100 days left in 2014..how much money will you make?
99, 100 OR 101 days left until 2015.
Make 100 bux a day, you'll have 10,000 in your pocket.
So, today is a good day to ask yourself some, How am I doing? questions...
Since January 1 of 2014 what have you been working on? Have you reached your goals? Did you have any?
Did you execute your 2014 PLAN of ACTION? What got off track?
Do you have a Plan for 2015?
Some of my friends are coming to the end of their projects, and they are seeing the exponential growth of their income, what started in Jan as make 20 bux a day is now at make 300-500 bux a day. How did they do it?
TIME leverage.
Daily activity focused on their goal. Testing. Zigging and Zagging across the battlefield of IM, Warrior sword in hand...fighting off the shiny objects which could have blinded them from their goal...
Overcoming procrastination, jumping over hurdles, going through walls because they had the fire in the belly.
The last 100 days will be a REFLECTION of the work which has been done, and I dare say...
all who will achieve success in these last 100 days will have had built on their foundation of CONTINUOUS focused activity.
It is NOT too late. We have the holiday season ahead, YOU could make as much money in December as you have all year...
IF... you PLAN to do it, have a doable and feasible plan of action and you daily execute your plan.
There are many companies which count on the holidays.
One is Hickory Farms. I used to work for them every season at a Kiosk in a mall. Great lessons to be learned.
There are GIFT type businesses, one is a Carmelized Nut business which specializes in corporate gifts.
Put your thinking caps on. 100 days.
1,000 bux? 10,000 bux? 100,000 fungolas?
YOU decide. Then make it happen.
PS. TIME, use it wisely.
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