Should I focus on content? Is content king?

53 replies
I'm sure this has been asked before. It's a question that changes answers from different people nearly everyday.

Some people say content is best, focus on that. Others say design is key, content is not. You can see how confused I am!

I can see how a balance of everything can be great for success. I'm no where near a designer expert, but my website is pretty basic with how it looks. With my focus on content, I'm thinking that I would be well on my way to building a great following and trust with my audience by creating and sharing all kinds of fitness info (

Am I on the right track? Should I focus on content?

Thank you for your time warriors !!
#content #focus #king
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Yeah focus on content, and once you start getting lots of visitors they will let you know if you should make changes to your design or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    It depends on what you are looking to accomplish and how you are using your content. Are you selling it, or giving it away to generate leads and traffic?

    Because there are two entirely different formulas for content depending on if they are buying it or reading on a blog.

    You dont want to create content for the sake of creating content, make sure you know the purpose of the content before you ever create it.

    You can have a site with a thousand blog posts and never make a dime if you don't do it right. So you cant just create content and magically make a million dollars. You have to use your content right
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberzolo
    Creating good content is all good, but it doesn't just stop there. You have to really market your content to make it work.
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  • Profile picture of the author theinternethustle
    Assuming just from the fact that you are on the warrior forum that you intend to try and make money then yes content is the most important. Whether you are using content to help build a following or a list or you are just using the content to try and directly sell affiliate products the content has to be good. If you can't grab their attention you can't get them to opt in to your list or you won't be able to make a sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author r2r
    Its an old discussion where Content has always won the battle, no matter what niche what platform.
    After all we are after good information on the internet, which comes in the form of good content.

    So yes content is and will remain the KING
    [Private] This Landing Pages has Crazy Lead Capturing Capabilities -
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  • Profile picture of the author andrewkar
    Originally Posted by DieselFit View Post

    I'm sure this has been asked before. It's a question that changes answers from different people nearly everyday.

    Some people say content is best, focus on that. Others say design is key, content is not. You can see how confused I am!

    I can see how a balance of everything can be great for success. I'm no where near a designer expert, but my website is pretty basic with how it looks. With my focus on content, I'm thinking that I would be well on my way to building a great following and trust with my audience by creating and sharing all kinds of fitness info (

    Am I on the right track? Should I focus on content?

    Thank you for your time warriors !!
    If you play purely Google's SERP game then NO. You should focus on LINKs. Rankings are based on links. Content is cool for people but, Google is ranking you by counting your link's power. Sure, getting some good content out there will help you eventually get good links but, getting power links is not only about the content. Actually, when you have a good source of links content is irrelevant (excluding T1 and sometimes T2s). And here we have differentiate. Good content for Google isn't necessarily a good content for humans (and opposite).

    So, if you play SERPs game focus on links. Content is secondary in that case, it has to be only good enough to get you through human reviews. On the other hand, if you don't have the capacity to get powerful links that will make you rank faster then others can imagine, create engaging content that will drive traffic to your properties (and eventually get you some nice links). It takes more time, work and money (at hand) but, less technical skills and smaller budget.
    Do what you want to do!
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
      Originally Posted by andrewkar View Post

      If you play purely Google's SERP game then NO. You should focus on LINKs. Rankings are based on links. Content is cool for people but, Google is ranking you by counting your link's power. Sure, getting some good content out there will help you eventually get good links but, getting power links is not only about the content. Actually, when you have a good source of links content is irrelevant (excluding T1 and sometimes T2s). And here we have differentiate. Good content for Google isn't necessarily a good content for humans (and opposite).

      So, if you play SERPs game focus on links. Content is secondary in that case, it has to be only good enough to get you through human reviews. On the other hand, if you don't have the capacity to get powerful links that will make you rank faster then others can imagine, create engaging content that will drive traffic to your properties (and eventually get you some nice links). It takes more time, work and money (at hand) but, less technical skills and smaller budget.
      hmmm not true and very bad advice these days...

      google has changed its algorithm to mostly ignore back links and concentrate on social media

      In 2012 Google changed the way that they ranked websites by changing their programming...Google has called this "social signals", and it means that if you give users things they like to read and share with their friends, you're more likely to be first in your chosen topic for your keywords.

