I want to host my WSO on my own website?

3 replies
I want to host my WSO on my own website/server. But how do i get the people who buy my product to confirm to join my list in order to download the WSO. I know it is possible but as i have bought WSO's before where I had to confirm my subscription in order to download the product, but I just dont know how. BTW I am using getresponse.
#host #website #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Naazim, to do this you simply put up a page on your website with your autoresponder form and instructions to the buyer. When they pay, have it go to this page. When they confirm, have it go to the product download page.

    Keep in mind that most people don't like to be forced to sign up to a mailing list just to download a product they already paid for. You'll get a lot of negative feedback. It would be better to just include your opt-in form on the product download page, offering free updates, an unadvertised bonus or other incentive.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      Keep in mind that most people don't like to be forced to sign up to a mailing list just to download a product they already paid for. You'll get a lot of negative feedback.

      And if you're using PayPal, don't make people's product-delivery dependent on their opting-in unless you've told them that clearly before they pay, because PayPal (rightly) hates that and if anyone complains to them, you can be in big trouble over it.

      Here's the point: if you require opt-in as a condition of product-delivery, then it's part of the contract of sale, and that needs to be disclosed before people pay.

      But as Gene says, people will not like it, and some may say so.

      (It's better to automate it, so that people don't have to do this. That's perfectly legitimate. If you can't do that, then make it optional and incentivize it, but don't make product-delivery conditional on it!).

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  • Profile picture of the author artflair
    Originally Posted by naazim ahmed View Post

    I want to host my WSO on my own website/server. But how do i get the people who buy my product to confirm to join my list in order to download the WSO. I know it is possible but as i have bought WSO's before where I had to confirm my subscription in order to download the product, but I just dont know how. BTW I am using getresponse.
    You can simply have your Sales Letter together with the buy buttons on your site but use Warrior+ or JVZoo to deliver the product. This way you have an option to automatically add buyer's PayPal address to your buyers list...
    I think this is a much better option than hosting everything yourself.
    Good luck
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