What Sacrifices Did You Make To Get To Where You Are Now?

36 replies
Hey Warriors,

I read a lot of posts from time to time where people ask for advice on various things on this forum and others.

It's a good thing to ask others if you need help on something.

We all need a little bit of help sometimes.

I sure did and still do to this day.

While asking for advice is a good idea there is something else you need to be aware of...

And that is something called TAKING ACTION!

Once you've received enough information to help you solve your challenges, it is absolutely vital to take massive action towards achieving your goals.

Taking action is one of the best forms of learning because when you're taking action you are actively involved in the process whereas with reading or watching a video you are just absorbing information.

Taking action helps you take ideas and bring them to life, your life.

As a result you feel more happy, fulfilled, empowered etc.

Don't worry about making mistakes or things not working out perfectly. Nothing in life is perfect. The important thing is to take action, try things out.

If you make a mistake or something doesn't work as you expected then make some small changes and trying doing something different until you get the results you want.

In order to achieve your goals at some point you need to make some sacrifices.

Almost everyone who has ever achieved anything worthwhile has made some kind of sacrifice in their life at some point.

For e.g. if you want to write a book but spend 5 hours a day watching TV or on Facebook then how are you going to achieve your goal?

You cannot keep doing things the same way and expect to get different results.

You have to decide whether what you're doing right now with your time is helping you move closer towards your goals or away from your goals.

If the way you're spending your time right now is moving you away from your goals then maybe it's time you considered making some sacrifices.

Maybe it's time you considered giving something up in the short term so you can be happier in the long term.

Let me give you an example...

When I first learnt about Copywriting I decided to learn it from a coach or a mentor. I committed to a 6 months course (which extended to 7 months due to holidays) which consisted of assignments every other week.

Because I was really interested in getting the best out of this course I decided to stop watching TV for the duration of the course.

Now some people might find this very difficult to do but for me it was easy because I was so interested in completing this course and giving it my best shot.

I decided to make a short term sacrifice of staying away from TV in order to spend time on achieving my goal at the time which was to complete that course in Copywriting.

So at the end of the 6 months was it really worth sacrificing TV in order to achieve my goal?

My answer to that question is: Absolutely!

Sacrificing 6 months of watching TV in order for me to a learn a skill that I could use for the rest of my life was a great investment and sacrifice well worth it in my humble opinion.

Completing that course gave me the foundations I needed to write all kinds of sales materials.

It gave me the ability to convince people to take any type of action.

Since then I've made many more sacrifices in terms of sacrificing social time with friends, sometimes even family time.

I've invested a lot into courses to help me get to a level where I can write sales copy that generates money for people.

All these sacrifices helped me to achieve the following results in my life:

Copywriting has helped me in part to win over my spouse.

I can communicate in ways that I have never been able to before.

I am a much happier person

I feel so much more empowered.

I look forward to waking up each day.

I can help more people.

I can add more value to the world.

Since then I've gone on to land some great clients who came back to me several times for repeat work.

All this would not have been possible had I not made that initial sacrifice.

Now, I'll admit that staying away from TV for a whole six months is probably not an easy task for everyone and it might not be necessary to stay away from it completely.

The main thing to be aware of is that the more time you spend on activities which are not bringing you closer to your goal is time which you could have spent moving closer to your goal. As long as you understand this principle you will be fine.

So now it's your turn...

What is it that you want to achieve in the next 5-10 years?

What goals will help to make you a happier more fulfilled person?

What goals will help you become financially better off and more empowered?

If there's something you've been putting off for a while and its' making you frustrated then maybe it's time to think about making some sacrifices.

I'm not saying it has to be TV. I chose TV because I felt I was wasting my time on that particular activity.

What you choose can be anything that you feel you spending time on that is not getting you closer to your goals.

How many hours can you realistically sacrifice a day on things which are not moving you closer to your goals?

You are the best judge of that.

Once you've decided how much you can realistically sacrifice then get to work. Start working on your goal.

Monitor your progress. Keep a diary of how much you are able to achieve with your new found time.

I guarantee you by making a little sacrifice every day you will move closer to your goals.

Once you achieve your goals you might start to lose interest in the things which never brought you closer to your goals and identify other activities in your life which you could sacrifice in order to help you achieve your goals faster.

On the flip-side once you achieve some of your goals you might find you'll have more time to do the things you enjoy in life, whatever that may be.

So go for it.

Get working on your goals.

Take action.

Make some sacrifices.