      That also means that the "backlink" process has taken on a new form. Marketers will now need to find new ways of networking with other website owners in their niche. And they will also need to look to try to get attention from both news and related trade organizations.

      This is the new SEO. While you will find sites that will still use the old formula to rank, Google is working overtime in order to eliminate the advantage that they used to have.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
        Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

        hmmm not true and very bad advice these days...

        google has changed its algorithm to mostly ignore back links and concentrate on social media

        In 2012 Google changed the way that they ranked websites by changing their programming...Google has called this "social signals", and it means that if you give users things they like to read and share with their friends, you're more likely to be first in your chosen topic for your keywords.

        That also means that the "backlink" process has taken on a new form. Marketers will now need to find new ways of networking with other website owners in their niche. And they will also need to look to try to get attention from both news and related trade organizations.

        This is the new SEO. While you will find sites that will still use the old formula to rank, Google is working overtime in order to eliminate the advantage that they used to have.
        I agree with Robert. Google is looking for social signals that show them the content you are providing is worthwhile according to the people seeing in. Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube friends, followers and fans matter more then backlinks. I don't think there is anything wrong with sprinkling relevant keywords into your content, but trying to rank on Google based on backlinks is a bad plan.

        The other thing is no one knows how Google will rank in the future, but if you create content for your readers it doesn't matter what Google does. Plus I am willing to bet that as long as Google needs to deliver useful results to their searchers quality content will never be a bad thing.
        Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by Jeff Schuman View Post

          I agree with Robert. Google is looking for social signals that show them the content you are providing is worthwhile according to the people seeing in. Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube friends, followers and fans matter more then backlinks. I don't think there is anything wrong with sprinkling relevant keywords into your content, but trying to rank on Google based on backlinks is a bad plan.
          Jeff, I would take this one step further. There's a thriving secondary market for "friends, followers and fans." I would imagine the SE folks are fully aware of this.

          I'm coming around to the idea that it isn't just accumulating likes, etc. that's important. Active engagement (linking, sharing, etc.) of actual content is going to be more important than just spinning the wheel on the friend meter. Further, I think the days of trying to force engagement via content lockers and such is going to go the way of link farms, into a well-deserved obscurity.
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  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    The content you have on your website isn't going to do much. It's very generic, and pretty obvious that you're writing just for the sake of writing.

    A potential customer has no reason to think that you care about their physical well being, and outside of a (what we'll assume is real) set of before and after photos there is no reason at all to believe that you're qualified to teach/coach.

    Back to the drawing board because yes, content is important.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      My synopsis . . .

      Part 1

      Anyone can throw content on a web site.

      Focus on original and unique, high quality content that is laser focused on helping people in your niche.

      Write for the benefit of your audience, not the benefit of the search engines.

      Write interesting, valuable, and thought provoking material that your readers look forward to receiving.

      Part 2

      It has been said . . . "Content is king, distribution is queen, and she wears the pants in the family." I say - exactly!

      The second half of great content is purposefully and methodically distributing it over the Internet in important places . . . places like portals, authority sites, forums, important blogs, etc that are the leaders in your niche. Content does little good if folks it's targeted to don't see it.

      There you have it. Now add the details and some action and you'll be on your way to becoming an authority in your niche.

      The very best to you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author DieselFit
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

        My synopsis . . .

        Part 1

        Anyone can throw content on a web site.

        Focus on original and unique, high quality content that is laser focused on helping people in your niche.

        Write for the benefit of your audience, not the benefit of the search engines.

        Write interesting, valuable, and thought provoking material that your readers look forward to receiving.

        Part 2

        It has been said . . . "Content is king, distribution is queen, and she wears the pants in the family." I say - exactly!

        The second half of great content is purposefully and methodically distributing it over the Internet in important places . . . places like portals, authority sites, forums, important blogs, etc that are the leaders in your niche. Content does little good if folks it's targeted to don't see it.

