A positive mindset won't make you successful (But this will)

19 replies
Most affiliate marketers will tell you that your MINDSET is the most important aspect of succeeding online with affiliate marketing. Although this is a little true, it is NOT what's going to make you a successful affiliate marketer.

You visualize success and you have a very positive mindset so you:

Write 1-3 new articles on your blog each day for 365 days and are still not getting traffic and are not making any sales.

Create 1-3 new YouTube videos every day for 365 days and are still not getting traffic and are not making any sales.

So what happened?

Well, even though you did have a positive attitude and you took action on 2 marketing techniques that most "gurus" teach, you just learned that these 2 traffic techniques did not work for you.

See, even if you have a positive attitude and are taking action with the 2 free marketing techniques that I mentioned above that are not working for you, you will need to try other marketing venues that are both PAID and FREE.

See, you can have a positive attitude but unless you have a marketing technique that is working specifically for YOU, you are not going to succeed online.

You have to go through a few marketing techniques online that are both PAID and FREE to see which ones work best for you. While one technique may work really well for one marketer, it may not work for you.

Then when you do know what is working, you can always scale it up.
#make #mindset #positive #successful
  • Profile picture of the author WilloxPerez
    That is definitely a great point. The positive mindset is to help us overcome failures and hardships. When it comes to starting out though and testing marketing methods I would definitely track the progress monthly and see what changes you can make or what other methods you can try.

    Waiting a year might be too long plus you close yourself from learning other methods and from developing new skills. So simply put be consistent and various methods in order to do some testing and like talfighel mentioned just scale the ones the work out the best.

    When it comes to blog posts and YouTube videos it will take some time to pick up so for those you will definitely need to be committed longer.

    - Will
    OmarAndWill.com - Buying/Selling Domains: Domain Discussions: Random Crazy Rants!

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  • Profile picture of the author RealSocialSignals
    Mindset is really important.
    But content is even more so.
    You should invest in knowledge, so you have something to talk about in the videos. True that passion makes for a succesful individual. The point to remember is to walk that extra mile. Whenever it feels like you should "probably do it" but shy away from it, that's where you have to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    attitude + skill = success

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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    • Profile picture of the author sttbs
      Originally Posted by tobyjensen View Post

      attitude + skill = success
      True that.

      Shark Web - providing website design and seo services

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  • Profile picture of the author RahimaMal
    I agree with you, positive thinking alone cannot help you become successful. Its like visualization, if you visualize being successful 60 minutes a day, its not going to get you anywhere lol. Just mere daydreaming.

    Success isn't always about having a positive mindset. Its about having the right kind of mindset. Ya know, persistence, dedication and clear logical thinking. This sort of mindset brings the attitude you need to carry out goal generating behaviors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Nice post talfighel.
    : )

    Something to remember though, is ... There's nothing wrong with having a "positive mindset" ... (Providing that it's augmented with action.)

    In fact I would say that having that "positive mindset" is a prerequisite for success.

    Sometimes a person may reach their goal(s) through sheer will power alone however that's similar to driving with the breaks on. With the right mindset you will reach your destination faster and with less struggle.

    Will mentioned that mindset is important when dealing with failure(s) and hardships and I completely agree. IMO that's why many people give up: Because they let those failure(s) drag them down instead of realizing that they can learn something from them that will help them reach their goal(s).
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      There are a couple of things. The first is that success is an individual idea, what one person considers success is in all likelihood, not the same as what another person considers success.
      The second is that a negative mindset is going to prevent you from being successful at almost any level, but again it depends on what you consider success. there area great many people - including many warriors - who appear to define success as copying others; even when those being copied are very negative in words and actions.

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  • Profile picture of the author Maximus Flix
    mindset alone won't do you squat... I don't see the strategy here, where's the blueprint.
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  • Profile picture of the author DaveTheSinister
    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Most affiliate marketers will tell you that your MINDSET is the most important aspect of succeeding online with affiliate marketing. Although this is a little true, it is NOT what's going to make you a successful affiliate marketer.