And take the first steps to the happier, more fulfilled and empowered life that you've always desired.
#goals #make #sacrifices #success
  • Profile picture of the author Synnuh
    Sacrifice? lol

    I traded my past life for where I'm at now. A vicious ex wife, a couple drug addictions, my own personal comfort zone.

    The best part? I spend more time with my daughter, spend more time with my car, and more time watching TV and playing video games than I have in the last 10 years.

    I'd say the sacrifices were worth it. ;D

    At the end of the day, you've just got to ask yourself "Am I OK with what I accomplished today?"

    I'm with you on monitoring your progress and keeping a journal. I wrote down some pretty weird crap in mine, but it still keeps me focused.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10483989].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
      Originally Posted by Synnuh View Post

      Sacrifice? lol

      I traded my past life for where I'm at now. A vicious ex wife, a couple drug addictions, my own personal comfort zone.

      The best part? I spend more time with my daughter, spend more time with my car, and more time watching TV and playing video games than I have in the last 10 years.

      I'd say the sacrifices were worth it. ;D

      At the end of the day, you've just got to ask yourself "Am I OK with what I accomplished today?"

      I'm with you on monitoring your progress and keeping a journal. I wrote down some pretty weird crap in mine, but it still keeps me focused.
      Thanks for sharing your experience.

      That's quite interesting actually.

      I've updated my post to reflect that.
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  • I am with you here on the spirit of pursuin' sumthin'.

    In the alchemy lab of possibility, time renders all substance into transformative chemicals gonna fix on THE ONE RESULT.

    Which is why goals are such harlots in the swim of whimsy.

    Gonna suck your cunny dry of propogatory moisture in favor of slap on flap if you ain't careful.

    (Male analogies will self-erect here, mockin' these parentheses to shut tight till they are anythin' but nuthin'.) .

    Gotta figure the goal (for-all-thingo) is to persist someplace perpetually present, where the future's impossibleness of existence touches you with hope insteada fear, an' the past is summonable as an undeniable narrative (concludin' thus far in your current whereUare of Moi) -- whatever it is you diddydamndone.

    Everythin' is only feelable an' actable uponable inya Heresynowsy.

    Guess I am unpresumptive enough to figure what the basis for my goals gonna be in 2026.

    I wanna work on alla that now by suckin' on the gazmo of happenstancio, run that sucka past my future habit glands.

    Wanna be flagrant, vagrant, plaguerant -- cos truth is never out until it hits.

    With you on 'goals', truly, Musto -- but targets shift, an' aim quivers, an' piercin' equipment changes, an' if you are too fixed on 'goals' you mebbe gonna become a target for shoot of migratory pigeon poot faster than your willpower can muster yr intended results.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
    Princess, thanks for your input.

    Glad to hear we agree on something for a change.

    Sometimes I struggle to understand you.

    I can't keep up with your Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge level of English.

    Is there any way you could speak in layman's terms please?
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    • Originally Posted by mustafavanancio View Post

      Princess, thanks for your input.

      Glad to hear we agree on something for a change.

      Sometimes I struggle to understand you.

      I can't keep up with your Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge level of English.

      Is there any way you could speak in layman's terms please?
      Of course.

      What would you like me to talk about?

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

        Of course.

        What would you like me to talk about?
        Just a layman's translation of everything you've said please.
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    • Profile picture of the author sconer
      Originally Posted by mustafavanancio View Post

      I can't keep up with your Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge level of English.
      It seems more like ghetto-slumming mixed with teeny text speak.
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  • Re: What Sacrifices Did You Make To Get To Where You Are Now?
    Originally Posted by mustafavanancio View Post

    Just a layman's translation of everything you've said please.

    Wow, that is some demand on my time, so I will pass — but thanks for your interest.

    But hey, I am with you on the need for clarity in all things, verifiable as images on the retina of all people, and I will endeavor to strip my jip in future.

    Gonna Busto on the Pruned Down Thusto 4 my Musto.

    Guess all I was sayin' is how goals have to be perpetually reimagined or even dreams die of stasis.

    There was other stuff, but you gotta figure I was bein' playful.

    Spoiler: now I am gonna be plain rude an' combatorial while couchin' my ire in the polite tone befittin' minor royalty.*

    Originally Posted by sconer View Post

    It seems more like ghetto-slumming mixed with teeny text speak.
    I am confident enough to figure there are pearls in that last post, however its cast may appear to you.

    * Never stoop to pluck an illusory diamond from the sidewalk when you can levitate it onto your dream tiara.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author sconer
    Role playing is even more cool when you are the only one doing it.
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    • Originally Posted by sconer View Post

      Role playing is even more cool when you are the only one doing it.