        There you have it. Now add the details and some action and you'll be on your way to becoming an authority in your niche.

        The very best to you,


        Hello Steve, that is excellent advice. While I am writing for the trust and benefit of my readers, I did use the keywords of each topic into the post so if anyone was searching it, it would be found. I was told to use the same keyword 9 times, including 4 times in the post. Is using this method of SEO (which seems light to me) the old way?

        I understand I should be focusing on unique and original stuff, but am I only depending on my marketing instead of rather my SEO methods?

        Thank you for your help!
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    • Profile picture of the author DieselFit
      Originally Posted by @tjr View Post

      The content you have on your website isn't going to do much. It's very generic, and pretty obvious that you're writing just for the sake of writing.

      A potential customer has no reason to think that you care about their physical well being, and outside of a (what we'll assume is real) set of before and after photos there is no reason at all to believe that you're qualified to teach/coach.

      Back to the drawing board because yes, content is important.
      I'm seriously new to building a website but not new to blogging. I am writing for the sake of gaining trust and sharing information of my knowledge. Could you elaborate on how my blogs seem generic? Could you give me any suggestion that would get me on the right track?
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      • Profile picture of the author @tjr
        Originally Posted by DieselFit View Post

        I'm seriously new to building a website but not new to blogging. I am writing for the sake of gaining trust and sharing information of my knowledge. Could you elaborate on how my blogs seem generic? Could you give me any suggestion that would get me on the right track?
        Specifics will take a little more time to prepare for you than a regular forum post will. Standby though, I'll put something together for you in the next day or so.
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        • Profile picture of the author oWEN tEBB
          You have had some amazing feedback so far and I try to improve upon it.

          So in my personal opinion both are equally important. Why??? Let me explain....

          First the content has to be original, compelling and encourages feedback from readers. I always feel the best topics are ones that has structure to its and been well thought out. Just imagine your telling a story. A story has a beginning, middle and end right? Well so should your topic. If you purpose a question, then you must have a well thought out answer that makes sense.

          Second the way you display your content has to be visable and easy to read. Nothing more annoying when your trying to read something that could potentially be interesting, only to find that your struggling because the layout isn't great. What I also find annoying is that the poster/author fails to read what he has written before they post and because of that you find a few silly mistakes with spelling etc....

          A great, clean and easy to read website with great content will alway be a winner and you might not get it right first time but its important to remember that a website is a constant work in progress.

          Hope this helps

          Good Luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Yes content is king. In fact, I think everyone should take the approach - every single blog post they have is promoted.

    If you scroll down to the bottom of all their blog posts - you'll see that there's a call to action. That's why they are so damn popular

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by DieselFit View Post

    I'm no where near a designer expert, but my website is pretty basic with how it looks.
    You and me both.

    I've done better, overall, with "basic" sites than with the few "professional" ones I've had made for me. It's helped me for my sites to look "authentic" rather than "like a smart marketer". I want my visitors/readers/subscribers to know that I'm a niche enthusiast. I don't want to impress them with my web design skills at all (which is just as well because I don't have any).

    (I suspect that only website designers say that website design's more important than content ).
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    • Profile picture of the author nicenet
      I just read your article on ''how to write articles.'' It is very informative. Thanks
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    • Profile picture of the author nicenet
      Alexa, I just read your post on ''how to write an article.'' It's very informative. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa CC
    There is no doubt that content is almost everything so start writing quality content and be descriptive.
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  • Profile picture of the author JessUBotNinja
    Focus on content has a lot of meanings - avenues. It has to be relevant, provide value, be something the reader can understand and connect with (speaking to them in language they will understand). Just because content reads well to you, does not mean it will grab your readers attention, keep their attention and have them asking for more.

    The wanting more is particularly important if you are trying to sell them this content. be sure to do some testing with your style to your direct audience. Good luck!

