Losing Money every day...what do you recommend?

by Voasi
51 replies
I've never gone too much into promoting Clickbank products and so I wanted to start giving it a try. I'm going to lay it all out here on the table for you to poke at, so that I can hopefully start building successful campaigns, but at the very least, become more knowledge with the processes. I've been doing this strategy for a few days now and I haven't been happy with the outcome so far - in the RED for 3 days straight, but actually made a sale today.

Here's my Process:

1. Find Niche/Product on Clickbank

I'm promoting solar energy/panels via Earth4Energy.com - Create electricity at home - renewable energy. Make a windmill and solar power system. This site has a high gravity and offers $33+ on the commission side, both things to look for when promoting a site (but not necessary)

2. Create Landing Page

Threw this site together: Save Money Using Solar Energy & Panels! . Site is using Aweber to grab Name/Email data. I turned off double-optin so that I can grab more users for the series. I know that I might get hit-up for more spam complaints, but I'm willing to try that out/risk it.

3. Setup PPC Campaign on Google

I'm only using 2 ad groups, focusing on 5-8 terms per group (as well as exact and phrase match, so triple that actual keywords I'm bidding on). I setup 2-3 different variations on the AD text/description and let it go for a day to see which one pulled better conversions as well as click-throughs and then converted to the better AD text/description. Click-throughs are at about 1.15%, with conversions for there Name/Email at 15%. My daily spend is $100. Keywords I'm bidding on are Solar Panel and Solar Energy, with a few variations of those.

4. Thank You Page

After they input there name and email, they get sent to a thankyou page ( Save Money Using Solar Energy & Panels! ) where I provide a link to the clickbank product.

This would be sales funnel #1.

5. Follow-up Emails

They get a 3-day follow-up email series on the various benefits of setting up a solar panel system. Each email is about 300-350 words and I put my affiliate link in there twice; once right after the first paragraph and then after the last paragraph.

Sales funnel #2.

So that's pretty much it. I started this on Monday and since then, I've received 1 sale, which just happened today. I've got 68 email addresses currently.

What areas should I try and focus on more? Any help would be appreciated.
#clickbank #process #sales
  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    c'mon guys... POR FAVOR!
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy
    Hi Voasi,

    You might try increasing your optin rate by changing your landing page. Try different headlines, different titles for your giveaway.

    It might help your sales if you offered a special report on how to use earth4energy products specifically over anyone elses.

    You could also offer in your series some concepts to get them stoked on doing solar. How cost effective it is. Any savings programs that may apply like tax credits. Get them hot on solar. This may even be a better special report and then follow up on why use e4e products to accomplish thier goals.

    Don't know about your keywords but you may want to group them so you can tell which ones are profitable.

    Gotta go but maybe these will get you started.

    God bless,

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Voasi View Post

    So that's pretty much it. I started this on Monday and since then, I've received 1 sale, which just happened today. I've got 68 email addresses currently.
    It's too soon to really do a lot, but try this.

    Three days = one sale

    Sale commission = $33

    Daily spend = $33 / 3 = $11

    That effectively gives you the next three days for free.

    Also, most people buy between the fifth and seventh time they see an offer. Increase your autoresponder sequence to at least five emails, so they see it at least six times.

    Downsell your customers in your emails. Find some less expensive products to promote in your mailings - and while you're at it, try to find something free to give away in a couple of them.

    Three days is NOT a lot of time. Be patient. Even just one sale in 3 days is GOOD.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author davin.master
      Thanks for ans but i have a question plz tell me that how can i be a business development manager for online business development in IT Company, plz suggest me and tell me in brief.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    I don;t think the video you're using is doing you any favors, quite frankly.

    Its very slow and BORING...doesn't wet my appetite at all for more info. I'm assuming you just plucked that off YouTube. I would Try and find a better one or make your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    You might try increasing your optin rate by changing your landing page. Try different headlines, different titles for your giveaway.
    Yup, that's something I should try...definitely. I guess I thought it was pretty good, but at the end of the day, you never know what your demographic/users want to see to convert.

