What is a WSO you tried that actually lived up to its own hype?

31 replies
Hey guys.. I am new to IM and posted a few threads to help learn where to invest my money. I was browsing through the WSO's and came across many that advertised making $200 a day if you follow their simple steps.

Have any of you had a positive experience with any of the WSO's and if so which ones? How much money did you make? Are they beginner friendly?

Thanks fam
#hype #lived #wso
  • Profile picture of the author alvinhy
    If you are jumping from one strategy to another it will never work.
    Most of the "make $200 a day" WSO's do not even make that much money themselves.
    It is just an advertising mean to get you hooked.

    I am not saying that people don't earn that much, but most are not there yet.

    What I would recommend you is to set out a plan on what you are passionate about.

    Create a content strategy - how you will create your content and what type of content you will be creating
    Create a traffic strategy - How you will get traffic to your website

    Stick to those plans. You can always feel free to try one of the WSO's and stick to it even if you are not making any money at first.

    Because based on my experience, you won't be making much money when you begin. but if you keep pursuing your dreams and focusing on your plan, one day you will be able to find success.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrJoeRed
      That's helpful information. I keep on hearing from people to develop a business plan and stick with it but I am not really sure what a proven business plan consists of since I am very new to this.. are there any business plans you use that have proven to be effective? I was going to try to stick to a nich like weight loss and work on getting subscribers but I noticed that the weight loss niche is pretty saturated.. It is hard finding something I know a lot about that is not a high competition niche. You know?

      And by the way I am looking for a mentor of some sort and/or a WSO that can get me headed in the right direction.
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  • Profile picture of the author novalj30
    Most make $200 a day WSO requires a lot of work and requirements. Extra careful on choosing any of them.

    Have a plan, choose the field you want to be suited.. affiliate marketing/list building, mobile apps, adsense, wordpress consulants, etc.. then evaluate the genuine post of all WF members who replied on that WSO.

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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by MrJoeRed View Post

    Hey guys.. I am new to IM and posted a few threads to help learn where to invest my money. I was browsing through the WSO's and came across many that advertised making $200 a day if you follow their simple steps. - Don't buy into hype (good copy writing)

    Have any of you had a positive experience with any of the WSO's and if so which ones? How much money did you make? Not up for discussion Are they beginner friendly? Yes if you know what you want out of one

    Thanks fam
    If you feel like cold calling everyday a few may work, (200 a day) don't know about others.

    Joined the War Room a long time ago and there were several older WSO's in there that are worth it.

    To answer your second question I have bought less than a dozen looking for certain things and the experience were positive. If you look for a golden nugget or two, there out there. I would not buy one looking for instant cash, It wont happen. gjabiz had one in his sig file back in June and it was very newbie friendly and worth every penny. (not an affiliate) also There is Alex Blades, he has a link in his sig that is very newbie friendly, that is free.

    I would not purchase a WSO on the assumption you can make $200.00 a day.
    if you find the right ones they can point you in the right direction as long as that is the path you want to follow. Each person is different so the results obtained will be different.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    It's all about what works for you.

    What may work for someone else may not be good for you.

    I've had countless people tell me how much I've helped them, but when it comes down to others, they'll say how it didn't work for them or that it was a scam.

    Choose a plan.

    Follow it.

    The first post was great at doing that. I know it seems hard to choose one thing and find the right method for you, but just know that it could take awhile before something really sticks to your liking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Originally Posted by MrJoeRed View Post

    Hey guys.. I am new to IM and posted a few threads to help learn where to invest my money. I was browsing through the WSO's and came across many that advertised making $200 a day if you follow their simple steps.

    Have any of you had a positive experience with any of the WSO's and if so which ones? How much money did you make? Are they beginner friendly?

    Thanks fam
    I would first probably go to the Mind Warriors section, because if you have the right mindset, then any of those techniques will probably work.

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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    • Profile picture of the author MrJoeRed
      Going there now. Didn't even know that section existed lol thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author expertname
    Originally Posted by MrJoeRed View Post

    I was browsing through the WSO's and came across many that advertised making $200 a day if you follow their simple steps.

    Have any of you had a positive experience with any of the WSO's and if so which ones? How much money did you make? Are they beginner friendly?
    No disrespect to the five members who replied to the OP's original post, but no one answered his questions. Is there not any warriors on this forum who can state that they found any of the WSOs to be of high enough value for a new IMer to follow and make $200 per day?

    So does the silence mean that all the WSOs have created a NEGATIVE experience and not a single WSO has allowed the buyer to make $200 per day?

    How about if I relax the OP's question and say $200 per week?
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    • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
      Originally Posted by expertname View Post

      So does the silence mean that all the WSOs have created a NEGATIVE experience and not a single WSO has allowed the buyer to make $200 per day?
      WSOs don't create anything or allow buyers do do anything. People need to work at the business model to get results. I've bought my share of how to information over the years. Even the worst of it had some value. But none of it is any good unless the individual puts it to use.