    Automation at its finest -

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  • Profile picture of the author blaze the trail
    Writing great content is not a piece of cake if the truth must be told.You can master the art of doing that but it requires hard work on your part.If you keep at it for long while,then expect to get results . Don't engage in any black hat method,otherwise you will get kicked by the big "G" sooner than later.
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  • Profile picture of the author LuckyIMer
    Yes, content is king and you should focus on it, original and good content that interests your visitors and readers can make them link back to your website, but content is not the only thing you should focus on, as you also need to build back links to your website so people would know about your website and content.
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  • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
    I think it requires a combination of all mentioned above to make a successful site. QUALITY content is very important but if no one gets to see that good content then it is pointless. So, you need to work on the marketing side too.
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  • Profile picture of the author MujeebKhan
    Ofcourse Content really is king. Although design is important. But what good is your site if it doesn't have the content people want?

    I think you're on the right track and you should focus more on content because it's the content that will bring you the audience as well as put money in your bank later on. Content really is king.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Content plays a major role in SEO as it i consider as one of the best SEO techniques in 2014 after some major Google updates.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDigerati
    Focus on Original Unique Content that provides value to readers. A number of Marketers focus on producing content that will rank well. I believe the Big Bad G has moved away from that, and their system is able to rank unique quality engaging content which has good social signals. In the end, its all about providing value thru awesome content, and the money will follow.

    Don't forget to re-purpose your content, in different formats or mediums, ( Audio, Video, Ebook, Blogs etc)

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  • Profile picture of the author NK
    Between the debate of whether content is the king you need to focus on, one thing is for certain - you can never go wrong with great content. While links and rankings comes and goes, great content stays with you and your readers for a long time.

    Solid content can stand on its own even if a distribution channel fails. It's work that only needs to be done once, and grows from there.

    Whether or not content is truly king, it's always something worth working on.

    Affiliate Link Cloaking & Tracking Software - The most powerful tool available for affiliate marketers who are sick and tired of making way too little money!
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

      You and me both.

      I've done better, overall, with "basic" sites than with the few "professional" ones I've had made for me. It's helped me for my sites to look "authentic" rather than "like a smart marketer". I want my visitors/readers/subscribers to know that I'm a niche enthusiast. I don't want to impress them with my web design skills at all (which is just as well because I don't have any).

      (I suspect that only website designers say that website design's more important than content ).
      Have you ever watched a house built from the ground up?

      First comes the foundation, then the framing, and finally the finishes that people see.

      Good website design is like quality framing and foundation for a house. Once the finishes (content) go up, you shouldn't notice the framing. It just sits there providing a stable place for your embellishments that make it yours.

      If someone visits your site and the main thing they take away is your design (good or bad), something is very wrong.

      To answer the OP...

      Get the design right, meaning clean, easy to navigate, fast and functional. Do it right the first time, and you can cross it off your list.

      After that, focus on a seesaw of providing the best content you are capable of and then working to put enough of the right eyeballs on it. Yin and yang, one without the other is incomplete.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I think you should focus on content. As far as site design goes... there are a ton of nice website templates that you can go and use, and put your content on. AND that people will still click on your ads and links and things like that. Once option for sure where i know (personally) is true is with a simple Wordpress blog. Focus on content. Everyone on your email list cares about content... not a great website banner.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Content is not king. Depends how you look at it.

    If you want to make quick and easy sales to what ever you are promoting, I would go with paid ads.

    Paid ads is KING in my view.
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  • Profile picture of the author alvinhy

    if you don't have good content who cares about the design!
    Write quality stuff that solves a problem

    A quick hack for creating good content is
    - does it solve a problem?
    - is there a quick solution for it?
    - how would you do it?
    - are there alternatives?
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  • Profile picture of the author nasstar
    Design is very key, but who ever said "content is key" got it spot on, content is indeed key and good content i might add, good fresh original content makes your visitors and the almighty "G" happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Id focus on quality! Running a online business is no different than any other. We just have more options available to us today.

    It all comes down to "supply and demand"

    Pick your market and niche and yes you want to come off as the expert so you need to provide valuable, useful content. It really doesn't even have to be original content but just of a quality of nature.

