The Reality of Online Business or Making Money Online!
I'll start with myself. I've started my online marketing journey 2008 and just resigned from job 2014 (I want to call this retirement as I'll never go back to work again). I'm not yet a millionaire but I will be ("yet" and "will be" are motivational factors!). I don't own a ferrari or a mansion but I own my time and I can provide everything my family needs including the very precious time. Now here's the process: For 6 years I've been on a job requiring 8-12 hours of my time daily including working away from home. I had only few hours a day to do my online business and this is a sacrifice for my kids who had been screaming for my time with them. I often felt guilty as my kids didn't have a lot of weekend daysout because I usually do my IM on weekends and heck I didn't even have time for my wife! Luckily she had been very supportive or I could have been a divorced man by now. I was also a victim of many scams due to my thirst of fast-track IM machinery. I did a lot of reading and learning from the simple "uploading via FTP" up to coding/programming. Most of the time, I lose my motivation due to countless frustrations that everything seems not to work at all. I also fell into depression affecting my performance at work (job). My friends even sarcastically asked me what happened to me that I'm still alive as they used to see me often but during my IM journey, they only see me in a party. They often thought of me being controlled by my wife as I've started my business couple of years after my wedding (sorry to my wife). Yes, I had a very strange life because of the process, I lost my social life, I was a boring company, everything name it --- and this is the process, my journey to IM success.
So what was yours? I believe many IMs in here who are far far successful than me, far far wealthier than a simple IM like me, had a better process... I would like to know your process too. Please share, thank you.
How to start an email marketing campaign.