Your views on turning off PLC on a launch.... Some people aren't happy

11 replies
Hey guys,
In my previous launch I gave out 3 awesome lessons teaching people a lot of stuff as pre launch content...

When the launch officially happened and the cart opened I re-directed all of those pages to the sales page meaning that anyone trying to access the free lessons was unable to (only) for the 7 days that the launch took place on.

This resulted in a great conversion rate, however I did receive a few (quite nasty) emails from people for taking away their free lessons and pitching them the full course.


What is your view on this?

Would you keep the pre-launch content up during the launch week so that non-buyers (but people still on my list) can access the lessons?
#happy #launch #people #plc #turning #views
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Yep, I'd keep those free lessons up. The idea of those free lessons should be to presell people on the product anyway. So leave the free lessons there but maybe add a button below the videos directing to the salespage once the product has been released.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    If you had great conversions, sounds like you did what was best for you. I agree presell content can be a good thing, but it could also bring in people that don't want to pay for anything?
    PLR Affiliate Program Has Launched! Easily Promote Over 5,000 PLR and MRR Products.

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  • Profile picture of the author charliemwallace
    Both very good points.... Im still just not sure exactly what to do.

    My pre launch content teaches A LOT, the subject i was covering is something you can't do half pie.

    I have just gone live with my launch (with redirecting pages) and have already had 2 people get in touch asking where their free lessons are.

    Im thinking another solution could be to give new direct links to the free lessons for those who inquire and keep the redirect up for everyone else?

    After the launch I will send my list of non buyers a note saying that the free lessons are all back up online.

    Appreciate your input guys.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
      No, leave everything as it was. Don't redirect anything.

      As others have said, your previous PLC are pre-selling your stuff. Often, people want to review them before making a final buying decision. And you have no way of knowing who hasn't viewed anything until the last minute. It may seem like a smart thing to do, but I think it undermines your credibility a bit since you seem less generous.

      If you follow Jeff Walker at all, he leaves his PLC videos up, even after he closes the cart. He only takes the final PLC with the buy button down when the launch closes. He continues to drive traffic to those PLC videos, which pre-sells for the next launch.

      Also, as frustrating as it is, many won't buy until they've seen a few launches. They want to 1) know you'll be around next month and next year and 2) they want OTHERS to take the risk of "test driving" you and your stuff before they buy. They're also watching to see whether you'll REALLY have a firm deadline, or let people slip past the deadline to buy.

      So even if they don't buy on this launch, your current PLC is pre-selling for the next launch. Don't redirect anything. Leave it all up, even after the cart has closed except for the last PLC with the buy button. Redirect the final sales PLC to an "expired" page when the cart closes.

      Believe me, people go back to your previous PLC long after the launch is over if it gives good information and helps them solve their problems.

      Hope that helps!

      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    Yes, I would keep the pre-launch content up, so the people on you list can access it or you may lose them from you list
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Walker
    Originally Posted by charliemwallace View Post

    Hey guys,
    In my previous launch I gave out 3 awesome lessons teaching people a lot of stuff as pre launch content...


    What is your view on this?

    Would you keep the pre-launch content up during the launch week so that non-buyers (but people still on my list) can access the lessons?

    There isn't one single answer to this... but in general, I like to leave the PLC (prelaunch content) videos up throughout the open cart week.

    The primary reason is this... lots of people on your list have a lot of prelaunch emails that are directing them to the PLC videos. Some people will still be clicking on those links during your open cart week. If you switch the videos over to direct people to the sales page, then you're going to confuse those people... you've lost congruence between the email and the landing page.

    They're clicking on a link expecting to get the value video, and now they're getting a sales message.

    One thing you might do is put a link to your sales page below each PLC video.

    - Jeff
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    • Profile picture of the author charliemwallace
      Thanks for the reply Jeff, I really appreciate it.

      Your advice here is exactly what I did in the end and it has worked out great.

      This launch was actually for a Guitar course, and I know you yourself play Guitar. So keep an eye out for a package in your mail box in about a week (Or however long it takes to get over the ocean! haha) I've got a thank you gift I was planning on sending to you (without turning this into a testimonial just yet) for what your course has done for my business.



      Originally Posted by Jeff Walker View Post

      There isn't one single answer to this... but in general, I like to leave the PLC (prelaunch content) videos up throughout the open cart week.

      The primary reason is this... lots of people on your list have a lot of prelaunch emails that are directing them to the PLC videos. Some people will still be clicking on those links during your open cart week. If you switch the videos over to direct people to the sales page, then you're going to confuse those people... you've lost congruence between the email and the landing page.

      They're clicking on a link expecting to get the value video, and now they're getting a sales message.

      One thing you might do is put a link to your sales page below each PLC video.

      - Jeff
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Walker
        Originally Posted by charliemwallace View Post

        This launch was actually for a Guitar course, and I know you yourself play Guitar. So keep an eye out for a package in your mail box in about a week (Or however long it takes to get over the ocean! haha) I've got a thank you gift I was planning on sending to you (without turning this into a testimonial just yet) for what your course has done for my business.

        Congrats on the launch and THANKS!
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    • Profile picture of the author gluckspilz
      Originally Posted by Jeff Walker View Post

      There isn't one single answer to this... but in general, I like to leave the PLC (prelaunch content) videos up throughout the open cart week.

      The primary reason is this... lots of people on your list have a lot of prelaunch emails that are directing them to the PLC videos. Some people will still be clicking on those links during your open cart week. If you switch the videos over to direct people to the sales page, then you're going to confuse those people... you've lost congruence between the email and the landing page.

      They're clicking on a link expecting to get the value video, and now they're getting a sales message.

      One thing you might do is put a link to your sales page below each PLC video.

      - Jeff
      Who are you Jeff to give advice on Pre-Launch Content? (Jokes)

      Most of the time I won't be able to watch all the Pre-Launch Content during the Pre-Launch Phase. And yeah, it will awesome if I can catch up even though the cart has already been open.

      It just makes my buying decision a lot easier (especially if the PLC is epic). On top that, not sure if this was a JV launch but keep in mind, affiliates or JV would want the pre-launch content up as well so their subscribers can LEARN and buy at the same time.

      My 2 cent
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    This thread reminds me of a forum I used to hang out at years ago called the Warrior Forum...
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  • Profile picture of the author John_3771
    First off, congrats on the launch and increased conversions. I would have to say that as a consumer I would appreciate the pre-launch material to be left available, but I'm not normally somebody that jumps on something right out of the shoot without doing quite a bit of research first.
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