    I assume you have an organic traffic strategy that you are going use? The easiest and fastest is to learn how to invest in paid traffic. You want to be building a list for this though thats for sure then yea you nurture that relationship with good content and good products.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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    • Profile picture of the author DieselFit
      Wow the responses on this thread are great! Thank you warriors!

      Originally Posted by EPoltrack77 View Post

      Id focus on quality! Running a online business is no different than any other. We just have more options available to us today.

      It all comes down to "supply and demand"

      Pick your market and niche and yes you want to come off as the expert so you need to provide valuable, useful content. It really doesn't even have to be original content but just of a quality of nature.

      I assume you have an organic traffic strategy that you are going use? The easiest and fastest is to learn how to invest in paid traffic. You want to be building a list for this though thats for sure then yea you nurture that relationship with good content and good products.
      I comment on other blogs with my website link and I actually have found generous traffic flows from that. I just don't see any engagement with my readers. I must be doing something wrong with my content.

      My market is fitness and my niche is helping those who are skinny gain muscle, hence my story on my site is about how i went from skinny to muscular.

      Building a list as in followers or subscribers? I'm new at this so it seriously seems like there's an endless stream of answers on what to do, but never quite sure what to go with for success.
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  • Profile picture of the author anders83k
    If you got a budget paid ads is always a good way to go as long as you build some kind of list so you get to keep some of the traffic.

    For free traffic generation contents is of course always good for building rapport. While a nice design is great too.

    So I would say content is somehow king while design is queen.
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  • Profile picture of the author LordofSEO
    Content is, essentially, any marketer's quid pro quo. It's the salesperson's closing arguments. A lead generator's warm welcome.

    Let me explain.

    Content manipulates SERPs if written correctly (see also natural link building). Content tells stories which pictures cannot. The argument that links alone will increase SERPs is conjecture at best.

    Think about it.

    When you're given a guest posting task, you'll find high quality blogs that want your content. Blog owners will request at least one reputable source appear linked within your content - a reputable source which is content written on CNN, NY Times (Wikipedia is human edited, lacks complete credibility and can be changed tomorrow to reflect arbitrary facts). So, even in your link building efforts, you are quickly learning that those who establish precedence in content excellence are winning in SERPs, are being used as attribution links elsewhere and generate the larger portion of social awareness.

    Instead of asking "Is content king?", perhaps a more appropriate question is "Why isn't your content king?"
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  • Profile picture of the author nicenet
    I think you need to strike a balance. Use all the techniques,quality content, paid ads and good backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author DTGeorge
    Originally Posted by DieselFit View Post

    I'm sure this has been asked before. It's a question that changes answers from different people nearly everyday.

    Some people say content is best, focus on that. Others say design is key, content is not. You can see how confused I am!

    I can see how a balance of everything can be great for success. I'm no where near a designer expert, but my website is pretty basic with how it looks. With my focus on content, I'm thinking that I would be well on my way to building a great following and trust with my audience by creating and sharing all kinds of fitness info (

    Am I on the right track? Should I focus on content?

    Thank you for your time warriors !!
    Promotion is king.

    Content, while important, is secondary.

    No matter how awesome your product is, it's worthless if nobody knows about it.

    Simply putting more information in a sea of billions of pages of information is useless. Google will not magically rank your content to the top, no matter how "good" you think it is, based solely on that aspect alone

    Come up with a complete strategy for getting your content out to the masses, and ensure that when it DOES go out it's something you will be proud of.
    Kickass writer featured in:
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    Contact me now for quality content at a reasonable rate
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    • Profile picture of the author annavirk
      yes every Internet marketing professional should learn the fact that content must be original. It is very important to know that the content is for customers not for just promotional material. The content must be appealing and meets the needs of customer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenny Odo
    Content is king but link is queen. You should have both of them.
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    • Profile picture of the author humbleknights
      Originally Posted by Kenny Odo View Post

      Content is king but link is queen. You should have both of them.
      Am I allowed to post links here, within the rules???
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  • Profile picture of the author oWEN tEBB
    Links are good but as long as you dont overuse them otherwise you run the risk of becoming a spamming website. You need to build a strong following by offering your visitors value.

