My Affiliate Biz is Finally 98% on Auto-Pilot!

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Not sure if this is where you leave posts like this, but I'm sure if this is the wrong place, the mighty Warrior Forum Gods will smite this thread with righteous indignation and send it into oblivion.

So I've done IM full-time, for about 5 years now.

About a year in, I was introduced to outsourcing by John Jonas.

It was one of the best moves I could have ever made, especially since I was working about 12 hrs a day on my computer.

But the problem, even though I didn't know it at the time, was, I wanted to do all the "difficult" stuff myself....since I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

And even though John clearly said, when he gave the entire biz to his VAs, his income tripled!

I neglected to take heed, because...I mean...who else could do keyword research like me?

And who else could say just the right thing in a video review and presell the living daylights out of a potential customer? Me...dat's who!

So I would motivate myself to do the "special" work, and let my VAs do the repetitive, monotonous stuff.

I freed up a ton of time, but I was still in my own way.

I would record about 20 videos, do the keyword research and let them handle the rest....but if I didn't feel like recording or doing keyword research...nothing got done.

Initially, I decided to discipline myself and just do the work.

But then it dawned on me, I could have what John had.

I could have a business that ran on autopilot whether I worked or not.

This way I wouldn't have to feel guilty about waking up and playing call of duty first thing in the morning, as opposed to recording my 5-10 videos for the day and researching their keywords.

I wouldn't have to feel guilty about wanting to go out and enjoy the beautiful morning weather, then deciding to stay out for the rest of the day because I stumbled upon an adventure.

I decided I wanted the freedom that comes with being financially free.

So I went out and found a really good English speaking VA. It took about 3 months. Mostly because all of the applicants were intimidated by the task.

They were fine with powerpoint videos and slideshows, but having to do a screen capture video was a bit much I guess.

Once I found him, it took about 2 weeks to teach him what I knew about reviewing products. He's not perfect, but he doesn't have to be, the videos convert anyway.

In the meantime, I trained my other VA how to do keyword research, and create redirects for my affiliate links. Now she can handle the entire process once the videos are delivered to her.

So now all I do is send 50 affiliate links to my reviewer on Monday, and they take it from there!

They've reviewed and posted more videos in a week, than I ever have personally.

I even trained my VA how to login and get affiliate links, just in case I didn't feel like doing that part either.

I'm mad it took me this long to figure this out.

If this sound familiar, and you're on the fence...jump.

BTW: I used Jing and recorded myself doing the process, I used that to train my VAs.

I found my video reviewer on His English is even better than mine.

Thanks for reading
#98% #affiliate #autopilot #biz #finally

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