Wordpress Templates - Any good ones?

28 replies

Could anybody recommend a good Wordpress template, mainly for an Autoblog that fits the following criteria.

1) Free!
2) Looks nice\professional
3) Easy to integrate adsense, affiliate links etc.

I've been using this one, 'Atahualpa Theme' which is o.k.

Anybody got a better one?

Thanks in advance.
#good #templates #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Chase Beach
    I really think Atuh. has more that your giving it credit for. I have set up several and none look similar.

    You can customize it to the hilt.

    Are you looking for magazine looks... here is a good looking one and recommendation in from Jon Bard here in the WF - Bradford Magazine- I can't find Jon's WF name, so Jon, sorry I can't direct him to you.

    BranfordMagazine by DER PRiNZ A premium magazine style WordPress theme

    Auto Blogging as in, loading content to release on a given time or something else?

    Myrtle Beach Metal Detecting
    For the guys that bring more than their kids toys
    Chase Beach -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[936505].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dectomax
      I'm really looking for a standard blog format, perhaps 3 column with a clean professional look.

      The majority of the posts will be Autoblogged from RSS feeds and will be short excerpts with a link to the main article.

      My other option is to experiment with tweaking the Atahualpa theme I suppose.

      "You will never plow a field if you only turn it over in your mind."

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      • Profile picture of the author Chase Beach
        I think your on a good path, It is one of the best rated free Themes, Atuh.

        You can plug-in some rss, plug-in rotating aff. link ads and adsense, block it on some pages.. blah blah.

        Atuh, has more variables than I knew. One thing I did was set up a "Test" WP-Atuh, site... That is where I played with all the options, with 3 column on the blog page and 2 column on the static pages for aff marketing.

        Are you running a Test site?

        Myrtle Beach Metal Detecting
        For the guys that bring more than their kids toys
        Chase Beach -
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    • Profile picture of the author Charlie Houston
      I really liked the magazine style that you linked to. Where can I download it? Did you say it was a premium?
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  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    You can try mine. Simply sign up a free account at my giveaway site at my signature link and you can download them for free! Hopes that help.
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  • Profile picture of the author sridhar
    Take a look at my collection of bookmarks on WordPress themes, you might like something.

    sridhar's wordpress and themes Bookmarks on Delicious
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    • Profile picture of the author dectomax
      Thanks, that's a useful resource. I'll take a look now.

      "You will never plow a field if you only turn it over in your mind."

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Hoey
    Does anyone have a good worpdress theme for a health type website?
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    • Profile picture of the author edwellman
      I use the 'freshy' theme on my blog.

      I think it's very neat and tidy, and if you download the customize plug-in (which goes with the theme), you'll find there are a number of custom made designs to fiddle about with, plus some other options, such as switching the sidebar around or turning on/off the date/author name on the posts.

      I haven't checked out all the different styles, but one is called 'vitamin', which may be good for a health blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author whughes08
    Try the WP Flex, its more than just a template. you can play around with it to fit your desired need. I have worked with it earlier and its very user friendly.

    you can get it at wpqueen(dot)com

    It comes with a user guide as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author smartsites
    Check out skinpress dot com they have some nice templates. Also wordpress.org/extend has some nice free themes as well. If you are look for premium I would go with either studiopress or woo themes.

    I build Facebook Messenger Chatbots and Provide Training. Feel free to check out my demo bot https://m.me/botsguy

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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    I HIGHLY recommend Amy Bass' Super Adsense Themes. You can get 30 themes for $5 - Adsense is already integrated into the themes. They're basically all the same theme in layout just with different color combinations. I use them for all my niche blogs and LOVE them. Very easy to use. Not affiliated, just happy with them!
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
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  • Profile picture of the author shahjee99
    yes i have All elegant Themes if you can download these premium themes like basic, simplism and many more then tell me absolutely free .......
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  • Have you tried using the search feature built into the new version of WordPress?
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  • Profile picture of the author warbar
    I really like the Semiologic theme. There is a paid version of this theme, but the free one is the one I use. Multiple layouts / skins available.


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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Mc Donald
      elegant themes look superb, and are dirt cheap

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      • Profile picture of the author daria19
        The Flexibility, Cutline and Lightword themes are favorites of mine.

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  • Profile picture of the author jk4net
    Flexibility is my first choose. I can customize it very easy.
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    • Profile picture of the author DigiSumo
      I also vote for the Flexibility theme, you can customize your site with 1000's of options and with ease, not to mention the SEO benefits and free...

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  • Profile picture of the author shahjee99
    Ok dear users,
    I give you a totally free All elegant themes. Where I got these themes i tell you the story first i really amaze to see these elegant themes but they are premium and i have no credit card for purchasing so that i search it on the google but i can't see anywhere then one of my friend tell me that search on rapid library may be anyone put files there, so you can get these files totally free. So i do search in rapid library which give me the All elegant wordpress themes totally free and this file size is 75mb amazing you can't imagine how much i am Happy to get these themes... Ummm Tasty.. you wana get ok then copy this link and paste in browser rapidshare.com/files/193002134/ALL_ElegantThemes_Premium_WordPress_Themes.rar
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    • Profile picture of the author Lawrh
      shahjee99 -

      Not a good idea to post warez here, you will get banned.

      “Strategy without action is a day-dream; action without strategy is a nightmare.” – Old Japanese proverb -

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  • Profile picture of the author whughes08
    I like themes from these places wpqueen(dot)com and woothemes(dot)com check them out.
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  • Profile picture of the author NickCook
    I've been trying a few themes out recently, but I keep coming back to WPUnlimited...I love it! Very flexible with lots of features built-in! Looks very nice also...
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    • Profile picture of the author Netcel
      Originally Posted by NickCook View Post

      I've been trying a few themes out recently, but I keep coming back to WPUnlimited...I love it! Very flexible with lots of features built-in! Looks very nice also...
      That costs though, this guy is looking for free themes

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    WP P2 is about the most awesome gadget I've seen in awhile. A lot of functions and I believe that most themes work with it.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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