How do I get rid of WSO spam?

19 replies
2 weeks ago, I bought a WSO.

To my delight, to this day, I'm still getting spammed with an infinite number of bullshit WSOs.

Before this happened, I kept my email clean. I unsubscribed to everything I wasn't interested in. And the only emails I got are important ones.

But this- this is another beast.

Since WarriorPlus is obviously selling my email, it's impossible to unsubscribe.

Every time I do unsubscribe, I get another from someone else trying to sell me something I'm not interested in. This is distracting me from my important emails.

What can I do to get them to **** off?
#rid #spam #wso
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by TheBigPicture View Post

    2 weeks ago, I bought a WSO.

    To my delight, to this day, I'm still getting spammed with an infinite number of bullshit WSOs.

    Before this happened, I kept my email clean. I unsubscribed to everything I wasn't interested in. And the only emails I got are important ones.

    But this- this is another beast.

    Since WarriorPlus is obviously selling my email, it's impossible to unsubscribe.

    Every time I do unsubscribe, I get another from someone else trying to sell me something I'm not interested in. This is distracting me from my important emails.

    What can I do to get them to **** off?
    How about you contact them


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author datingworld
    Make sure you mark all of them as spam and send them to your spam folder, all unwanted emails deserve to die in spam folder.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Contact Warrior Plus. They have nothing to do with this forum.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    I don't know if it's WarriorPlus or the vendors selling/swapping email addresses but once you're in it's very difficult to get out.

    You can unsub all you like but you just keep getting added to more and more spam lists.
    Luckily i learned my lesson early on and never ever use my main email address for anything work (IM} related... Setup disposable email addresses for that...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author xohaibx
    If you're using Gmail, do this:

    Setting > Filters > Add Filter > Enter Spammer's Email > Click Next > Check "Delete It" > Create Filter

    This way the email gets deleted without hitting your inbox. Hope this helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author masterjani
      Originally Posted by Mustafa Khundmiri View Post

      If you're using Gmail, do this:

      Setting > Filters > Add Filter > Enter Spammer's Email > Click Next > Check "Delete It" > Create Filter

      This way the email gets deleted without hitting your inbox. Hope this helps!
      create filter like mustafa mentioned, that is the easiest way to avoid those mails.
      You can also, mark those new mails as spam.
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek Thomas
      Originally Posted by Mustafa Khundmiri View Post

      If you're using Gmail, do this:

      Setting > Filters > Add Filter > Enter Spammer's Email > Click Next > Check "Delete It" > Create Filter

      This way the email gets deleted without hitting your inbox. Hope this helps!
      This is part of my morning ritual. When checking my email I go to my Spam folder and follow the steps above. Sadly, it doesn't prevent the same amount of spam (or more) from arriving the next day, but still, I try.

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  • Profile picture of the author ppcmanager
    It is not very difficult to scrap emails from forums like WF either, so it doesn't have to be a case of database being sold by warriorplus. Unless you are only getting mailers about other wso's and no affiliate/cpa offers
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman
    Use an account for all IM purchases, wso's, IM mailing lists etc.

    Why? Because with outlook you can block spammers completely. I don't mean like gmail where you filter spam into your spam or delete folder. They are blocked server side. Once blocked these emails don't get in your inbox, they don't go to your spam folder, they are gone, you don't see them. They are deleted server side.
    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I rather doubt that Warrior Plus is selling anyone's emails. They will email you offers if you do not uncheck the box (allowing them to email you) for each purchase through them that you make.

    If anyone actually sold your address, it would be vendor and not W+.
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    You're missing out on some educational opportunities here.

    I just create filters in gmail that:

    1.) Avoid the inbox
    2.) Label the incoming email with sender name
    3.) Store email

    That way you can see *how* other product creators send automatic email followups. You'll learn quite a lot.

    Tips for setting up gmail filters can be found at

    How To Filter Your Gmail Like a Pro
    How I Declutter My Inbox with Gmail Filters | Turnstone
    Show Us Your Best Gmail Filters

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    Contact Warrior plus and tell the problem you are having and see if they can do something, if not just mark all them as spam
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  • Profile picture of the author joseph7384
    I highly doubt that Mike Lance of Warrior + is selling email addresses.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    Originally Posted by TheBigPicture View Post

    WarriorPlus is obviously selling my email
    Totally unfounded accusation.

    I know Mike Lantz personally and well... and he is most certainly NOT selling your email.

    If you think it through strategically for a second, you'd realize how bass-ackwards and counter-productive that would be for his WSOTD profits.

    Now the WSO vendor on the other hand...
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Hi BigPic:

    Ah, you mean... you don't want to find out how to make a million dollars without getting out of bed in the morning. I also get a truck load of spam. Most of it is WSO crap. Sadly, the best solution is to call pay pal up, then start to use a new email as the old one is TOAST now. Getting hundreds of spams or scams. Frankly, to me they are the same. Wish I knew that these guys were spammers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Manoj V
    You've got some excellent suggestions especially barbling's and you should have some relief if you follow the steps outlined. Next time you purchase a WSO create a new email address which you can use for your IM activities and online purchases.
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  • Profile picture of the author M1ks
    Contact Warrior Plus. It will be the fastest this way.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenW3
    I have been using MailWasher for a long time and recommend the software. The program is $30US for more than one email address. If you only have one email to protect, then it's free. The free version will allow you to see the features.

    The program allows you to preview emails on your ISP's server before you download to your email software. If you don't want it in your inbox, you can bounce it back, mark it as spam, and set up a friends and black list. I use this instead of the anti-spam capabilities set up between Outlook and my AntiVirus software.

    There is no greater satisfaction than bouncing an unwanted spam back to the sender's server as though it has not reached a destination For companies that sell lists, a bounce has zero value and they must guarantee a minimal bounce rate percentage.

    P.S. From years of buying special offers of interest through the WarriorPlus service, I can assure you the company has never sold my email address to an email marketing service.
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      As others have said, it's not WarriorPlus. They have an address of mine that has never been spammed.

      On the flip side, I get a ton of allegedly "WSO-related" spam that goes to an address W+ has never even seen. The source is sellers and people offering free WSOs trading addresses.

      This stuff isn't going to be stopped until the recipients start reporting it to the affiliate networks involved, and more sellers put commissions on delayed payment status.

      I've seen the tricks these clowns play. Some of them have perfectly legit-looking affiliate accounts, so they'd be approved for instant commissions by most vendors. Then they spam the crap out of their traded lists, while sending recommendations to smaller legit lists, thus looking like super affiliates.

      Others just buy, trade, or steal lists, and/or run free WSOs to get addresses. There's a cute little ring of these guys in eastern Europe (mostly Hungary and Romania), and another in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The US and UK groups are harder to pin down to specific sources, but they exist also.

      Then there's the (expletive skipped) in Egypt who sells a list of addresses scraped from public postings on the forum. She's been selling it on Facebook for years, and they won't do a thing about it.

      And, of course, the Chinese and Russian credit card fraudsters.

      The market for lists like this is huge, and there's no shortage of rodents willing to play in it.

      The solution is to introduce enough of a delay that they can't get paid for the spamming. If they're reported and nuked before they get any cash, they'll find somewhere else to ply their "trade."

      As long as sellers are willing to capitulate to the demands of unknown affiliates for instant gratification, that won't happen.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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