    You visualize success and you have a very positive mindset so you:

    Write 1-3 new articles on your blog each day for 365 days and are still not getting traffic and are not making any sales.

    Create 1-3 new YouTube videos every day for 365 days and are still not getting traffic and are not making any sales.

    So what happened?

    Well, even though you did have a positive attitude and you took action on 2 marketing techniques that most "gurus" teach, you just learned that these 2 traffic techniques did not work for you.

    See, even if you have a positive attitude and are taking action with the 2 free marketing techniques that I mentioned above that are not working for you, you will need to try other marketing venues that are both PAID and FREE.

    See, you can have a positive attitude but unless you have a marketing technique that is working specifically for YOU, you are not going to succeed online.

    You have to go through a few marketing techniques online that are both PAID and FREE to see which ones work best for you. While one technique may work really well for one marketer, it may not work for you.

    Then when you do know what is working, you can always scale it up.
    I am in agreement with the message and the sentiment behind your post. I am just a bit of a stickler in some regards and would say that if a person wrote 1-3 articles a day for 365 and received no traffic or sales... Well, at about 2 months time his mindset has change from hope and positivity to willful blindness and inflexibility.

    I completely agree with you on people having better strong suits, but to be honest even in the areas that are not my strong suit I have managed to find some sort of success out of.

    Prime example is that I actually am dyslexic. There is no way around it, lol. But that doesnt nor will it ever stop me from communicating. I process information a bit different than others and do find it more difficult than it seems for most to express myself. Communication may have been the suffering trait from this issue, but I was flexible, I obsessed, and I persisted till I reached a level where at least no one is the wiser (unless ofc I tell them).

    Its all in expectations and willingness to experiment.

    Any method can work for anyone, its just a matter of your willingness to figure it out and commit to it. Remaining flexible and honest with yourself is key.

    After 60 days of trying the same method and you have seen absolutely no results, well maybe you should change the approach and try a different angle, sometimes going from method to method can kill a spirit.

    Did this help? Meh, maybe just an excuse to hear my own voice...

    Have a great one
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  • Profile picture of the author Serving My Master
    I agree partially that mindset is key. But, we need a little more than generalizations.

    You need to build a list to be successful > How?
    You must be persistent > Where?
    Just do it > Do exactly what?

    I am flat out sick to my stomach and will go back serving my master.
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    • Profile picture of the author DaveTheSinister
      Originally Posted by Serving My Master View Post

      I agree partially that mindset is key. But, we need a little more than generalizations.

      You need to build a list to be successful > How?
      You must be persistent > Where?
      Just do it > Do exactly what?

      I am flat out sick to my stomach and will go back serving my master.
      You can build a list by making a landing page providing a free report of some sort, or anything really that would act as an incentive to get them to give up their details. Then use solo ads, ad swaps, kindle, blog guest posts, forums, ppc, ppv and whatever else will work to get the landing page out and generating leads.

      You persist by doing the appropriate searches and gaining the appropriate knowledge to accomplish that which you set out to do and actually follow through with it. Answers are everywhere. I havent bought more than a couple of WSOs here and there the last year or so and yet I am learning more and more each day just by asking the right questions.. Asking the right questions to Google and Youtube that is.

      Sounds like you need a new master....

      Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Serving My Master
    You know what the deal is Sinister Dave?

    Everybody does the same drill. They all sound the same. That won't work.
    The Internet is riled with me too info and he/she/it who's on your list is also on so many others. Recycled leads that are beaten down to death and become unresponsive sooner or later. Every newbie has to have a product and turn into a copycat.

    Unless you have something unique to offer, you won't make a mint.

    I used to make hundred of sales per month when I was cloaking (IP Delivery). The ride was good until my money sites dropped like a rock when the Big G made algorithmic changes. I had top search engine rankings by having my cloaked pages optimized to attract a truckload of visitors. It was like being a SEO King at that time. Nowadays cloaking doesn't work (any cloaking maven care to chime in?) and I am out of business.

