Opportunities Many Warrior Forum Marketers Miss Here

16 replies
I notice a lot of small opportunities many online marketers miss here in the Warrior Forum

For example.
  • Newbies who ask for advice and get snippy, discourteous or even rude answers.
  • Marketers who seem to get a inner thrill out of talking down to others who are just trying to learn.
  • Confrontationally over-aggressive , mean spirited marketers who display signatures that imply they want to do business with you.
  • And Drive-by complainers - who complain - but never offer solutions.
Sure, some of the answers these people give are fact based, even knowledgeable. But that reminds me of the saying “people don’t care how much you know until ... they know how much you care”.

Your thoughts please.
#forum #marketers #miss #opportunities #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    “people don’t care how much you know until ... they know how much you care”
    I've never heard that one.

    Here's one for you: "People who don't care will tell you what ever they think you want to hear to get your money."

    I'd rather hear the truth in a gruff or even confrontational manner then have someone pretend to "care" about me and pump me full of B.S.

    If you are so thin skinned you can't handle a harsh dose of reality when needed then you should take your marbles and go home now. My business doesn't depend on popularity.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      I've never heard that one.
      Here's one for you: "People who don't care will tell you what ever they think you want to hear to get your money."
      Some will, some won't.

      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      I'd rather hear the truth in a gruff or even confrontational manner then have someone pretend to "care" about me and pump me full of B.S.
      Why does it have to be Either ... Or? It's just about respect and common courtesy - while dispensing the truth as you put it.

      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      If you are so thin skinned you can't handle a harsh dose of reality when needed then you should take your marbles and go home now.
      I don't think it's a matter of a person being thin-skinned (in most cases), it comes down to wanting to be treated like a person. After all, try being rude or harsh to Mike Tyson or Rampage Jackson (MMA Fighter). They wouldn't like it either, would you call them thin skinned ( at least to their face)?

      Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      My business doesn't depend on popularity.
      Well that's good for you. But that's not most businesses testimony. At some point most businesses have to market, advertise and/or get the word out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
    Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

    I notice a lot of small opportunities many online marketers miss here in the Warrior Forum

    For example.
    • Newbies who ask for advice and get snippy, discourteous or even rude answers.
    • Marketers who seem to get a inner thrill out of talking down to others who are just trying to learn.
    • Confrontationally over-aggressive , mean spirited marketers who display signatures that imply that want to do business with you.
    • And Drive-by complainers - who complain - but never offer solutions.
    Sure, some of the answers these people give are fact based, even knowledgeable. But that reminds me of the saying "people don't care how much you know until ... they know how much you care".

    Your thoughts please.
    I have found that most people on the warrior forum give good advice even to new people.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rick Rodd
    That's how constructive criticism goes. What's more painful to realize is when the OP who asked for advice dismisses the "rude answers" of a well-meant and concise reply to the problem at hand. Could they be more polite? Yes. But forcing people to be Ned Flanders is the same as being rude to who they are.

    It's like when someone asks for some help and they have a predefined answer they want to hear. Like, for the question what should I do? A or B? He's betting on B for the repliers to give that advice. Weighing on A, but still they want B. Then here comes a smart oddball who replies with C, and they totally push the suggestion down the drain.

    It would be great if a healthy conversation takes place. After all, this is a community.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
    Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

    I notice a lot of small opportunities many online marketers miss here in the Warrior Forum

    For example.
    • Newbies who ask for advice and get snippy, discourteous or even rude answers.
    • Marketers who seem to get a inner thrill out of talking down to others who are just trying to learn.
    • Confrontationally over-aggressive , mean spirited marketers who display signatures that imply that want to do business with you.
    • And Drive-by complainers - who complain - but never offer solutions.
    Sure, some of the answers these people give are fact based, even knowledgeable. But that reminds me of the saying “people don’t care how much you know until ... they know how much you care”.

    Your thoughts please.
    Well, not to be cheeky, this post seems a little like complaining - but offers no solutions either.

    But I digress

    What you mention does happen, there's no denying that. But sort of like mainstream media, that's only a PART of the story.

    There are also many people who dispense very useful advice every single day, but that doesn't get mentioned because it's not controversial. And like the media, people prefer controversy.

    There are also many Newbies who SEEM to be asking advice but use the post to promote their own links. Or who continue to think that there are ways to make money with little or no work and ignore the good advice, which is frustrating to those who spend the time answering (which leads to the snarkiness sometimes).

    In other words, like many diverse communities, the WF has a mix of good, bad and otherwise. There will always be complainers, advice givers, trolls and so forth. I think the only "solution" is for people to simply think a little before asking advice, or before giving advice, or before talking someone down, etc.


