A Simple 'Tip' for [Productivity] in Internet Marketing

6 replies
Happy New Year WF!!

This section of the forum doesn't seem to get too much traffic but to me it is one of the most important sections because a Great 'Mindset' is the Key to success in IM.

I'll keep this thread short and simple...

I am a lot more productive with results not work when I have 'balance' in my day to day life.

If I try to be too productive, it works against me.

I get better results if I work 2 to 4 hours and not more than that and then go on and 'live' my life.

I know some of you already know this but I thought it would be worth sharing anyway.

Some of you will probably disagree but hey, everyone is different and we can't all be the same.

Different things work for 'different' people.

Not all things will work for all.
#productivity #simple #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    That's what I do. I usually set my priorities down for the day, work on what I need to work on than from there I go and spend my time on other things as I must. If I spend all day on one project, I can't stay focused, and I end up getting less done than I expected. It's all about time management and getting your priorities right to get ahead.
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    I agree with time management. I have struggled on productivity before and I realized that being busy does not mean being productive. I had lots of work on hand but I am not making any progress. So I have decided to look for ways to amend this issue. I managed to resolve this by using Kanban board, which helps prioritize the things that need to be done. This technique really helped me get things done on time and so far I am making good progress.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobandnanci
    Did you know though that if you add just one more hour to each day you will actually gain 15.1 days by the end of the year?
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  • Profile picture of the author smonline
    Working in blocks of time works well for me. It helps me to slow down (when i take a break), and help me to focus during the next blocks of time I will be working.

    Slowing down really helps to focus.
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  • I agree. I prefer to work for block of time, focusing on results.

    But I did start with focusing on tasks, just so I can develop the discipline to work. Having a baby destroyed my body clock. I had to focus on working to complete tasks first, get my work momentum going.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sangfroid
    Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

    I am a lot more productive with results not work when I have 'balance' in my day to day life.
    If I try to be too productive, it works against me.
    I get better results if I work 2 to 4 hours and not more than that and then go on and 'live' my life.
    I know some of you already know this but I thought it would be worth sharing anyway.
    Some of you will probably disagree but hey, everyone is different and we can't all be the same.
    Different things work for 'different' people.
    Not all things will work for all.
    Hi Rory,

    Balance is great! I can tell when I am "over the line'.
    I start to feel weird and then I back off.

    I am a terrible work-aholic. It is not in my DNA.

    Be Well

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