    It might help your sales if you offered a special report on how to use earth4energy products specifically over anyone elses.
    This is something I'd like to outsource. To be honest, I just don't want to spend the money to buy someone else's products to review them But again, would be another value add to the proposition.

    You could also offer in your series some concepts to get them stoked on doing solar. How cost effective it is. Any savings programs that may apply like tax credits. Get them hot on solar. This may even be a better special report and then follow up on why use e4e products to accomplish thier goals.
    In the autoresponder series, I've got these as the articles:

    - Residential Solar Energy Helps Save The Planet
    - Solar Energy Systems Save Money
    - Solar Energy Is Not A Taxable Commodity
    - Solar Energy Facts
    - Solar Energy Products Store Energy

    They all push the consumer towards solar energy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Sale commission = $33

    Daily spend = $33 / 3 = $11
    I've received one sale and spent $250 so far...not really sure about the math.

    I do agree with you on the showing the offer a few more times. I'll probably add a few more follow-up emails with the series to presell more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Its very slow and BORING...doesn't wet my appetite at all for more info. I'm assuming you just plucked that off YouTube. I would Try and find a better one or make your own.
    Haha...it's something I threw together one evening. It's all mine. I could speed it up or add some more graphics to it to make it a little bit "flashy" - but i'm just getting into creating video's so it's been a learning curve, not just with the the programs, but just conceptually - not an excuse, just where I'm at. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add a few more value-adds within the video to spice it up.
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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    The problem I find with marketing clickbank products via PPC is that all the mainstream keywords are competed by people who own the products and the front end cover charge is just the beginning of their funnel. They might be selling a $47 ebook on something but spend $100 in PPC advertising to make that $47 sale. The reason they would do this is that they have worked out the customers lifetime value to be of a much higher amount. This means if you are up against them for the $33 comission then you can get owned if you advertise on the mainstream keywords.

    When I market clickbank products I try to never pay more than 0.05 click for the traffic. This means coming up with new ways to get infront to the target market. Sometimes you have to do a bit of sideways thinking and think ok what else people who buy your product are searching for and advertise on these less competed keywords.

    If you havent already, go read all the perry marshall stuff you can as this will show you how to get the cheaper traffic and get the most out of your adwords account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    When I market clickbank products I try to never pay more than 0.05 click for the traffic. This means coming up with new ways to get infront to the target market. Sometimes you have to do a bit of sideways thinking and think ok what else people who buy your product are searching for and advertise on these less competed keywords.
    This is pure gold. Thanks for that. I'll try and develop a few other campaigns that might target that demographic.
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    • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
      Originally Posted by Voasi View Post

      This is pure gold. Thanks for that. I'll try and develop a few other campaigns that might target that demographic.
      When you do this sometime you get google slapped (google stop taking minimum bid for a keyword). It's very easy to get a round just takes a little work. Feel free to PM me if you get any problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    i dont know how often i said that, but PPC and CB is really, really, REALLY tough.

    That particular niche/product..it had very good keywords a year ago...but now also those keywords have reached the "realm of the insane" so that the math just wont WORK.

    A typical CB conversion can be something like 85+/- clicks sale...you really want to bid like $0.40/$0.50 on "how to make a solar panel"....for a final payout of maybe $30 or $40? <--- it just wont work.

    I recommend submitting articles and not doing PPC with MOST clickbank products..and ESPECIALLY since you already said you lost money. Myself i am doing big article marketing right now incl. outsourcing of writers, and i make/write more web2.0 properties (nice word ) like squidoo lenses, blogger etc..etc.. to streighten my organic SEO.

    I have several sites where i promote clickbank products, and i ranked them #1 in google...and THEN clickbank really shines because sales come from organic traffic and SEO. Nothing cooler thank ranking #1 on google and seeing sales coming in for some little niche/product.

    Maybe i would have told you different one and a half year ago when you still could bid LOW on related "green energy" keywords.....but thats always the problem with clickbank products since they saturate on adwords and it becomes a big money losing fest. USUALLY.

    Recently, i was encouraged by many people who made good cash with clickbank and articles, and i think money would be better spend on having some people write articles, social bookmark..things like that. You can even try to buy banner space on related sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      Try Yahoo PPC too, way cheaper than Adwords.