    Value, Quality and Consistency is the key to a successful business. This should be your aim.

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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Originally Posted by DieselFit View Post

    I'm sure this has been asked before. It's a question that changes answers from different people nearly everyday.

    Some people say content is best, focus on that. Others say design is key, content is not. You can see how confused I am!

    I can see how a balance of everything can be great for success. I'm no where near a designer expert, but my website is pretty basic with how it looks. With my focus on content, I'm thinking that I would be well on my way to building a great following and trust with my audience by creating and sharing all kinds of fitness info (

    Am I on the right track? Should I focus on content?

    Thank you for your time warriors !!
    Yes, you should.

    It's either you invest your time to learn and develop your skills of producing great content or you hire someone to do for you.

    Appearance do matters.

    Truth being said, people - even you and I subsconsciously - are irrational. They tend to pay attention to what appeals to them and buys if it is what they need or want.

    This is what Google also takes into consideration and why they made so many changes over the last 4 years to their ranking system.

    It is not just putting up unique and keyword relevant content but also content that engages them, attracts them and provides them solutions to their problems or give them exactly what they want that matters.

    I know making $ is important but it is even more important to take into consideration into what people need or want and how will they benefit from buying from you as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jtraits
    i`m not sure if my answer will change anything but yes, you should choose to focus on content. once you have done that -which is the basis- you can start building towards the top. setting up a list, ways to use to bring more people close etc , should be done careful but after you finish the content
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  • Profile picture of the author KristofferIM
    Do people come to your site because they wanna see how pretty it is or because they wanna get fit?

    That should answer it
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  • Profile picture of the author techforce
    Although i totally agree with the lovely quote saying "content is the king" but i hardly believe in that there must be audience for this content or it will be worthless
    "Wherever You Go, There You Are"
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  • Profile picture of the author ThatOneGuy
    Content is king, and I can't foresee a day that it's dethroned.

    Regardless of how your site looks, it's the content that is going to draw visitors in, and it's content that will either make them your rabid fans and earn their trust and respect or leave them saying "meh" and walking away from your site.

    Having a relationship with your readers is the most important part of a long-term business, and a shiny website isn't going to do it if you don't have any meat on it for your readers to sink their teeth into.

    P.S. Just for the record, I've made blogs with good readership before without the hassle of buying backlinks and stuff. I just kept writing and writing, and slowly but surely the readers came, and I had a decent retention rate.

    I Haz Website! ThatOneGuy is now up, running, and ready to dispense advice and log its journey to Internet success.

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  • Profile picture of the author UnkwnUsr
    Google isn't basing their algorithm off of social shares that would be even easier to game than backlinks. Backlinks still are the major ranking factor it's just that many link building techniques have been discounted. A contextual link from a high authority site should now be the goal. Links you can be build yourself like blog commenting, article directories and profile submissions are being discounted because most of the time they are unnatural.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Have you ever seen a website without content?

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      It's happening again. People are dividing over whether content or design, or content or promotion, are more important.

      It's like picking up a coin and saying the head is more important than the tail. Or like looking at a yin-yang symbol and debating which is more important.

      The bottom line is that good design makes good content more accessible, which means nothing if no one reads it. You need all three to make a whole.
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  • Profile picture of the author simplicity4
    Originally Posted by DieselFit View Post

    Some people say content is best, focus on that. Others say design is key, content is not. You can see how confused I am!
    My 2 cents: Content is king. Period. My mistake early on was outsourcing 500 word blog articles through fiverr, simply to meet time quotas and my blog ranking paid heavily because of it.

    Focus on content "first" and then follow with design
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  • Profile picture of the author ProsperityMedia
    You need to focus on making sure your website is nice design wise and also conversion friendly, once you do this then focus on building kick ass content and also have a SEO and content seeding strategy to back it all up.

    Many people are quick to push content, yet they do not realize the content they are making is poor.
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