What is the best Online store platform ?

21 replies
I want to open an online store. My blog is wordpress. What platform should I use ? things like shopify ? I tried to search google but so many options.
#online #platform #store
  • Profile picture of the author blitzbc
    When I tried the online store route last year, I used Tomatocart. I found it to be very user friendly. However a lot of things can change over a year. Check wordpress plugins as well. You might be able to find a free or cheap plugin that might work well for you. I guess it all depends on what type of store you are trying to create.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    If you're new to this, I recommend WooCommerce. Simple, effective, free. It has plenty of extensions - free and paid - and many helpful learning resources exist around the net for it. You'll also find a bunch of great free and premium templates. I own half a dozen eCommerce sites built around this CMS and they work perfectly. Is Wordpress the best CMS for eCommerce? No, not at all. But for something small to medium-sized(ish), it's fine.

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  • Profile picture of the author alvinhy
    You can use Shopify, WooCommerce or Wordpress.they all work great for eCommerce.

    If you want a more professional one try Magento.
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  • Profile picture of the author NatesMarketing
    I have used both WooCommerce and Shopify.

    WooCommerce is great, but - it can be a lot to manage/maintain...keeping it updated, getting the correct addons/modifications...making sure you're crazy programming isn't making it unsecure - it's kind of stressful IMO.

    Even though I prefer full ownership and control (ie by using WooCommerce) - it was just too stressful - and now I prefer a third party store...and I've chosen Shopify...which I like.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Your best bet with Wordpress is Woocommerce. It's easy to set up and has a lot of extensions available to do just about anything you need to do with an ecommerce store.

    Check out this forum
    eCommerce Sites, Wholesaling & Drop Shipping

    It's where the ecommerce discussions are.
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  • Profile picture of the author James1212
    I use Woo Commerce and Wordpress, it can be a pain in the ass or simple depends what you are selling.

    Mike Schlecht

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyPlan
    BigCommerce is a very good store platform but it's stand alone so you would have to link to the store from your site rather than integrating it as you want. There are a few others as mentioned that offer very good store options for stand alone stores including Shopify.
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  • Profile picture of the author kj1010
    I really like shopify because they have great add on/scripts that do important things like getting listed on google stores, suggest additional items to buyers, beautiful themes and great support.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnZ
    If you're planning to run an online store on WordPress, use WooCommerce. It's easy to set up and has plenty of features that make everything easier. Not to mention that many WordPress themes come with built-in with WooCommerce support integrated.
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  • Profile picture of the author deekay
    I had zero knowledge on how to set it up at first in one of my websites. That was a few months ago. So I just outsourced the work instead of stressing myself on what to click and when to click. Do you set-up your sites on your own or you outsource the work, too?
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  • Profile picture of the author zakclayton
    WooCommerce is great for a simple shop solution, if you require something more flexible go with a paid for solution. Shopify is great.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Another tip. You'll find some excellent Wordpress themes that are WooCommerce compatible on Theme Forest. Woo Themes are great, too, since they're obviously built by the chaps who created WC, but I find the TF themes to be superior (debatable, of course).

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  • Profile picture of the author E-Estates
    If you are looking to set up Amazon Affiliate Store, Prosociate is one of the best plugins.

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  • Profile picture of the author khtm
    Another vote for WooCommerce. You'll have more control over how the site looks/functions, plus it's free if you don't use any premium plugins.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jennifer Hutson
    WooCommerce is great, just need to make sure you set up the back end properly. You'll most likely need to watch some tutorials for it, as it can be a tad confusing the first time you use it. After that, you'll love it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kristi1603
    Go with OpenCart!

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  • Profile picture of the author TStance
    You might want to check out a new mobile-based ecommerce platform called BuySellFast

    It's very easy to use and hardly requires any setup time. Best of all it's virtually free with no listing fees or commissions.
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    • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
      The best platform is the one that checks all the boxes of features and needs. Have you figured that out yet?

      How many products? How many Sku's?
      How many Categories? Do you have subcategories? How deep?
      Need recurring billing? Makes a difference
      What about wholesale functionality. Love shopify but it doesn't have it.
      What kind of discounting, coupling and other info do you need?
      Do you want to run it on your wordpress site, or are you willing to do it at a subdomain (shop.mywebsite.com) or a seperate folder (mywebsite.com/store)?
      Do you want to handle maintenance? What about installing and handling SSL certs? How does your country handle data breaches?
      What payment processor do you want to use?
      Do you need to hook into the shopping comparison engines?
      What about a Facebook store? Want one integrated?

      When you answer all these questions, then you can see what carts check as many of those boxes and choose. Don't look past using Drupal and Drupal commerce as I think it is a much more powerful CMS but also is not as easy to use as wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    I think Waoocommerce fits in with Wordpress better than other store platforms
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