      Post on "Green" blogs, forums, and submit articles...

      If your spending too much, then stop spending.
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      • Profile picture of the author gianne2705
        Better start promoting in a free cost.You can market a site or product for free.You just have to spend time in doing this.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikecorp
    Try to find a better niche and stick to the profitable ones and then scale further.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Dude, I read through your post, and I didnt see ANY mention of market research.

    Theres your mistake right there!!!!

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author spycraft
    Wish I could help my friend - but judging from your original post, you already know more than I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Overall I see a few things that I'd try and improve.

    1. When you click on the form boxes, the person has to delete everything that is in the box just to fill out their info. Change that to auto delete (I think you can do that in aweber). That is horribly inconvenient.

    2. Try and change the color scheme... For some reason I would say that Green would be a great color to start with... maybe orange... symbolism, ya dig? The current color scheme leaves me feeling kind of meh....

    As always though, test it out using a split page test.

    3. Your current spend is $3.67/PER SUBSCRIBER... That's horribly high in my experience. I try to aim for $1.00 MAX if it's a very competitive market.

    Offset that cost by using other methods of traffic generation and by limiting your PPC stuff.

    You're probably going to have to do a couple things regarding the PPC campaigns.

    -niche it down quite a bit... do not try to use keywords like solar power and such.
    -find lateral niches that share your target market (obvious ones are anything green, but you should profile your average client. Chances are they're probably more liberal in thinking so, vegetarians? animal lovers? gardening? I dunno.. those are what came to mind. Sorry if i offend anyone haha.. They're maybe more tech savvy too? DIYers, younger aged home owners, etc. )

    3. The thank you page should either:
    -be redesigned to align the affiliate offer in between the arrows
    -use a different background image so the arrows aren't pointing at nothing.

    4. Video needs some SERIOUS work. The footage and everything is actually pretty decent. It's a little slow.... and NEEDS a voice over. If you can't/don't want to do it, hire someone to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Another thing you could do is pop in a little RSS feed between those arrows that scrolls and links to other products, CPA offers and other ways to make money... hell, you could even link to landing pages that you have in complimentary niches (see above).

    Movement attracts eyes, so use something that maybe scrolls slowly, or pulses gently? (think myspace classifieds)
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    I should have been a little more gentle in my comments above. I honestly figured it wasn't your creation so I was kind of blunt. ...the page template you're using IS sharp, btw.
    No worries Bruce - thanks for the criticism...it's what I need! Seriously!
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    i dont know how often i said that, but PPC and CB is really, really, REALLY tough.

    That particular niche/product..it had very good keywords a year ago...but now also those keywords have reached the "realm of the insane" so that the math just wont WORK.

    A typical CB conversion can be something like 85+/- clicks sale...you really want to bid like $0.40/$0.50 on "how to make a solar panel"....for a final payout of maybe $30 or $40? <--- it just wont work.

    I recommend submitting articles and not doing PPC with MOST clickbank products..and ESPECIALLY since you already said you lost money. Myself i am doing big article marketing right now incl. outsourcing of writers, and i make/write more web2.0 properties (nice word ) like squidoo lenses, blogger etc..etc.. to streighten my organic SEO.

    I have several sites where i promote clickbank products, and i ranked them #1 in google...and THEN clickbank really shines because sales come from organic traffic and SEO. Nothing cooler thank ranking #1 on google and seeing sales coming in for some little niche/product.

    Maybe i would have told you different one and a half year ago when you still could bid LOW on related "green energy" keywords.....but thats always the problem with clickbank products since they saturate on adwords and it becomes a big money losing fest. USUALLY.

    Recently, i was encouraged by many people who made good cash with clickbank and articles, and i think money would be better spend on having some people write articles, social bookmark..things like that. You can even try to buy banner space on related sites.
    Yea, this is more of my realm of marketing. I've been doing SEO for a long time and this is a method I do all the time - I really wanted to try and have a success clickbank campaign via Google adwords, but as more and more people tell me, it just doesn't seem profitable to do through Adwords. I'll have to go this route and just really start scaling up my efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    I should spend this much time on MY sites that need work... haha..

    so, I signed up for your list and noticed it's single opt-in (cool beans, i love single opt-in).

