from earn about $3k/month mainly just from affiliate marketing to earning over $8.5k in June with multiple income streams. This is how you can scale up.

      3) Network with successful marketers. Go to marketing events even if you have to travel to attend. Dr. Ben Adkins - who I follow - just announced his FearlessSocial marketing event in Memphis TN. It is in October and then there is Marketing Mayhem next month in Florida. You will learn something new at these events and be able to network with people that are more successful and get to pick their brains. I went to Tanner Larsonn's event in Orlando several months ago and walked up to 2 guys sitting in the lobby and introduced myself and started talking to them. Found out that one guy is the brains behind people like tanner and los silva and is now helping out other big names like don wilson and ben adkins. Since that event I have spent over 2 hours on the phone with him sharing exactly what I have been doing online so that he sees and understands and is now implementing that for himself and he showed me things I did not know and I am now implementing. This valuable advice didn't come from the conference I attended but from the people you meet at the event. There is a saying that your net worth is the average of the 5 closest people you hang out with. Start hanging out with people that make four figures a month or five figures a month or even six figures a month and learn from them. Volunteer to work for them for free if you have to just to learn what they are doing so you can do it for yourself. I am a strong left brain person that has been a computer programmer for over 20 years. I would much rather interact with an inanimate object like a computer instead of a person but because i went way outside of my comfort zone and met people it has paid off in spades. So network like crazy.

      Ok hopefully that gives me some advice. Let me know if I can be of any more assistance. Good luck and let me know when you escape the rat race yourself.

      Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the feedback you have a lot of interesting points. The one I didn't really think about was multiple streams of income. If one of my affiliates pulled out I could easily lose about 50% of my online income so must look at alternative options.
      I also think the working in the morning and evening options is a great idea! At the moment I am working the occasional evening and the occasional weekend (for a few hours).

      Rather than just working random hours on my online marketing I think a more set timetable would work better! Finally the debt idea is such a good idea, im not miles into debt or anything just have some that is hanging over me.

      I will certainly let you know when I make the decision, I am thinking the best route is a 4 - 6 month plan where at the end of it I can tick all the above off. Very useful information Jennifer and Steve!
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  • there are always this kicd of choise: do i need to continue living like this or i should risk out my money to build a huge empire (in the furtur) well i bet for the second one as i have already taken this!
    I had some money that i really need (in my life), but i want to start marketing and then i need that money, so i had 2 choises: risk that money in marketing and try to earn more or spending it in my real life, i have taken the first choise and i am very happy
    Sorry for my bad english but i hope i have said my point of view
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    The key to making more money is repeating everything you did to start making that much money while avoiding all the obstacles in your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    Well, why don't you just hire people that will do the work that needs to be done and grow the site?

    You obviously don't have the time to grow it fast enough, although it's pretty amazing that you did manage to build a successful website while having a full time job. Not many people can pull that off...
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    • Profile picture of the author palmer9999
      Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

      Well, why don't you just hire people that will do the work that needs to be done and grow the site?

      You obviously don't have the time to grow it fast enough, although it's pretty amazing that you did manage to build a successful website while having a full time job. Not many people can pull that off...
      Yea well to be honest it was a lot and I mean a lot of hours over the course of a year. I didn't really realize what I had up until a few months ago. I don't think I can hire anyone in my particular niche but possibly look at companies writing articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author thefulltimer
    This advice comes from not knowing your business, but I've seen this a lot and I had this problem myself when I first started, so I'll give you some generic advice.

    Also kudos on the hard work to get this far. People will tell you it gets easier from now on, it doesn't. It gets harder and all time consuming.

    But it's fun right?

    So my initial advice is, build more sh$t. What's driving revenue? Do more of that. It sounds like you are running some sort of large content site. If your content is driving your sites growth, add more, consistently.

    A lot of people will tell you to do more marketing, but I'd say do more of what you are doing right now. Build more sh*t.

    I'd be collecting every persons email address who comes to my site. I'd be working out ways to maximize the profits from every visitor. There would be ways now to grow your revenue from the traffic you already have.

    That could be by tweaking your monetization, or adding in a new revenue stream by collecting email addresses.

    Always maximize what you have first, then build more sh*t. You don't have a traffic problem, you have a revenue problem. More traffic is not guaranteed to make you more money.

    You need to optimize and squeeze every cent out of every visitor. You need to work out how much you earn per visitor and constantly find new ways to bump that up.

    Maximize your profit streams, add in new revenue streams, build more stuff that's gotten you to this point already, then look at ways to build more traffic.

