My Biggest Realization From Going $0-$100k+ In 2014

9 replies
With the year coming to a close, It's definitely been one of the most self-rewarding years yet. At the beginning of the year, I had literally $100 bucks in my bank account, dropped out of college, and moved back home to my parents house in buffalo.

I knew I was heading down the wrong road, and never in my life had I ever wanted to be "average" or "good", I wanted to be great. By the end of 2014, my bank account looks like this....

(this is not to brag, just to kind of further my point.)

So here's a couple key things I learned:

Everything We Know Up Until This Point Is Learned:
Since we we're little kids we modeled our actions, thoughts, and feelings around other people. For most of us, our parents and environment plays the biggest role. Our parents, culture, society, and experiences all have molded us to think, behave, and act the exact way we do. if we learned it, we can LEARN that some beliefs we have aren't true.

For example, my dad was a workaholic. He always had this "Work Harder" attitude that always left him stressed, pissed, and asking my mom where the god damn dinner was.

So naturally, I thought I had to "work harder" than everybody else to make money. Which is COMPLETELY false. Most of us work hard enough already, most people don't THINK hard enough.

But for some subconscious reason, I held on to that belief, and kept spinning my tired in the dirt, until I finally became AWARE of the actual inner lying "preconditioned" belief system.

FEAR is a 10x Stronger Emotion Than Pleasure (but they're both going to defeat your logic 9 times out of 10):
Instead of seeing all the nice things I wanted, and how it would feel to have them, etc. I had to associate the opposite. The PAIN of not having money is what was driving me, not the "pleasure" of having it.

Quick Tip:
Think about the consequences if you don't follow through, if you don't make this happen, and you don't MAKE this work - instead of all the good things, abundance, time, freedom, love, self-actualization, etc. (Whatever reason you want money for)

Mirror & Match: Naturally, we want to become LIKE people we admire, have interest in, etc. (Look at your friends...) Study people you look up to, model their game (in a creative and effective way) and BETTER it.

......and the last one, knowledge without the ability to use it creatively and effectively is useless.

You can read every book, write everything down, but if you're not THINKING hard enough - it's not going to work.

Just some food for thought as we enter the new year. Merry Christmas to all warriors and their families, and let's make 2015 our year!
#$0$100k #2014 #biggest #realization
  • Profile picture of the author Justin Tyme
    It reminds me of the saying my father in law used all the time.
    "Work Smarter, Not Harder"

    I have lived by that Motto for a while now. Another one I liked that he
    said was "If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle"

    He was the main driving factor behind me quitting my job and doing IM
    full time. He truly helped me re-learn how money can be made, and
    once you make that mental shift you will really have your eyes opened.

    It reminds me of the chained elephant. When the baby elephant is born,
    it is chained up constantly. And as it gets older, they keep it chained so it
    can't move. Then gradually, they switch the chain to a rope.

    Until eventually they can take off the chains, and the elephant still "believes" it
    can't move freely because it has been emotionally conditioned to "believe" it's chained.

    This is the emotional trap that many people fall into. I highly suggest everyone
    watch the secret if they haven't already. The human brain is really such an incredible
    thing that we are only beginning to even remotely understand!
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    • good effort!

      love the post, and this:

      The PAIN of not having money is what was driving me, not the "pleasure" of having it.

      I think we minimize it so we act brave, buy pain is always more motivating.

      we want a roof over are head, more than we want a fancy shingled rooftop that looks

      impressive from the street.

      2015 here we come!!!

      like OP says :

      we can LEARN that some beliefs we have aren't true

      what can we learn this year for a better life???
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  • Profile picture of the author C G

    Pain is a greater motivator than pleasure. That's why we see most successful people once had their back against the wall and were sort of forced to take action.


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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    That's why personal development is so important. Personal development teaches you HOW to think.All the training in the world won't mean a hill of beans without the right mindset working in the background.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Karp
    That's very inspirational man.

    I'm literally at the point you were at in the beginning of 2014. I'm on the cusp of making this business work.

    I've been thinking mainly about what my life will be like once I achieve my goals, not what it will be like if I don't. It keeps me anxiety-free and it keeps my head clear.

    But I can see why fear might be a stronger motivator. I might try it out whenever I really feel exhausted, wanting to call it quits for the day, but knowing that I need to keep working.

    Great stuff, congratulations, and great luck in 2015.
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  • Profile picture of the author monster24
    That's great man.... have achieved half of that hope to get to $100K in 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author iwankurniawan
    thanks for this motivational and inspiring post guys.
    so ..i think i must have 'a role model' for my business and life..
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    • Profile picture of the author ScottieScott
      Congrats on going from $0 to over $100k in a year. I went from $50 in 2013, to $48 in the time I am ready to retire I should be at $12 - lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author thet
    So, first of all, you didnt start from zero. You started with 100$.

    Still impressive. If true. Is there a topic where you explain how you did it?
    If not,
    could you tell us something about it?

    Recognize reality even when you don't like it - especially when you don't like it.
    — Charlie Munger

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