    There's the dark side of IM when people would tell you otherwise. The only way to build a CUSTOMER LIST is EXCLUSIVITY. I totally relate with that. Free reports won't cut in, everybody and his grandmother has a report, a squeeze page, you name it.

    Just take a look over the net. Too much copycatism.

    I know, I'm a whiner. The only thing I know is about IP delivery (cloaking for the bots) but it was short lived. I lay a wager that 99.99% is on the losing end of the rope.

    Solo ads? That's not economically viable. Those are freebie seekers and forum rats. They've seen plentiful of squeeze pages before landing on your offer. They are saturated.

    Guest blogging? Who has the time for that. Do you anticipate serious traffic coming your way with guest blogging... everything is dead ever since link exchanges were banished.
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    • Profile picture of the author DaveTheSinister
      Originally Posted by Serving My Master View Post

      You know what the deal is Sinister Dave?

      Everybody does the same drill. They all sound the same. That won't work.
      The Internet is riled with me too info and he/she/it who's on your list is also on so many others. Recycled leads that are beaten down to death and become unresponsive sooner or later. Every newbie has to have a product and turn into a copycat.

      Unless you have something unique to offer, you won't make a mint.

      I used to make hundred of sales per month when I was cloaking (IP Delivery). The ride was good until my money sites dropped like a rock when the Big G made algorithmic changes. I had top search engine rankings by having my cloaked pages optimized to attract a truckload of visitors. It was like being a SEO King at that time. Nowadays cloaking doesn't work (any cloaking maven care to chime in?) and I am out of business.

      There's the dark side of IM when people would tell you otherwise. The only way to build a CUSTOMER LIST is EXCLUSIVITY. I totally relate with that. Free reports won't cut in, everybody and his grandmother has a report, a squeeze page, you name it.

      Just take a look over the net. Too much copycatism.

      I know, I'm a whiner. The only thing I know is about IP delivery (cloaking for the bots) but it was short lived. I lay a wager that 99.99% is on the losing end of the rope.

      Solo ads? That's not economically viable. Those are freebie seekers and forum rats. They've seen plentiful of squeeze pages before landing on your offer. They are saturated.

      Guest blogging? Who has the time for that. Do you anticipate serious traffic coming your way with guest blogging... everything is dead ever since link exchanges were banished.
      Forgive me, I was just sharing the theory which is repeated so often.

      I am not putting my own personal efforts into list building. Although I do have a big interest and do believe soon here, I will be giving it a go.

      I think I see where your issue may lay. Sounds like you have a more analytical mind. This is internet marketing, lol, all these products and services (for the most part) have remained unchanged. Its still the core concepts, but as with anything, as the internet changes and grows so does IM.

      When you use tactics that circumvent having to actually learn how to engage and form a relationship with your customer... Look, they all sell the dream. But it is just that a dream. The product is no different than what the next guy is offering, so how do you stand out? How do you get a response? By selling yourself.

      Look at the big guys, all the people making money all start out with the same deal. They show you the flash and then go straight into sharing their own lives and families. They get you to relate and connect with them. This is all pulling on certain psychological triggers.

      This all is not what it appears to be. Stop looking at the magicians hands and notice the damn rabbit ear sticking out of the hat. Watch what most do. Actions, not words.

      I find it hysterical, A person will have a product launch almost every 2 weeks to a month, on different subjects or the same doesnt really matter, but then the customers of this person actually think this person is doing fully what he says. I find that usually successful methods are taught by most after they have moved on to other strategies.

      You want someone to give you the best and most updated info? Be prepared to make it worth their wild. Because you are then asking them to remove all of their motivation for succeeding and replaced it with complaining and whining (not you personally, but most, speaking in general).

