Slow And Steady Wins The Race Is Bullshit

6 replies
True story.

If you want to succeed online
you will have to move fast.

None of this slow nonsense.

Those that are too slow to move
will get left behind.

What am I talking about?

You taking action on something
the moment you find out about it.

Learn a new strategy that will
increase your opt-in rate?

Implement it now.

Don't wait.

Do it now.

Say yes to every damn thing.

Look if you aren't succeeding online
yet, its probably because you keep
saying no to things.

My suggestion.

Do the little things.

They will add up.

And when they do you will have
more leverage.

As Gary Vaynerchuk once said
"one is greater than zero"

Watch this short video:

Isaiah Jackson
#bullshit #race #slow #steady #wins
  • Profile picture of the author Servfox
    I am going to watch that video 20 more times.

    "I am grinding while you are sleeping". I have always been motivated in that manner. When people are out drinking on the Friday and Saturday nights, I am grinding. When they are hung over Saturday and Sunday morning, I am grinding.

    Every time you come to a road block, remember that it is a blessing because it is putting more distance between you and all of the people that don't have the patience to work thought it.

    Thanks for the share Isaiah, you've got me fired up now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
      Originally Posted by Servfox View Post

      I am going to watch that video 20 more times.

      "I am grinding while you are sleeping". I have always been motivated in that manner. When people are out drinking on the Friday and Saturday nights, I am grinding. When they are hung over Saturday and Sunday morning, I am grinding.

      Every time you come to a road block, remember that it is a blessing because it is putting more distance between you and all of the people that don't have the patience to work thought it.

      Thanks for the share Isaiah, you've got me fired up now.
      I've watched this video several times today.

      Had to share it with people after watching it
      the first time.

      Nice to know I set a fire to your passion
      and work ethic.

      Now lets go get it.

      -Isaiah Jackson
      Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    Yes and no in the same time.

    On one side, focusing on the essential 20% is important. You can do 100 things and only 20 actually generate results. On the other side, all growth occurs outside of your comfort zone.

    From around 50 hours I've invested towards a goal, only 5 - 10 actually got me the results. The rest was a huge waste of time. It seemed as a sound idea but in end, the simplest idea was the one that worked.

    So my approach is slow and steady expand your comfort zone. This means grow in a steady and constant rate, moving into a new direction, one step at a time.

    You see, there is a difference between theory and practice. In theory you can work 90 hours a week, grind out work like there is no tomorrow and make millions of dollars. In practice, obstacles actually appear or you are limited by circumstances.

    So you aim to do your best given your circumstances. It is a good idea to go to every networking event as people are one of the biggest multiplying factors available. But let's say that you don't have the money to do so. What do you do then?

    You move to the next available option - online networking or books.

    Let's say that you need to write 50 pages in a single day. Yet, you don't have the time to write 50 pages. Do you have the time for 40? 30? 10?

    You want to lose weight and you want to do this through running 10 km daily. Soon you realize that you are out of breath after 500 meters. What do you do? Give up? No. You start walking. Then you start light jogs. Then you'll run.

    Believe it or not but our actions are actually limited by factors like time, energy, money. But every single time we operate within the maximum of those boundaries, those boundaries increase. So when we operate at our peak or almost at our peak, what we can do improves.


    PS: One is NOT always greater than zero. Sometimes ONE means not getting a TEN down the road. If from A to B you need to say YES to everything, then from B to Z you need to pick your battles carefully. If you have three tasks, let's say a task worth $50, one worth $100 and one worth $150 and you only have limited time, you start with the $150 one. Then you move down to the $100 one. You say YES to whatever brings more leverage. Then you move to the next item down the list.
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  • Profile picture of the author SunnyDelight
    This is a great post. I was telling this to someone not to long ago. Money likes speed in this industry. This is a fast paced niche. What works now may not work 6 months from now. That's why I love internet marketing. There's always fresh ideas and opportunities to grow and learn.

    A side note to this. Is FAIL. YES FAIL. Fail as much and as fast as you can. Because failure = results. The more results you have the better you can play your next move!
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  • Profile picture of the author JimsonWright
    I would say, yes and no.

    Sometimes being slow and steady can work sometimes it won't.
    I guess in our time, money moves fast. Things constantly change. People like speed and people move from one product to another quickly and its out goal to keep up with the pace
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