    Read the first email and can say that the promotions are quite possibly too obvious.

    Try to incorporate the links into the article. Instead of "Save money using solar panels now!", something a little more toned down like "Sidebar: a great way to save money using solar electricity can be found at: link"
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    Google advertising is costly, I recommend facebook advertising.
    Actually, Myspace and Facebook where going to be my next methods of marketing. To see how they react to this space/vertical.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    -find lateral niches that share your target market (obvious ones are anything green, but you should profile your average client. Chances are they're probably more liberal in thinking so, vegetarians? animal lovers? gardening? I dunno.. those are what came to mind. Sorry if i offend anyone haha.. They're maybe more tech savvy too? DIYers, younger aged home owners, etc. )
    Yea, someone else mentioned thinking outside the box for your keyword research so early in the day I put together a few more campaigns focusing on...
    - Electricity Bill
    - Green
    - Eco Friendly

    The keywords I chose all were at $.05 and had at least 800 exact match keyword searches (via Google keyword tool) per month. We'll see how those pan out.

    so, I signed up for your list and noticed it's single opt-in (cool beans, i love single opt-in).

    Read the first email and can say that the promotions are quite possibly too obvious.

    Try to incorporate the links into the article. Instead of "Save money using solar panels now!", something a little more toned down like "Sidebar: a great way to save money using solar electricity can be found at: link"
    Yea, I really half-as* threw the links within the autoresponder...I should probably fine tune that. Thanks for that.

    Also, you'll probably right changing out the color scheme on the site to a more "GREEN" approach, considering the niche. I'm SOOOO use to using red for all my marketing pieces, as it's the color the eye attracts to first.

    You also offered some additional tips above too, thanks for those. Most of those are tips I just should've setup when I setup the page, but I was really just excited to get the site finished that I threw it up and started building my PPC campaigns. We have it so easy on the web, where we can just spend 5 minutes building a web page and then another 5 min putting together our PPC campaign and have traffic coming to our pages.

    Thanks for the tips!
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    • Profile picture of the author Seattle Mike
      I might try finding some popular green blogs that get traffic and offering them some good articles for guest posts. They get free and easy content and you get some traffic.

      Might be worth it to pay a good writer $10 an article to get your article and link seen. Bet it would be cheaper than ppc and you will be building your brand.

      I have never been able to make a profit with Google PPC and only a clickbank product in any of the niches I tried. Close but always lost money in the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    I have never been able to make a profit with Google PPC and only a clickbank product in any of the niches I tried. Close but always lost money in the end.
    Yea, neither have I so far, and I've tried about 5 niches so far. Makes me wonder about systems like TheClickBankCode.com...which I purchased and tried a few niches out just using Google PPC and got no where.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Steel
    As far as the process, this is what I do:

    1) Find a nice product that already has a high conversion rate
    2) Research Keywords to ensure there is a market for these products (Very Critical Step)

    the rest is pretty much the same...

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    • Profile picture of the author wohoo19m
      if I were you, I'd change the keywords your targeting. People searching for solar panels might not necessarily be looking to purchase them. Why not aim for keywords that aim the benefits of the product? "save energy bill", "lower energy bill" those types of keywords should pull more people who're interested in what the product does, and not what the product is.

      Also, you have a list...what are you doing only promoting one product? I remember someone else saying that most clickbank products have back ends, which is true. So they can afford more per click. So do the same and increase your back-end through your autoresponder so you can afford more per click. create products to sell, find more aff. promotions, find cpa offers, etc. Increase your back end, don't waste your money only concentrating on one offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Dude seriously, again, MARKET RESEARCH!!!

    Im reading over these responses and its all well and good to talk about technical stuff like RSS feeds - but if the marketplace is flooded, and theres no room for profits using PPC - then get the hell out of there!

    I just typed in a keyword in google and counted over 200 sponsored links - many of which are pushing the same product!

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Here's some tips that should help:

    1. You have horrible typos on your squeeze page.

    2. You're not targeting potential customers - that is, people looking to build their own solar panel.

    2.A You're targeting people looking for free information on your page.

