3 Must-Read Books That Will Make You A Wealthy, Extraordinary, and Successful Entrepreneur..

18 replies
The Richest Man in Babylon

If you want to be rich, seriously, just get this book. It teaches the principles of wealth that you can apply to your life and business.

Blue Ocean Strategy

A remarkable book that you should read before starting a business. It teaches innovation. After reading this and applying the knowledge, you will have a product/service that no other business has!

The 48 Laws of Power

Successful entrepreneurs are powerful people! They are extraordinary in many ways. They seduce people. They're polite and respectful. They can make people do anything for them. This book is those things, and more.

What books are you reading and how are they useful to your personal life and business? Please comment! We're all dying to know, really.:-)
#books #entrepreneur #extraordinary #make #mustread #successful #wealthy
  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    Good suggestions! Would you recommend the four hour work week by Tim Ferris?

    I'm currently reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
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    • Profile picture of the author jay761
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      Good suggestions! Would you recommend the four-hour work week by Tim Ferris?

      I'm currently reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
      I would recommend both they are great books the four-hour work week got me started into internet marketing in the first place and think and grow rich is a great book any thought on what you think is the great secret the book is speaking of?
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    • Profile picture of the author SuccesfulIideas
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      Good suggestions! Would you recommend the four hour work week by Tim Ferris?

      I'm currently reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
      1. Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris is a Good Book also
      you can also add

      2. E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
      3. Guerilla Marketing by Jay Conrad
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    • Profile picture of the author drjoeel
      Think and Grow Rich should probably be first on every entrepreneur's list.

      The four hour workweek provides alot of great insight in fact I changed my business model because of it and have greatly benefited from reading it.

      one minute millionaire

      Anthony Robbins has alot of great tools

      Jim Rohn is on top of my list
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      • Profile picture of the author jordand870
        Originally Posted by drjoeel View Post

        Think and Grow Rich should probably be first on every entrepreneur's list.

        The four hour workweek provides alot of great insight in fact I changed my business model because of it and have greatly benefited from reading it.

        one minute millionaire

        Anthony Robbins has alot of great tools

        Jim Rohn is on top of my list

        Reading Think and Grow Rich right now.

        The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris is a monster of course.

        What are some other legendary self-help books that actually help?
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        • Profile picture of the author Brendon Brackin
          The author that has helped me the most has been David Deida. I love his book Instant Enlightenment: Fast, Deep, and Sexy. It's ways to practice enlightenment through unusual methods that I had never thought of such as squeezing your nipples to the point of pleasure pain.

          Then also Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich
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  • Profile picture of the author ZachAlfaro
    Nice suggestions, I was just about to start "The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are".

    I know it's not an entrepreneurial book but I would recommend it to those interested in eastern philosophies. It was written by Alan Watts, one of the best translators of eastern ideas to western language, he just understood how we thought and how to explain the eastern concepts.

    But apart from that here is an awesome webpage I found with free pdf links to 5 awesome books that everyone should read - 5 Classic Personal Development Books (free download)

    The books are: Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Science of Getting Rich, The Magic of Thinking Big, The Richest Man in Babylon.

    Just go check them out because they are all free and all of them have amazing pieces of information.

    Cheers, Zach,
    Visit Kaizen-Creative.com for free productivity hacks you can use right now!

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    • Profile picture of the author jordand870
      Originally Posted by ZachAlfaro View Post

      Nice suggestions, I was just about to start "The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are".

      I know it's not an entrepreneurial book but I would recommend it to those interested in eastern philosophies. It was written by Alan Watts, one of the best translators of eastern ideas to western language, he just understood how we thought and how to explain the eastern concepts.

      But apart from that here is an awesome webpage I found with free pdf links to 5 awesome books that everyone should read - 5 Classic Personal Development Books (free download)

      The books are: Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Science of Getting Rich, The Magic of Thinking Big, The Richest Man in Babylon.

      Just go check them out because they are all free and all of them have amazing pieces of information.

      Cheers, Zach,

      I'm in the process of getting Think and Grow Rich and How to Win Friends and Influence People. Can't wait to read them.

      Oh, and I love philosophy. Lately I've been diving deep into the basics concepts of philosophy. I will definitely look into On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. Anymore philosophical book recommendations? Or any personal development ones?
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      • Profile picture of the author ZachAlfaro
        Originally Posted by jordand870 View Post

        Oh, and I love philosophy. Lately I've been diving deep into the basics concepts of philosophy. I will definitely look into On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. Anymore philosophical book recommendations? Or any personal development ones?
        Well anything by Alan Watts is generally pretty awesome, you should have a listen to a couple of his audiobooks, they're fantastic! Here are a few free, short ones.

        Apart from that I've really liked "The Power of Full Engagement" by Jim Loehr, "Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield and "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida.

        Hope that helps!
        Visit Kaizen-Creative.com for free productivity hacks you can use right now!

        With my degree in Psychology I've made sure it's packed with all sorts of strategies and studies for increasing human efficiency naturally. Stop getting distracted and Work Smarter, Not Harder.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    I would recommend...

    The Slight Edge - Jeff Olson
    MONEY Master The Game - Tony Robbins
    The Success Principles - Jack Canfield

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  • Profile picture of the author stevenwatson011
    Thanks for sharing useful information on these books, would love to read on weekends but only if got some chill hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Since you mentioned the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene I would add that Robert Greene's other books 50th Law (co-authored by 50 Cent) and Mastery are great books for developing the proper mindset for success and also determining the right approach to learning and achieving mastery in your field.
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  • Profile picture of the author jordand870
    Yeah, forget it, just go buy all of Robert Greene's novels! They're legendary!

    Civilization & It's Discontents by Sigmund Freud is mind-boggling also. It's philosophical and you have to read it attentively but it's overlooked.
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  • Profile picture of the author wunzzz
    48 Laws of Power has been one of the most inspirational books I've ever read, I always go back to it.

    Some other must-reads are:
    The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
    Rework - Jason Fried
    The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
    And obviously...

    Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
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  • Profile picture of the author leilani
    This is a very interesting post.

    I read the first 2 books, The Richest Man In Babylon and Blue Ocean Strategy! You've got me curious so I am going to order the 3rd book, The 48 Laws of Power.

    What I liked about your post is that you used the word "apply" and not just suggested. No book will make you wealthy. The principles you learn must be practically applied. Touche!!

    My top 3 books? Can I indulge?

    Mind Power by John Kehoe
    The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
    How To Win Friends & Influence People

    My sharing.

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    • Profile picture of the author Gandolfo85
      Great book suggestions!

      I'm reading "Secrets of Millionarie Mind" by T. Harv Eker and about it I like the focus on clearing our money-mindset before even starting to expand our business, because if you cannot address that it's going to slow you down immensely and I know it very well.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
        How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie is one of my all time favorites. I still look at it every now and then.
        Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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        • Profile picture of the author vicg100
          These are all awesome books and Robert Greene really is a great author.

          A couple super interesting ones I've been reading lately are:

          "Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcom Gladwell - Analyzes why super successful people (outliers) happen to be the ones that excel and the factors that cause them to accomplish more than the rest. Some of which are very surprising.

          "The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires" by Tim Wu - Talks about the rise and decline of the major information industries: telephone, radio, film, and television, and how lessons learned in these can apply to the age we are in now. The internet age.

          These are just a couple I'm reading but they are some of most relevant books to personal development and internet marketing.
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