The corporate slave
Since then I have wrote a 800 page manual for the company and a 2 week course along with videos teaching people about voice,Data,Voip and Fiber Optic technology. I won a 3 to 4 company awards over this time for technical excellence.
My point is this means nothing... After I decided to move back into a 10 hour shift position to get more time off to work on my business. It seems everything not only at work but in my personal life has hit me head on. I have been hit with so many constraints and situations in my life after deciding to take this leap.
Not only pissing off my current manager by doing so he and his subordinates have something to prove.
I was written up for the 1st time in 11 years. Everything I was wrote up for was pretty much made up to go on my record. It seems they want me out. They have been firing and writing up everyone who does not show fear. They use words like economy and you should be thankful to have a job.
It disgusts me that people have this control and use it to inflict fear in people and have them fear for their jobs. I am blogging everyday about my internet marketing experiments and adventures problems and real life situations. I haven't hit the golden egg yet but I will not give up.
I have a 2 year old daughter and wife to support. For now I will suck it up. This is not a feel sorry for me rant it is a promise to me and my family and even to you guys that I refuse to give up. No matter what. I have de-friended some of my co-workers due on Facebook and other social media. I get ridiculed for internet marketing a lot of people look at some of my videos and other things and don't get it.
Robert Kiyosaki calls this the Rat Race. Rats will eat each other and don't care about you if you are down and out they will walk over you and eat you.
This post is to motivate me and anyone who reads this to set a goal. I am blogging everyday to success.
I have made possibly 1k in the past year doing CPA,PPC,Bum marketing,Craiglist,video sales you name it but haven't yet found that niche or golden egg. I started my LLC last year to keep me motivate.
The buck stops here. My goal is 10k a month on average this is what I need to make to become free.
I look at this whole thing as like the movie the Matrix everyone in it are like batteries "coppertops". They truly don't know what it is like to become totally free. They don't want the Red pill and only take the blue pill for that sense of security.
I want truth and freedom. 10k a month to get out of the proverbial rat race. It is my goal and hope it motivates you to not fall trap to false sense of security of being overly taxed and over worked as well as under appreciated.
To all the millionaire marketers or the ones who are full time keep the dream alive I will be there to join you soon! Thanks boss for the write up you only make me want to work harder. CPA is where I will start along with my Clickbank Bum Marketing to support it.
I love you guys!
Something new soon.
Michelle Green
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