    2.B. You're targeting generic people looking how to save money with solar energy.

    Bottom line: Who doesn't want to save money? Who wouldn't be at least somewhat interested in solar panels? Count me in. But who wants to actually build their own solar panel? Uhh, hardly anyone. Count me out.

    3. Quit trying to copy Frank Kern using an IM focused marketing technique. Who is your market and how can you best target them? That is, stop copying and start thinking for yourself.

    4. A 1% CTR on Adwords is something I would consider to be very bad. This probably goes back to improper targeting of your ads, to your squeeze page to the product. They simply do not match.

    5. Do NOT jump into to MySpace and Facebook at this point. If you can't make money with Adwords you're going to get creamed even worse in those mediums.

    6. Personal opinion - the merchant's sale page is garbage and IMHO fraudulent. For instance, that #1 rated website business is I'm guessing a reference to running Adwords on Google's content network with paid ads appearing on those sites - not that any of those websites actually recommend or have ever heard of this product. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't touch this product. It's FTC bait.

    Overall: I'd say you were very fortunate to have the one sale.

    My recommendation is to stop your advertising and bleeding. Find a new product, then start with the merchant's page and evaluate who your target market is. Then evaluate pertinent keywords. Then build out a mini-website, or squeeze page if you insist (but I think it drastically hurts conversions in about any niche except IM) and then PPC ads which are congruent with your prior evaluations.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

      My recommendation is to stop your advertising and bleeding. Find a new product, then start with the merchant's page and evaluate who your target market is. Then evaluate pertinent keywords. Then build out a mini-website, or squeeze page if you insist (but I think it drastically hurts conversions in about any niche except IM) and then PPC ads which are congruent with your prior evaluations.

      I would tend to agree to an extent, but its always best to find the market first, then deliver the product.

      Id like to know why exactly, he chose solar panels in the first place? What was the basis of his decision to move forward with this product?


      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Ldimilo
    I have to agree with those who say that you don't really understand your market and what they are looking for. I won't get into your PPC campaign which is way too limited but I think your first mistake is that you really haven't researched the solar panel landscape (and keyword research is what I am talking about). Have you looked into trade publications that relate to solar energy? What types of ads are running in them? You can actually get demographic information from the magazines if you ask for it (they do the market research for the advertisers). Who buys solar panels? What income bracket are they in? What ELSE do they buy? What verticals may you slip in?

    Also, why would someone buy solar panels? What is the WIIFM factor that gets them? Will they be able to save $x,xxx amount of money per year? Can you give an verifiable estimate? Your headline is pretty generic. These are the types of questions you should be asking so you can build a better headline and your audience can emphasize with you.

    On another note, do YOU know anything about solar panels or are you simply jumping in on it because you thought it would make you money?

    Knowing a market and the products you sell is something that is kind of tossed aside in the IM biz but if you were to ask someone selling the things offline, they would probably be able to tell you everything about them.

    Just my 2 cents though...good luck with it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Brian
    One major factor could be the world "free" in your domain and header. You could be attracting people who only want freebies (not buyers). Also you need to fix the word "adsdress" in your optin form.

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  • Profile picture of the author sridhar
    You can also probably set up a review type site like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author tessmac9708
    E-mail ADSDRESS

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  • Profile picture of the author megaresp
    Are you generally in love with the idea of solar energy? Is it a passion of yours? If so, it's time to start thinking outside the box. If not, see the end of this post then reread with your actual passion in mind.

    Forget about sales for a while, and start thinking about who your potential customers are. They'll be greenies, and perhaps tech geeks interested in new technology. I'm sure you have a better idea about who these people are than I do.

    The 2 questions to ask yourself are...

    1) Where do these people hang out now (on and offline)?
    2) Can I create something that attracts them

    Once you know the answer to #1, you'll realise why AdWords is an expensive waste of money (though it can work if you find an undiscovered key word). You need to be where your potential customers are...not throwing more and more money at Google.

    If the solar thing doesn't generate residual income, or provide additional opportunities to sell to existing clients, find an alternative that does. Making a second and third sale, or continuing to earn an income from the same clients over time, is where a business normally cleans up.

