For Better Sleep, Sleep Without a Cell Phone

2 replies
For the past two weeks, I've been sleeping without a cell phone in my bedroom. The results have been amazing.

There's no temptation to browse the Internet or App Store when I'm having trouble falling asleep. Instead, I read a good book until my eyes get tired. The no phone policy also prohibits me from checking my phone first thing in the morning. This habit was especially toxic, as it put me on the social grid before I even had time to center myself at the start of a new day.

If you want to make this change in your life, it's incredibly easy:

1) Move your charger outside your bedroom.
I keep mine in the kitchen, a floor away from where I sleep.

2) An hour before bedtime, plug your phone in and turn it off.
I repeat: turn off your phone! This step is surprisingly important. Knowing your phone is turned off will prevent you from checking your phone as you wind down for sleep. It'll also let callers know that you're not screening their calls, since your phone will send them straight to voicemail. In short, you'll be off the hook.

3) Keep a book by your night stand.
If your mind is restless at night, try reading for 10 minutes before getting up for a midnight snack (or midnight email). It'll help put you to sleep.

4) Get a good old fashioned alarm clock.
If you rely on your phone's alarm to wake you, you'll want to switch to a traditional alarm clock. Most people have one lying around. I use a Philips Wake Up light, which gradually increases its light and volume to provide a gentle wake up.

If you have trouble getting to sleep at night, try this method for two weeks. It could become a lifelong habit.

Good luck, and sleep well.
#cell #phone #sleep
  • Profile picture of the author jmferret
    There is one especially good point in your post, which is: read instead of browsing Internet. We often confuse one for another, but these are far from being the same.

    Reading quality books (especially those, which can give you more actual knowledge about something) is extremely important for one's self-development and in the rhythm of modern life most people devote far not enough time to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Thanks for the tips.

    I gatta say, I am guilty of looking through my cell phone when I wake up in the morning and scrolling through email. Kinda dumb of me really Instead I should take that time to reflect, meditate and just breath and get ready for the day ahead of me. Social networks can be addicting, so I do see how important it can be to really start your day off the right way.

    Thanks again...
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