Decompressing after a long week
How do you decompress after a long week? I'll start with a nice pint of beer.
How do you decompress after a long week? I'll start with a nice pint of beer.
Upending the negative neural pathways in your brain and replacing them with positive neural pathways through a focused and concerted effort ?? Is it that simple ?? ( noticed how ... [read more]
Iam the first to admit I do not have the highest IQ among humans in our society. But not to sound like a braggart but my emotional IQ I believe ... [read more]
This quote from Matthew McConaughey : "I have had many crises in my Life...but most of them never happened". Do you believe this?? In otherwards , do we play things ... [read more]
If you are doubtful of yourself how do you expect others to trust you . Being assertive doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes but more so trusting tour judgement ... [read more]
Untangling and "unwiring" and "unfiring " (through Meditation and Visualization) very negative neural pathways that have bogged me down for quite sometime. I have been highly focused and very intense ... [read more]
Do you think a lot of Warriors are stuck and don't know what their next step would be? And if so, because I think there are many, but I may ... [read more]
Maybe more of an opinion than a theory, but whatever I might call it, it goes like this: Most people who want to practice manifestation take too much noise with ... [read more]
Fat slob, coach potato offers the technology to BE IRRESISTIBLE hahahahaa. He'd better peddle Michelin tyres.he'd sell a ton. How I Hypnotized myself to become Irresistible to Anyone Does this ... [read more]
All that's important is the reason why you do it ... My favourite example is the Boy who only occasionally meets up with his Dad for Pizza -- and enjoys ... [read more]
Be inspired, motivated and grateful because you have NATURAL SuperPowers. Really? Oh yea. But chances are they have been INDOCTRINATED out of you to the point you no longer use ... [read more]
... Many times being a successful Entrepreneur/Marketer can be difficult. Sometimes we have to face "failure", lack of motivation, and dissatisfaction ... However something I learned from Napoleon Hill and ... [read more]
If you are to switch careers with someone here on the forum, who are you switching with? Why?
"We fear beginnings, we fear endings. We fear changing, we fear getting stuck. We fear success, we fear failure. We fear living, we fear dying" - Susan Jeffers in Feel ... [read more]
The what is holding you back post was a one time poster, and we see more and more of those these days. And we also saw some answers, mostly about ... [read more]
One thing I have implemented in the last couple of years in my Life is when I wake up I purposely take a few minutes to give thanks and gratitude ... [read more]
That joy and happiness is determined by 95% mindset and 5% circumstance?? What do you think ?? Yeah or nay ??
For months I spent my time reading and reading and reading and......reading. After I'm finished reading I go and find something else to read. When people would ask me "how's ... [read more]
I don't watch award shows as a rule but I did record the CMA awards last week as there were a couple of performances that seemed worth watching (and were). ... [read more]
We've all heard this phrase quite a few times. Do you agree? Disagree? Chime in.
Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors ... [read more]
Everyday scores of people discover the Warrior Forum and are excited to find a place where they can learn about making money with Internet Marketing (IM). Excited, maybe overwhelmed with ... [read more]
Thinking. Mindset. All things Mind Warriors. So as not to highjack someone's thread, I started this one, perhaps the most important thread I've ever started. Why is this important? It ... [read more]
These get rich quick schemes only serve to entice you to make a quick buck at the expense of your pocket book. Let be honest . We all have methodologies ... [read more]
I've begun to experiment over the last two years with some moderate success that's caused some really radical changes. I want to talk to someone and see if I can ... [read more]
Mistakes are inevitable. Humans always makes mistakes. But what differentiates us are acknowledging our mistakes and learning from them. In life it is inevitable that you make mistakes, for the ... [read more]
Tithing is putting away 10% of your gross earnings, to give away to your religion, to pay taxes, whatever the dictionary says. Tithing yourself is not a new concept, but ... [read more]
The mind forum: Mind Warriors is a forum dedicated to self improvement and empowering minds to make more money online. You will find inspiring posts that motivate you to take ... [read more]
When I meditate, I can rarely go more than 3 minutes without lapsing into thought. I believe that if I could find an alarm or timer than let out a ... [read more]
How are the members balancing between business and life, at this time of the year, and for the past 17 months or so. What techniques are they using to stay ... [read more]
I'm helping as a co-host for an upcoming podcast, and brainstorming some name ideas for it. Podcast's Theme: Sharing uplifting and inspirational content, inspired by the teachings of the most ... [read more]
ANOTHER Christmas season. YIKES. We can find posts from a decade ago, and longer, asking what the NEXT year will bring. Interestingly, all too often, it brings the same old ... [read more]
I'm interested to hear what people regard as the best tip/advice they have ever been given to do with IM. I think the best bit of advice I was given ... [read more]
There's an expression in the game of Poker called, "Going all in." And it means you're betting everything you've got on your hand. This is the showdown - if you ... [read more]
In my first years I used to look always for the better way of doing something and still, to this day, I caught myself going around problems looking for an ... [read more]
The number one reason why new Entrepreneurs give up is...they don't make money fast enough. Persistence is great. A necessity for business success, I can't or won't argue that point. ... [read more]
There's this inner-voice we tend to hear and seldom listen to (*at least in my case) that suggests; "We're All Under the Influence..." To whom, where, or what solely resides ... [read more]
What do you think of micromanagement? Is that even necessary?
Did you succeed in a business after multiple failures? What did you do to figure out what you did wrong, and what did you change that made the next business ... [read more]
There are times when we get up in the morning and we just don't feel like doing anything. We are tired, we are bored, and we don't want to go ... [read more]
I notice that "value" is a key word in marketing, but sometimes can be vague and get overused (give more value to your audience/clients)...What is value? And how is created? ... [read more]
It can be difficult for many of us to stay disciplined and focused on goals we set. However, I am positive there are a few things we can do to ... [read more]
If you are in a leadership position, you may find that your team members are not following your instructions. It could be that they do not know what to do, ... [read more]
As a perfectionist, a lesson I learnt this year the hard way is, success is not about committing no mistakes and you will succeed. You can still commit no mistakes ... [read more]
As I've gotten older, I've made more and more major choices. After getting married and having kids, the decisions just kept coming. And while I see some of my friends ... [read more]
It's so hard working after coming back from a long vacation. How do become productive when coming back?
It's so hard working after coming back from a long vacation. How do you become productive when coming back?
A term I use... kinda often. It is basically an experience of sorts... In many ways hard to try and explain... and yet it happens in front of our eyes ... [read more]
I came from a corporate background and now I am an independent contractor. I have seen many of my friends who are still stuck with their corporate job and I ... [read more]
If you're the type of person who keeps making the same resolutions every new year only to crash and burn again and again.... The problem may come from HOW YOU ... [read more]
...this guy failed 5,127 times when trying to create a vacuum. Many people would use this to justify their own going around in circles for years. But obviously, his ... [read more]
Whatever evil had control of my keyboard, got me into a Dean Graziosis/Tony Robbins 5-day Challenge a few months ago. I haven't left the group because my FB feed gives ... [read more]
Hey guys...i sometimes lose my momentum when i am pursuing a project and i hit a hurdle and i start feeling down after a couple of attempts at solving the ... [read more]
This is for moderators and admins: (It's okay to remove this part anyway and leave my post at the end). And I changed the section by the way, even though ... [read more]
I just saw something similar to this in a group I'm in: Thanks to ___'s teachings and this community my list has DOUBLED!!!! Then down a couple lines it says: ... [read more]