Why do IM's make such UGLY ads?
Even the TOP dudes out there are using ugly landing pages/ugly banners/ugly everything. It's not like they don't have the cash to hire a talented designer. So, I just don't get it.
Now, when I say "ugly" I don't just mean the placement of images is bad - I'm talking about straight up using super pixely images instead of a higher-resolution one.
What's the psychological reason for this? It can't just be "that's what works". Because when creating a narrative, quality has been PROVEN to be important. There are the occasional 'outliers' that strike a nerve and go viral. But for example, if you look on youtube - polished, neat videos like this (over 3 millions views): do very, very well. I'm not talking about viral cat videos, I'm talking about creating a video that has a NARRATIVE.
This video isn't anything crazy, but it has a simple, neat design. Knowing this, why would top marketers still choose to go with the ugly "video scribe" style? I understand why beginners would choose the ugly style, but I'm talking about guys that are pulling in a lot of cash. They have the $$ to spend on better quality - why don't they??
Please, someone enlighten me.
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