      I was making about a thousand a month here part time (two days a month) selling PLR and MMR products wholesale. 2-3GB of material for really small money, usually $20 or under.

      I gave it up to write full time. But before I did I created a WSO explaining exactly what I'd done. Every step of the process down to the fine details. Gave people my wholesale source, access to my sales letters, the works. I even coached two people who bought the course via PM here.

      They never made it. It took me several months to get up to speed and every one of them quit after a few weeks. There was nothing wrong with the model or the ebook or the marketplace. It was the people who weren't willing to put in the time and follow through. And that's often the case.
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      • Profile picture of the author ronburgundy
        Haven't bought a WSO in years. Bought loads when I started, but 99% are a complete waste of money.
        Save your money and just look around the forums and soak up as much free info as you can.
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        • Profile picture of the author WillR
          Originally Posted by ronburgundy View Post

          99% are a complete waste of money.
          How many did you buy to come to that conclusion? That's a fairly big generalization.

          I would say it's far more likely that 99% of the WSO's YOU purchased were crap. But that doesn't mean 99% of them ALL are. That means more than likely you are someone who buys into hype and are purchasing the wrong type of products. That purchasing habit is an issue you need to solve yourself.
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        • Profile picture of the author niffybranco
          Originally Posted by ronburgundy View Post

          Haven't bought a WSO in years. Bought loads when I started, but 99% are a complete waste of money.
          Save your money and just look around the forums and soak up as much free info as you can.
          Erm , I have bought , themes on here , wordpress plug ins , graphic packs , seo software keyword software etc and several courses om marketing , getting content , CPA etc that have all helped me be a better marketer and make more money . If you buy WSO's for the sole purpose of making money while not doing any work , you will end up turning buying WSO's into a job .
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        • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
          Originally Posted by ronburgundy View Post

          Haven't bought a WSO in years. Bought loads when I started, but 99% are a complete waste of money.
          Save your money and just look around the forums and soak up as much free info as you can.
          I think you are 1 % out.
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      • Profile picture of the author heavysm
        Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

        They never made it. It took me several months to get up to speed and every one of them quit after a few weeks. There was nothing wrong with the model or the ebook or the marketplace. It was the people who weren't willing to put in the time and follow through. And that's often the case.

        Most of the people who "fail" with WSO's just don't take the necessary action to get the thing going.

        My best WSO ever was back in the summer of 2011 and it revealed a market that was massively lucrative.

        It was work to get my new site going and ranking for organic traffic but it was 1000% worth it because from that $9 WSO i ended up making several grand in profit.

        That WSO is no longer available but the lesson will always stick with me. There are a TON of these incredibly lucrative markets, ideas, methods, plans...you name it, but only a select few willing to put in the work to get decent yield on their efforts.
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        • Profile picture of the author MrJoeRed
          Okay, soo does anybody have a WSO that they can share with me? I want to try one that someone actually had success with. a lot of people are commenting but few have directly answered my original question.
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          • Profile picture of the author WillR
            Originally Posted by MrJoeRed View Post

            Okay, soo does anybody have a WSO that they can share with me? I want to try one that someone actually had success with. a lot of people are commenting but few have directly answered my original question.
            No one is really going to link to certain WSO's because it's not really within the forum rules to be doing so.

            The reality is most WSO's I have seen (both good and bad) are based on methods that do actually work. It's up to you as to how well those methods work. Even if you take action on something that will never work, provided you are persistent you'll eventually find what doesn't work and readjust until you find what does work.

            So if you are an action taker there is no way you can fail. You'll eventually find the right away. The issue is most people looking to make money online are not action takers and prefer to blame their lack of success on everything other than themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author sujit1717
    Buy a notebook and start writing your plans, ides and to do work. this strategy always help me to focus. Most of the Wso are crap. Trust me. They are filled with random information ith bells and whistles. Instead start low and keep growing.
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  • Profile picture of the author joshril
    I agree...

    There's a lot of hype out there...

    The secret to making money online is there is no secret at all..

    1. Find a group of people with a problem or need (market)
    2. Find a solution to that problem or fill their need (product/service)
    3. Get your product/service in front of those people (traffic/marketing)

    Most people get bogged down into the details/tactics... PPC, Facebook list-building, product creation, affiliate marketing, etc.

    When people get stuck, they tend to go searching... especially when they are sold on "push a button and get rich."

    You can send an email (push a button) and get rich, but there's a fair amount of work that leads up to that...

    With that being said, there are some solid products/services advertised in the WSO section... You just have to separate the wheat from the chaff... (look for reputable Warriors, vendors that have been around for a while, vendors that don't sell with a TON of HYPE!!)


