The Reality of Online Business or Making Money Online!

5 replies
Hey guys, many internet marketers specially newbies seem to be oblivious of the process behind internet marketing success. This is the reason why many aspiring IMs easily fall under the spell of "get rich quick" gurus who made a lot of money because of their very enticing events bait against the IMs ignorance of the process. I think we can help the newbies understand the real face of online business by letting them know about the process behind our success.

I'll start with myself. I've started my online marketing journey 2008 and just resigned from job 2014 (I want to call this retirement as I'll never go back to work again). I'm not yet a millionaire but I will be ("yet" and "will be" are motivational factors!). I don't own a ferrari or a mansion but I own my time and I can provide everything my family needs including the very precious time. Now here's the process: For 6 years I've been on a job requiring 8-12 hours of my time daily including working away from home. I had only few hours a day to do my online business and this is a sacrifice for my kids who had been screaming for my time with them. I often felt guilty as my kids didn't have a lot of weekend daysout because I usually do my IM on weekends and heck I didn't even have time for my wife! Luckily she had been very supportive or I could have been a divorced man by now. I was also a victim of many scams due to my thirst of fast-track IM machinery. I did a lot of reading and learning from the simple "uploading via FTP" up to coding/programming. Most of the time, I lose my motivation due to countless frustrations that everything seems not to work at all. I also fell into depression affecting my performance at work (job). My friends even sarcastically asked me what happened to me that I'm still alive as they used to see me often but during my IM journey, they only see me in a party. They often thought of me being controlled by my wife as I've started my business couple of years after my wedding (sorry to my wife). Yes, I had a very strange life because of the process, I lost my social life, I was a boring company, everything name it --- and this is the process, my journey to IM success.

So what was yours? I believe many IMs in here who are far far successful than me, far far wealthier than a simple IM like me, had a better process... I would like to know your process too. Please share, thank you.
#business #making #money #online #reality
  • Profile picture of the author GrafixDoc
    Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure a lot of people will benefit from reading what it's really like to build this kind of business.

    My story is simpler. I worked in the production side of publishing for over 15 years. I put together books, booklets, even CD covers and other packaging. It was okay. I learned a lot and developed pride in my work. As my skills improved, so did the pay, but I was still working for someone else. I liked the security, but I wanted more.

    My wife has been self-employed for most of our marriage. She began in publishing and marketing, and got involved with IM. Some things worked. Most didn't, and she worked long hours like you did. Our marriage held together even when I barely saw her for days because she was working so hard. For a long time, she didn't make much money.

    Over many years, a few things fell into place. When Kindle publishing came along, she combined her writing skills and what she'd learned in IM, and built a successful career. Her IM experience put her one step ahead of other new Kindle authors. I think IM is important no matter what kind of business you choose.

    I'm following my wife's lead with my own projects. I have the advantage of seeing what she went through, developing a business model that worked for her. I learned a lot by listening to her talk about her successes and frustrations. Lots of the latter.

    Now I hope to put my publishing skills to work and build my own business. I know I have a lot more to learn, and I'm grateful for this forum and the advice people share here. I've picked up some IM tips from my wife, but that's what worked for her. Every business is different. I'm sure my journey will be different, too.

    I appreciate you sharing your story, because it encourages me to stick with this, and you've let me know that hard work will be ahead for me, just as it was for you and for my wife.

    People like you are my inspiration.

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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    I spent well over a decade failing at IM.

    By spend I mean spending years, and an embarrassing amount of money, buying countless IM courses. Spending a huge amount of time listening and re-listening to a wide range of IM 'gurus'. Spending enormous effort in endlessly trying to make those IM courses return a decent income.

    Ironically it was only when i became totally cynical about the whole IM world that something happened, by chance, to change everything completely for me. I then went from being an addicted consumer of all things IM related to being a genuine entrepreneur.

    I went from someone who sporadically earned a little money from IM to owning and managing a 6 figure a month, on average, ecommerce company.

    I'm still almost totally dismissive of a lot of the crap that counts as IM. I estimate that accounts for about 90% of courses and 'gurus'. I now see much more clearly and trust my own instincts.

    Hope this helps those of you struggling to make IM work.

    Good luck with your ventures.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    i have backed away from this board and many online forums .. i think .. IM or the vision shown as Im falty to a point ..

    to me mentally stably and physically healthy ..i need to me productive with real things ..there is only so much time i can sit in front of a comuter screen every day and ..not have it cause my bi polar disorder to act up ..

    when i get my buisiness up and running starting next year .. i will use the internet to market my products ,, and maintain contact with customers ,, but all business today need to do that to some extent .,

    i have shifted my mindset to building wealth over a lifetime verse trying to get rich by locking myself infront of a computer 12 hours a day 6 or seven days a week ..

    hey it is the thousand or tens of thousand of people throwing money at the i'm gurus who are getting rich.. selling them the idea of geting rich online ...

    the same way millions or tens of millions of teen over the lasts several decades have played differents sports with the dream of going pro and making millions ..

    step out of the marketed dream..of online success.. and work on grounded ideas of e commerse or real stuff online ,, verse trying to be the next person to shovel out products on how to make money online .

    there is a lot of money to be made selling stuff online ..

    and more and more people turn to shopping online every days..but ..most are looking to buy real stuff..not information..or get rich quick stuff ..or some new goal setting system..

    so if you want to sell stuff online .. learn what you can sell proudly and what people will buy from you ..and what will make you a living ,
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  • Profile picture of the author objectiveman
    The more pertinent information I take in the better everything gets for me. This doesn't just apply to internet marketing. Because, what sense is there to make a million dollars a month if you are on the verge of getting diabetes? Why not be rich and healthy.. So, each day I take a holistic approach to things, i.e. did I take in new health information, did I take in new psychological tools, did I learn new technical skills.. This approach makes you a 'badass' as some would call it. Win on many levels, not just one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    This is a good post because most people doing Internet marketing live under the false assumption that making money online is easier then making money offline. The reality is this is not true. You need online marketing skills combined with effort or you may as well not waste your time.

    The other reality is getting these skills is not rocket science. Anyone with average intelligence can learn them. The effort part comes down to each and everyone one of us and how bad we want it.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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