      I am gonna go stand in the corner for an hour an' pretend to be a tree.

      Figure I can rise to a Redwood, even though there is only room for mebbe a sweet cherry.

      U wanna go be an oak or sumthin'?

      I figure you jus' gotta stretch out your arms at weird angles an' imagine your legs r all covered in rhino skin.

      It is on opportunity to meditate an' behold simple wonders.

      Gonna borrow a paira split pants from another thread because I figure Redwood bark is real rough close to the ground, an' I do not wanna get caught out by a surprise assailant with my legs all husky.

      It is a bad look.

      Gonna get back to ya with my musin' — assumin' you have not died of indifference in the interim, in which case I will post to my blog.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10484342].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sconer
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post


        I am gonna go stand in the corner for an hour an' pretend to be a tree.

        Figure I can rise to a Redwood, even though there is only room for mebbe a sweet cherry.

        U wanna go be an oak or sumthin'?

        I figure you jus' gotta stretch out your arms at weird angles an' imagine your legs r all covered in rhino skin.

        It is on opportunity to meditate an' behold simple wonders.

        Gonna borrow a paira split pants from another thread because I figure Redwood bark is real rough close to the ground, an' I do not wanna get caught out by a surprise assailant with my legs all husky.

        It is a bad look.

        Gonna get back to ya with my musin' -- assumin' you have not died of indifference in the interim, in which case I will post to my blog.
        Where is your blog?

        And who ever died of indifference? I guess people have died as a result of indifference, but it wasn't the indifference itself that did the dirty work. Or was it?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10484403].message }}
        • Originally Posted by sconer View Post

          Where is your blog?

          The Top 1 Way To Make Out As A Tree An' Get Cramp

          1) Stand straight, as if your ankles had been glued together, your head was kissin' the clouds, and your back was a broomstick.

          (This is very un-Yoga, but we gotta get evryone boned up quick.)

          2) Spread arms, imaginin' twigs willowin' out from your fingertips.

          3) Whistle for trained dog with moisture cream pre-spooned onto her tongue.

          4) Command dog to lick calf muscles an' shins prior to Tree On!

          5) Summon Redwood bark to your persona, glisten with leaves, an' hum with promise of nature's bounty.

          6) K, yeah -- quick pee break, cos this is gonna take a whole hour.

          7) Bloom majestic as the seconds pass, invite squirrels to leap upon you an' find safe havens for their nuts in navel an' nostrils.

          8) Aaaaaaan' rest.

          9) Stretch out, consoom bananas, straighten eyelashes -- for you are hooman once again.

          10) Plunge to the floor from sudden gastrocnemius spasms pullin' on your Achilles.

          Originally Posted by sconer View Post

          And who ever died of indifference? I guess people have died as a result of indifference, but it wasn't the indifference itself that did the dirty work. Or was it?
          I dunno.

          Who did die?

          An' where were the cops?

          Tellya, this place is gettin' scary.

          I coulda been mugged back there, spreadin' out my arms, an' rhinoin' out on my leg flesh.

          If there was any death-inspirin' indifference goin' on, I was immune to its icy lure.

          Truth be told, I gotta bird tryin' to pluck insects offa my ear.

          But I figure it was a cool workout, playin' momentarily static with life's lust for dynamism, stillin' breath insteada pulsin' out on verbals.

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10484441].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
    Ok Princess.

    That's very funny and all but we're going a bit off topic.

    Btw thanks for trying to explain things in layman's terms.

    I can actually understand you now.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10484443].message }}
    • Originally Posted by mustafavanancio View Post

      Ok Princess.

      That's very funny and all but we're going a bit off topic.

      Btw thanks for trying to explain things in layman's terms.

      I can actually understand you now.

      Cool on you for indulgin' my tangents.


      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author sconer
    I want to talk more about her split pants, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Priki
    What Sacrifices Did You Make To Get To Where You Are Now?

    I face my self throughout my fears, emotions, guts, relationships, truths and lies, intuition and connection...
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    • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
      Originally Posted by Priki View Post

      What Sacrifices Did You Make To Get To Where You Are Now?

      I face my self throughout my fears, emotions, guts, relationships, truths and lies, intuition and connection...
      Thanks for sharing your experiences.

      Were your sacrifices all worth it?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10486351].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Priki
        Originally Posted by mustafavanancio View Post

        Thanks for sharing your experiences.

        Were your sacrifices all worth it?
        Sure! At least now I know who I am, why I am here and where I will go...
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  • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
    Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on mentors and got myself into the craziest and most anxious situations all because I hoped and believed I'll make it.

    Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

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  • Profile picture of the author nsserve
    I missed my family picnics to reach where I am at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    When I was first starting.. I grinded hard, I knew I needed to, to succeed.
    7 days a week, while working a full time job and having my first child..

    I started to see success but I didn't cut back, it wasn't until my wife demanded I started making more time for her the our first child..

    From there I learned to be more efficient, cut out the things I didn't need to do, script or outsource the things that I need but are easy, and just focus on the important things..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10501156].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      When I was first starting.. I grinded hard, I knew I needed to, to succeed.
      7 days a week, while working a full time job and having my first child..

      I started to see success but I didn't cut back, it wasn't until my wife demanded I started making more time for her the our first child..

      From there I learned to be more efficient, cut out the things I didn't need to do, script or outsource the things that I need but are easy, and just focus on the important things..
      Whoah, those are some big sacrifices you made, probably a lot more than me but looking back would you say they were worth it?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10501319].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bashca03
    No pain no gain, indeed. When you want something big, you have to work hard for it bigtime. We can spend all day wanting and wishing things to happen but of course, it is surely pure luck when some of this wishes happen right on time without lifting up a finger. My share of sacrifices were simpler compared to yours but this could be a big deal to some.

    When I was a kid, I used to excel academically. But since I was born to a strict mom and dad, I was overprotected and I saw back then that I will never have my chance to enjoy life and my childhood if I do obey them all the time.

    I did everything. Disobeyed them, reasoned out, escaped many times to go to places, overstaying in school to play and do chitchats with classmates. And since it has been a struggle for me to get my freedom when I was younger, I was running like a horse when I go to high school and college. I have been active in school, yes, but not academically. I joined the University Student Government and at the same time, I was busy with other activities outside school. Making friends, building relationships, camaraderie and all.

    You might be thinking where is the sacrificing part in here? Well, I also wanted to be part of the Dean's list. However, I preferred making most of the time of my life back then.

    Now, I can say I am happy with the decisions I made many years ago. I never looked back and felt regretful. Time is always on the move. Enjoy every moment.
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    • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
      Originally Posted by bashca03 View Post

      No pain no gain, indeed. When you want something big, you have to work hard for it bigtime. We can spend all day wanting and wishing things to happen but of course, it is surely pure luck when some of this wishes happen right on time without lifting up a finger. My share of sacrifices were simpler compared to yours but this could be a big deal to some.

      When I was a kid, I used to excel academically. But since I was born to a strict mom and dad, I was overprotected and I saw back then that I will never have my chance to enjoy life and my childhood if I do obey them all the time.

      I did everything. Disobeyed them, reasoned out, escaped many times to go to places, overstaying in school to play and do chitchats with classmates. And since it has been a struggle for me to get my freedom when I was younger, I was running like a horse when I go to high school and college. I have been active in school, yes, but not academically. I joined the University Student Government and at the same time, I was busy with other activities outside school. Making friends, building relationships, camaraderie and all.

      You might be thinking where is the sacrificing part in here? Well, I also wanted to be part of the Dean's list. However, I preferred making most of the time of my life back then.

      Now, I can say I am happy with the decisions I made many years ago. I never looked back and felt regretful. Time is always on the move. Enjoy every moment.
      Thank you for sharing your experience.

      One thing I've learned over the years is that success means different things for different people. Success could mean e.g. certain feelings, a lifestyle, financial security, relationships. personal achievements etc. The main thing is that it makes you happy, whatever it is.

      The sacrifices we make to get where we want are also different for everyone. Some have to make greater sacrifices than others. It all depends on how badly we want to achieve those goals. The greater the desire the more we will be willing to sacrifice to achieve it. I chose to sacrifice watching TV for a short period of time as I felt I was spending too much time on it back then. Now I choose what I watch carefully.

      Some people sacrificed everything they had for a short period in their lives and then they lived like kings for the rest of their lives.
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      • Profile picture of the author Leonardo007
        In my whole past life I have just faced patience everywhere and trying to prove myself.
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        • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
          Originally Posted by Leonardo007 View Post

          In my whole past life I have just faced patience everywhere and trying to prove myself.
          Thanks for sharing your experience.

          I guess that is a kind of sacrifice.
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  • Profile picture of the author NestZone
    Hard few friends,
    Less association with others,
    Was always ready to take risk, even now.
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    • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
      Originally Posted by NestZone View Post

      Hard few friends,
      Less association with others,
      Was always ready to take risk, even now.
      Thanks for sharing your experience.

