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I was never great with deadlines in high school, and as of late I sure as hell am not great at the deadlines I've recently set for myself.

I FIGURED I could simultaneously finish a website *and* drive traffic at the same time. But no. I was not counting on running out of energy. I've been working 30 hrs/week in retail, then have been super focused on getting healthy (losing weight), and where I used to stay up till 6 AM, I now pass out around 2 while watching TV.

I was originally going for a big launch, but thennnnnn after some thought I decided it'd be easier to promote once the site was launched anyway. Now I just need to get through this next week (still a lot to do >.< ) where I have one last large investment to make before I can devote time to other obligations (like debt).

I plan to start fresh, start another site, do it the RIGHT way... which is to get focused and get every last micro-detail together *before* I promote.

In the meantime, to those who haven't quite "made it" yet, how do you keep focused? And of course, how do you deal with it when currently you make about $500/month and you owe various people about $1500...

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