    If the answer to #1 is 'yes', then create it. Build a site that brings these people in. If you can do this in a way that brings them back over and over and over again, you'll clean up. And you won't need to pay Google a single cent.

    This isn't an easy thing to do. You'll have to love solar energy a lot to make this work. Which is why I asked about your passion.

    If you're not passionate about solar energy, what does rattle your dags (translation - get your motor running - light you up)? Ditch solar, and go for that instead.

    66 ways to get links (and traffic) to your site.

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  • Profile picture of the author indexphp
    Look man.. nobody has said it yet, so I will. You might just have a bunk market. Try something different. Keep trying til something works. Thats how the game goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author indexphp
    Oh.. and why sell a cheesy Clickbank eBook? You know you can sell actual solar panels and make like 7%. Google it.. or look at CommissionJunction (cj.com). SOlar panels cost in excess of $10K
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    How about starting a blog on the topic
    Solar Energy.

    Use it as a booster for your landing page and sales funnel.

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  • Profile picture of the author onlineleben
    did you also check out the second place in the CB marketplace (Home&Garden / Home improvement)?
    2) GreenDIYenergy (New) -. Don't Be Fooled By E4E's Gravity Or 100% Commission Plan. This Solar Panel & Wind Turbine Sales Page 'Converts 55%+ Better' Thus Higher Roi, ..
    You should at least do a kind of split test to find out which of the products converts better. The 100% commission you would get from E4E sounds attractive, but just keep in mind that they give that so they get lots of people promoting them and they can build a good list from that traffic (buyers).
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  • Profile picture of the author Philarmon
    Like it's been said, i would try another teaser text. Try to think like you were thinking about installing solar panel at your home but not sure if it's good, so you are looking for info to start out.

    I wouldn't give away my email for some "top 5 secrets" - i don't know what they are and if they would be helpful at all. But i probably would sign up if you would tell me "exactly how you could install solar panels within a week and save up to $200 on electricity every month".

    In your emails, actually tell them about the process on how to set things up. Offer them the ebook as an easy supplementing guide and recommend them a company that offer "reliable and affordable solar panels". Make the life for them as easy as you can, people are looking for solutions to solve ther problems with as less effort as possible

    It's the same in any niche or market - think like you were the customer, figure out his problem and and tell him how to solve it
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  • Profile picture of the author John Boyd
    As far as your autoresponder series of follow up messages goes, try a 4 day or 8 day interval apart - any interval that means that the prospect isn't getting your emails on the same day every week, when it could just be inconvenient, or worse.. they don't see them immediately. Just a small thing, but try this as part of testing and tweaking.
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  • Profile picture of the author LB
    Click-throughs are at about 1.15%, with conversions for there Name/Email at 15%.
    Your CTR isn't bad but your optin rate is pretty bad. This is where is you're losing money...there are a ton of variables from the terms you are bidding on to the design of your site itself that cause this.

    What's your confirmed rate? I would guess low. Ditch that and go to single optin. After switching to single, try redirecting people directly to the sales page after they optin. Remove as many steps as possible for the prospect.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony M.
    I can't believe only ONE person here noticed how horribly expensive his PPC campaign is.

    My friend, 250 bucks for 68 optins is just awful.
    Since you've got 15% optin, that means you had 450 clicks.

    That's $.55 a click !! It's way too expensive for your business model.
    You've got to cut your costs. Of course improving your optin rate will help, but that's not all it's going to take. You HAVE TO cut your click cost by like 90% before you turn a profit.

    Work on that asap. Fix that campaign really fast.

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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    That's $.55 a click !! It's way too expensive for your business model.
    You've got to cut your costs. Of course improving your optin rate will help, but that's not all it's going to take. You HAVE TO cut your click cost by like 90% before you turn a profit.
    Yea, this is where I've been trying to cut back too. Thinking of other niches outside the keywords I'm bidding on now, so that I can make a profit. I can't log into ClickBank now, but I'm going to make some of these changes of the course of the week to turn a profit.

    Another good suggestion was to send the user straight to the Clickbank product - that's a good idea too.
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