      I just dont get why most cant see this. There isnt enough time in the day to help someone else achieve his/her dreams and pursue your own.

      How much have you seriously tested? Have you tried multiple different landing pages, different graphics, different copy, different traffic sources? Thats the thing with this industry (the rub), you can win if you are willing to keep trying and testing.

      Im willing to bet you arent that far off either. An analytical mind is going to be really good at organizing and putting together a strategy but you will need to press yourself in order be creative and innovative, but thats seriously a huge part.

      Im gonna share a short story with you. The first money I made online was unintentional, I had no list, I had no product, I had nothing. All I had was a friend I met online who lives halfway around the world.

      As I was learning about different methods and strategies I would share them with him, because we had both just started working on a podcast together. After time he and I were the only ones who took the pod any seriously, so we ended up chatting a lot off air and discussing what we could to boost listeners, provide more entertainment and value to the listeners and fans of the show.

      I can be a very passionate person. I can really motivate some. After a while of sharing information and really being passionate. One random day, I see in my email that I received $250.00 in my paypal. I didnt have a product or a list or some crazy untapped traffic source... My friend had sent me that money so that I could try and pursue some of the methods I shared with him, some of which were not even related to the show.

      What happened there? I cant tell you exactly what it was that got him to do it, but it was a massive deal to me. He believed in me and my passion enough that without me even asking he sent me a good sum of money.

      Stop looking at this like some kind of job or step by step consistent thing. Like you said big G came in and your whole operation fell apart. That should tell you that you didnt build it on a solid foundation and to be honest, Im surprised you didnt see it coming.

      People want wealth but dont know how to be wealthy. Thats the truth. It does all start with attitude and decision making. They type of solutions you make and decide to work on are formulated in the mind before the situations arise to get those solutions out of you.

      You can do it, but start to readjust the way you think. I mean seriously look into psychology and learn about people. What makes them tick. How can you sell anything to anyone if you dont know and understand who they are and what they want? Throwing a landing page up just like the sea of others, like you said doesnt stand out. How can you stand out? Sell yourself and by genuinely caring about your customer and express that.

      I could rabble more
      but will let you be

      Seriously hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Vasiliev
    I believe that mindset is crutial, but only when it's combined with actions. If you sit at home with your perfect mindset scared to try anything in life, nothing is going to move. However, if you act on your goals 80% of the time, but you plan your actions thoroughly, visualize your goal with a great vividness and you are generally positive person who expect the best to happen - that will move you far faster than anything else.
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  • Profile picture of the author Serving My Master
    A refreshing post DavetheSinister, thanks for sharing.

    Entrenching in psychology is a huge part for success.
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    • Profile picture of the author mlab
      To start using DaveTheSinister's advice...read the free information on this website.

      Chris Nosal

      I am not affiliated with this site - just read a pdf he posted in the War Room a few days ago and it made a huge difference for me.
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      • Profile picture of the author Charlie Ashton
        Originally Posted by mlab View Post

        To start using DaveTheSinister's advice...read the free information on this website.

        Chris Nosal

        I am not affiliated with this site - just read a pdf he posted in the War Room a few days ago and it made a huge difference for me.
        Nice looking site.

        I like the layout and of course the copy. I took time to peruse his upbeat youtube channel, he is delightful for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Kerby
    Having a positive mindset is overrated.

    It's about being objective, methodical, persistent and courageous.
    Enough so that you will not be broken and will be successful.
    It's about seeing yourself achieving your desires no matter what.

    It's a question of WHEN. Not IF.

    The only person that you answer to is yourself, therefore the only
    person that will make or break you is YOU.

    Thanks for sparking a discussion on this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Hewitt
    I think what is really comes down to is having th RIGHT mindset not just a positive ignore the negative type of mindset.
    A person with the right mindset will realize that success is not a straight line and that not every campaign will yield a positive ROI. With the right mindsett a person will learn just as much from failure if not more from their success and they will never give up.
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