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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

      Well, not to be cheeky, this post seems a little like complaining - but offers no solutions either.
      I understand your point. But somethings don't require a do this ... do that answer or solution.

      Just inspiring awareness or exposing the problem is enough to encourage change in many people (at least to those with ears to hear).
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    How about those people who create new threads every day to get their daily dose of signature exposure

    What do we think about them?
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    • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      How about those people who create new threads every day to get their daily dose of signature exposure

      What do we think about them?
      Yes, very tedious.
      The forum is full with anwers to questions that haven't been asked.
      And normally bumped on a daily basis.

      Then there are those that need to answer every thread on page one to do the same.
      The future of the forum looks bleak.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      How about those people who create new threads every day to get their daily dose of signature exposure

      What do we think about them?
      It depends what their threads bring to the table. Is it helpful? Engaging? Revealing? Legitimate issue or problem (something you've seen or heard of)?

      Then I have no problem. In fact, they'd be doing a disservice if they saw, knew or discovered something and kept it from others who could use it IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author Raydal
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      How about those people who create new threads every day to get their daily dose of signature exposure

      What do we think about them?
      Well, it's easy to see a posters' contribution to the forum. Simply
      click on their user name and choose "Find more post by ..."
      then you can read all their previous posts.

      I just did for one poster in this thread (no, not you) and 90% of the
      posts were complaints about the OP or against the moderators for
      not keeping the forum clean.

      -Ray Edwards
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    • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      How about those people who create new threads every day to get their daily dose of signature exposure

      What do we think about them?
      Ha ha - Good one....
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    My thoughts?

    I think you're one of the good guys. Not only do I respect that, but I wish we had more like you.

    Agree with every point. Hope even a small percentage of Warriors read your post and take it to heart.

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    Originally Posted by The Niche Man View Post

    Newbies who ask for advice and get snippy, discourteous or even rude answers.

    I think that this one gets to me the most. I have read several
    recent posts by new people asking questions. When they
    get answers (some are even relevant and worthwhile), they
    get snippy and rude saying things like

    "Can't you read, that's not what I asked!" or,

    "Why don't you just answer my question, or just shut up?"

    I do think that if people cannot at least be civil when answering
    replies that they should not be posting in the forum. Most of the
    people are asking for "Miracle Methods" for "Instant Income".
    Not only that, they seem to want that "No Fail", "No Work",
    "Done For You" method. Then these folks get all ticked off
    when someone tells them that they need to do a little work.

    On the other side, there are those marketers who belittle and
    put down some of these questions that new, would-be, marketers
    will ask.

    "Why don't you just do a search?" I see this a lot.
    "Go find a job - and a new attitude!" Okay...

    I am often surprised by the restraint that is shown by
    some of the people posting when they are getting "Slammed"
    in a thread. Likewise, I sometimes cannot believe what I
    am reading in some of these posts as they seemed to be
    seething with anger.

    I guess that I just don't understand where people are coming from
    sometimes. Is politeness outdated? (sounds like the
    makings of a new thread).

    If you are new to anything, then you usually don't know what you
    don't know - especially what questions you should be asking, or why.
    A person willing to share his/her knowledge should be treated with
    respect, even if the information does not seem relevant.

    As far as missed opportunities, the obvious opportunities missed
    are the chances to help, or be helped. Everyone has something
    to offer, even the "New" guy (or girl, sorry!).

    Anyone is welcome to disagree with me, and get nasty and
    call me names. I really don't mind at all. Just don't expect to
    be invited to my beach house for the weekend.

    Now it's time for me to find another thread where I can really
    "Tick" somebody off!
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      The way I see it . . . the Warrior Forum is not so different from any other forum that's open to the public.

      You get all kinds of people, all kinds of helpful and not so helpful posts and threads, you get newbies asking the same types of questions over and over, and other more experienced members of varying personalities.

      You get complainers, and whiners, and ego maniacs, and know-it-alls, and also some that try hard to give good advice.

      You get spammers and aggressive posters and marketers that are trying to build their reputations.

      It's a mistake, IMO, to expect everyone to conform to what you think the perfect members ought to be. With 800,000 members, you should realize that there will be a wide variety of purposes, motives, and reasons for every post.

      Maybe the best answer is to watch what goes one here, be observant, establish your own "voice" and ignore everything you don't like.

      Just as in Internet Marketing, you're not going to be everything to everyone.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Steeleton
    I think for the most part newbies or even experienced folks are asking good questions and appreciate the answers. And most of the folks answering are helpful and respectful. Unfortunately, it seems like it's easier to focus on the negative answers and responses and those are the ones that are remembered vs. the really helpful and sometimes awesome answers.

    In the words of the legendary Zig Zigler "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." Words to live by...especially in forum posting
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