The Power of Giving and Kindness

6 replies
Hi Guys,

It's the season of giving, so I'd like to do my own little "giving" by sharing some inspiring stuff with you.

Do you notice how great it feels when we're able to give something to others? Not only can it make you extremely happy, but you're activating the Law of Attraction to also give back to you.

Sometimes, some of us may lack money to give to others. But it doesn't have to be money all the time. It can be as simple as...

- Complimenting or saying kind/encouraging words
- Touching/hugging (non-offensively and appropriate to the situation of course)
- Giving time and attention
- Sharing your knowledge, talents or ability
- Finding things you don't need or want to give away
- Calling them on the phone or writing a personal letter
- Do something for them based on what you can do (ex: cooking their favorite foods, painting a picture of them, etc.)

Let me also share with you some awesome and touching videos that highlight the spirit of giving...

Hope you like them.

Best Regards,
Michael Lee
#giving #kindness #power
  • Profile picture of the author Corey Taylor
    Damn you that's how I am right now

    Fantastic post though, I thanked
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  • Profile picture of the author fsiegel
    Great post! Once a year, every year i try to do something to give back. I think everyone should do this too.
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  • Profile picture of the author RachelTravels
    Great post!
    The Law of Reciprocity and Giving is sooooo real!
    When we are grateful and thankful and share out gifts, all things are possible!
    Journey On,

    ~ Rach
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  • Profile picture of the author somedevil
    Giving time and attention to people is something most of us struggle with most. Sadly.
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  • Profile picture of the author scottdavis
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  • Profile picture of the author debbiesherman
    Thank you for this post!
    I try to give time to the people who matter the most. Sometimes its not all about yourself and you need to give time to others as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author beastwood
    Everybody should give back. It doesn't matter if its something expensive or not, big or small. Giving back feels good and makes others feel good as well.
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