What would you price this e-book in an affiliate program?

by Ben15
11 replies
My e-book is about creating websites with WordPress.

In the book, there are many links to valuable resources to help getting a site started. The book is just under 40 pages. There are 11 chapters.

I am using JVZoo primarily.

I am considering 4 price points: $9, $10, $19, or $20.

I am undecided between commission splits of 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, and 75/25, with the higher amounts going to the affiliates.

Obviously, the 75/25 with $20 price is most appealing for affiliates, but I imagine they could sell more than twice as many at the $10 price point, so I'm not sure exactly what to do.

Thanks for any thoughts.
#affiliate #ebook #price #program
  • Profile picture of the author twinkenterprises
    Maybe 10 since its not that long of a book. Unless it has some info that is very valuable.

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  • Profile picture of the author Yao Daniel
    Hi fellows.
    I think it depends on the content, on the quality.
    I also think you're the best person to fix this price.
    Anyway, good luck for your book.

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    • Profile picture of the author adenclark
      I would approach this differently.

      First of all, if your showing people how to create websites, you would do much better by having an affiliate program with a video series. Video tutorials have more worth than an ebook and you could price this higher.

      The ebook i would "give away" on the squeeze page to wet the appetites of potential customers, who would later realize they need to see it on video, then your video series would be the one-time offer after they opt-in.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
    If you have a strong sales funnel - surely its worth taking a loss on your front end by giving affiliates say a 90/10 split and making it all back on your buyers list?
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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    I would make it $10, because there is a lot of free information on the internet addressing your topic.
    So marketing you book at a lower price with the caveat that you can get all the information in one place should be appealing .
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  • Profile picture of the author Lightlysalted
    $19 would be the best price. If you sell it cheap no one will value it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    I second the give it away. From your description it sounds like it has no real perceived value. My rule of thumb is that the prospect must be convinced they will be shown 3 ways that they will save 3x what they would have ended up paying had they not purchased the info at all.

    The key is to provide so much perceived value in your offer that it becomes irresistible.

    In this case if you do plan on charging you had better go with the $9 since you are not really sure what the product is worth your self. That generally is an indication that your prospect is going to have the same opinion so you had better make it cheap enough that they might buy because it's pocket change.

    Otherwise use it as a freebie to built leads and develop an offer where you not only know what the value is but where your prospects know that they are getting a deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jennifer Hutson
    I'm going to deviate from everyone and say make it $7.

    I'd say $7 or $17 because having the number "7" in prices has a positive psychological effect and helps sales ( has been proven in many marketing discussions), but it doesn't look like you have enough info to make it worth $17.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Hampton
    I have tried for years to find a single study that shows any benefit to prices that end in 7. Everyone seems convinced that the evidence exists, but no one can seem to actually produce it.

    Here's an old, but still relevant, thread about it: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...nding-7-a.html

    I second what others are saying regarding giving the book away and then upselling them to the info in video format. Split test it to see which price point works best.

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  • Profile picture of the author Xav
    Can't go wrong with the good ol' $17 mark.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnZ
    This kind of book would sell well among those looking to learn more about WordPress and making money online. However, there are many other eBooks on this topic, so you should start with a lower price and see how it goes. Personally, I would sell it for $10.
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