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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Pambos
    When you are just starting out, I recommend you try out several "methods" and business models until you find one that best suits your interests and that you can see yourself doing in the long-term, of course you want this starting out phase to be as cost effective as possible whilst you are testing out different methods and business models and going through the standard trial & error phase.

    It took me a while to find what worked best for me but I'm glad I went through that process of testing out everything I could when starting out in order to sift through all the different methods and business models available to us today to locate that one business model that works best for me and I have stuck with it since, that model for me is Blogging.

    Welcome to WarriorForum and all the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Most of the WSOs I've bought have been good value and some are great. I really like the ones that offer obvious value like graphics, scripts, themes...etc When I buy a how-to-make-money WSO I always do so from a point of curiosity and to learn anything. $7 is cheaper than a hot rod magazine and they only show me how to spend money.

    The best WSO ever (for me) was one that cost less than $20 but made me more than $40,000. It's still for sale actually and probably one of the best WSOs ever produced so they're out there. Never listen to anyone who echoes the defeatist "99% of WSOs are bad" line. It's not true, (never has been) and the real truth has been closer to the opposite of that. Sure, I've bought a few clangers that made me roll my eyes but I always extract something out of all of them and on the whole look forward to buying them on a regular basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author Valdor Kiebach
    Mr Bill is the only one who answered the OP and he didnt mention wich one it was.

    Draw your own conclusions.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
      Originally Posted by Valdor Kiebach View Post

      Mr Bill is the only one who answered the OP and he didnt mention wich one it was.

      Draw your own conclusions.
      We're not allowed to link to or promote WSOs in other threads so really the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you're not aware of the rules of this forum. Can you image the mayhem if people were allowed to just ask for WSO recommendations (with no knowledge of the OPs skills, desires or ethics).

      Anyone who draws any conclusions other than "there are loads and loads of WSOs that offer tremendous value" from what I said isn't listening (or more likely doesn't want to listen) to the true reality and just wants to echo the negative line because it makes them feel better about their own inactivity.
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      • Profile picture of the author Valdor Kiebach
        Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

        We're not allowed to link to or promote WSOs in other threads so really the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you're not aware of the rules of this forum.
        You came to the wrong conclusion from my response, I am very aware of the rules.

        For those who are having difficulty understanding my response I will try and put it in simpler terms.

        Mr Bill was the only person (up to that point) who actually answered to op's question.
        The conclusion: not many WSO's lived up to their hype, or the people who bought them made so much money they no longer post on this forum.

        Also people do ask for WSO recommendations on a regular basis, no mayhem ensued.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    Decide for one strategy to use and then gather information, it does not have to be through a WSO. Honestly I think you can receive a lot more value about a specific strategy from networking with other marketers.

    The WSO's that get most sales is not necessarily the best ones... They only mean that they have a very good sales pitch. Think of it the best sellers sells the most, but are they the ones who deliver the best?

    Far from always.
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  • Originally Posted by MrJoeRed View Post

    Hey guys.. I am new to IM and posted a few threads to help learn where to invest my money. I was browsing through the WSO's and came across many that advertised making $200 a day if you follow their simple steps.

    Have any of you had a positive experience with any of the WSO's and if so which ones? How much money did you make? Are they beginner friendly?

    Thanks fam
    Actually, there were various WSO's that were pertinent to my interest.

    Therefore, it's a personal one, so no one can say what WSO is the right one for them or to advise others to buy/follow.

    My advice ... is to use your gut instinct as to which WSO to purchase ... honestly!

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Its funny, I have bought a number of WSOs in the past.

      I can maybe think of one ot two that were just garbage.

      But most all of them I found did have something of value.

      And all of them were definitely worth the Price.

      I know there is crap WSOs out there.

      But if you really look you can find some value in many WSOs.

      I cannot even begin to count the number of $7 WSOs I got in the past that were worth 5 to 10 times that amount.

      You would be surprise.

      Just make sure to read some of the Posts within the WSO thread and see how the Owner is responding and look closely at comments that are giving feedback on the product.

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    This works......


    Better than a lot of WSOs and free.

    I know it works. Been doing it twice a month for 6 years.
    "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
    To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    Understood. I think that the later is probably more the case. WF can be a launching pad for people to come here, learn and then go and "do". So, if all we see are new folks and folks who just like to hang around, it might seem like there are fewer "success stories" than some new people might to believe but I'm not convinced it's because there aren't any. They might just have gone on to build their businesses with little need to look back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mindz
    Yes - I went into article writing. It was slow at first. After that I start writing for SEO Agencies. The work steady and at decent rates.
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  • Profile picture of the author OldToad
    Nope. Not once. Ever.
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