    You can usually build more traffic by recycling what you have already. If someone visits your site once a month, getting them to visit again doubles your traffic.

    Originally Posted by palmer9999 View Post

    Hi everyone,

    I have been at internet marketing now for a number of years and been both successful and unsuccessful. Mainly success has come in the last 10 months I have created a great platform which is generating around 2 - 3k$ a month. However it seems that no matter what I do I can't get it to the 5k a month mark. Just to let everyone know how I am doing it, it was through a mixture of affiliate and onsite advertising and of course old faithful adsense.

    I guess the problem is I am still working 9 - 5 Monday to Friday and can't afford to live without my salary as well(well at the moment). But in saying that if I did quit my job I would be fairly confident by working on online marketing 9 - 5 I could reach the 5k a month mark...

    I guess the reason for my post is to see if anyone has been in my position and what was it that they did? I am so happy to be earning this steady income but at the same time want to take it to the next level. Because technically with my salary and website my earnings are coming in at around 6 -7k per month which is great! I hope you guys see my dilemma?

    Oh and word of advice for those trying to make it in online marketing don't give up! Took me 4 years to get to where I am and about 10 different projects until I got it right!
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    • Profile picture of the author palmer9999
      Originally Posted by thefulltimer View Post

      This advice comes from not knowing your business, but I've seen this a lot and I had this problem myself when I first started, so I'll give you some generic advice.

      Also kudos on the hard work to get this far. People will tell you it gets easier from now on, it doesn't. It gets harder and all time consuming.

      But it's fun right?

      So my initial advice is, build more sh. What's driving revenue? Do more of that. It sounds like you are running some sort of large content site. If your content is driving your sites growth, add more, consistently.

      A lot of people will tell you to do more marketing, but I'd say do more of what you are doing right now. Build more sh*t.

      I'd be collecting every persons email address who comes to my site. I'd be working out ways to maximize the profits from every visitor. There would be ways now to grow your revenue from the traffic you already have.

      That could be by tweaking your monetization, or adding in a new revenue stream by collecting email addresses.

      Always maximize what you have first, then build more sh*t. You don't have a traffic problem, you have a revenue problem. More traffic is not guaranteed to make you more money.

      You need to optimize and squeeze every cent out of every visitor. You need to work out how much you earn per visitor and constantly find new ways to bump that up.

      Maximize your profit streams, add in new revenue streams, build more stuff that's gotten you to this point already, then look at ways to build more traffic.

      You can usually build more traffic by recycling what you have already. If someone visits your site once a month, getting them to visit again doubles your traffic.
      Great advice! I have done this to some extent but there is so much wasted traffic were I am not collecting email addresses or not converting visitors into revenue. I guess this its because the model worked in terms of earning 2 - 3k a month but if the site was converting more email sign ups (which its not doing very effectively) I could certainly maximize my existing audience and then focus on driving more traffic. Ironically I work in sales for an online marketing company and I pitch conversion optimisation all the time..but I never took some of my own advice!

      Thanks for this given me a lot to think of
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      • Profile picture of the author thefulltimer
        You are on the right path mate, just keep going. Keep doing what works and then try a few new things as well. Not everything will pay off, but it will lead you further along the path.

        Enjoy the experience.

        Originally Posted by palmer9999 View Post

        Great advice! I have done this to some extent but there is so much wasted traffic were I am not collecting email addresses or not converting visitors into revenue. I guess this its because the model worked in terms of earning 2 - 3k a month but if the site was converting more email sign ups (which its not doing very effectively) I could certainly maximize my existing audience and then focus on driving more traffic. Ironically I work in sales for an online marketing company and I pitch conversion optimisation all the time..but I never took some of my own advice!

        Thanks for this given me a lot to think of
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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Congrats for the job you did so far.

    To go to the next level, there's ONE option. Get a real business coach. I'd check a real business coach like Terry Dean. He's the secret weapon (many keep this secret) of many warriors here. Many people went into his coaching program, then went on to make six figures or seven figures a year with his advice.

    You took your site for $3,000. Now, you need real business advice to grow your business.

    Take this from a 20 years+ martial artist. I ALWAYS have a coach. Even if I know something well, I need advice from someone who can guide me and make me improve my game. I know many athletes, amongst the best in the world in their discipline, and they ALWAYS have a coach, AND sparring partners (in IM this would be the mastermind).

    I've protected Mike Jordan and he HAD a coach. He never tried to improve his game alone. No serious athlete would do that.

    You choose.

    Take care,

    PS. When I said a business coach, I mean a real business coach, not someone who can just show you how to make more money. Think long term advice.
    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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