      They say that we are the sum of the people we associate with. Once I realized how true this was I chose my associates more carefully.

      Taking risks is essential for success, but not just any risks. Calculated risks are easier to bear than uncalculated risks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10533510].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author benschop86
    I decided to give myself no choice but to become successful with this "online income" thing or end up in the street.

    Mind you I have a wife, a house, and 2 dogs.

    Am I selfish? Sure... I have to be in order to create the life I know I want for myself.

    I quit my job, pulled out my retirement, and went to work building my business online.

    I wasted some on gurus, courses, and bullshit along the way, but I also found myself in a completely new world.

    I had pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone that I didn't really know what the hell was going on at first!

    But eventually it all started to come together, and now I make a better living online then I ever did at my job, plus I have more time to do the things I love in life.

    It was certainly no picnic getting here though.

    If I've learned anything in the journey it's this:

    - Every chance you get, push yourself beyond your self-imposed limits. (If it makes your nervous, do it.)
    - Surround yourself with winners to become a winner. (You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most energy on: health, wealth, and happiness has a funny way of "rubbing" off.)
    - Never give up and stay adaptable. (Failure only happens when you accept defeat and stop trying. If you try something and it doesn't work, it's not yet a failure.)

    Remember, Edison figured out 1,000 ways to NOT make a lightbulb before he ever shed light on a situation.

    Don't stop, don't compromise your beliefs, and continue to take action every single day, and I promise you will one day become everything you aspire to be!
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    • Profile picture of the author NomadLifestyle
      I've been obsessed with making money since I was a little kid, so I'm fortunate to be one of the few people on this planet would get to do what they are interested in.

      That being said...

      ... One of the biggest things I've had to sacrifice is my desire to always be right.

      If I'm entirely honest, I'm very rarely right the first time I try something.

      I often make mistakes, and those mistakes are what propel me forward, but I really make some stupid decision sometimes.

      It's hard to call it a sacrifice, because the results have been so incredible, but I've also had to give up things like waking up whenever I want, not having a plan for my day when I wake up etc.

      I'm one of those people who can only succeed when my life gets very boring and predictable. I have to sit down every night and make a checklist of what needs to be done the next day, and then I need to just do those things. Don't spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos, don't go to parties etc., just get the stuff done.

      I don't know if it's a sacrifice, but it certainly wasn't the life that you dream of as a kid. I'm not a firefighter responding to random emergencies, instead, follow a pretty strict schedule that is pretty repetitive when I'm working.

      Fortunately, I don't actually work that much because that repetitive/boring kind of schedule is pretty darn efficient, but I did have to give up on my dreams of jumping out of helicopters and rescuing damsels in distress.
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      • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
        Originally Posted by NomadLifestyle View Post

        I've been obsessed with making money since I was a little kid, so I'm fortunate to be one of the few people on this planet would get to do what they are interested in.

        That being said…

        … One of the biggest things I've had to sacrifice is my desire to always be right.

        If I'm entirely honest, I'm very rarely right the first time I try something.

        I often make mistakes, and those mistakes are what propel me forward, but I really make some stupid decision sometimes.

        It's hard to call it a sacrifice, because the results have been so incredible, but I've also had to give up things like waking up whenever I want, not having a plan for my day when I wake up etc.

        I'm one of those people who can only succeed when my life gets very boring and predictable. I have to sit down every night and make a checklist of what needs to be done the next day, and then I need to just do those things. Don't spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos, don't go to parties etc., just get the stuff done.

        I don't know if it's a sacrifice, but it certainly wasn't the life that you dream of as a kid. I'm not a firefighter responding to random emergencies, instead, follow a pretty strict schedule that is pretty repetitive when I'm working.

        Fortunately, I don't actually work that much because that repetitive/boring kind of schedule is pretty darn efficient, but I did have to give up on my dreams of jumping out of helicopters and rescuing damsels in distress.
        Hey man,

        We seem to have a lot in common.

        I need to write to do lists every time I want to get a whole bunch of stuff done. Once I've done them and tick them off I feel a sense of relief, a sense of achievement.

        The feeling of working towards your goals, getting all the things done along the way to achieve your greater goals is amazing.

        As for what you said about working and repetitive schedules, a lot of entrepreneurs I've read about never liked that either. Most entrepreneurs are free spirits. They live life on their own terms and do not conform to the rules that most people are bound by. That is the best way to live.

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    • Profile picture of the author mustafavanancio
      Originally Posted by benschop86 View Post

      I decided to give myself no choice but to become successful with this "online income" thing or end up in the street.

      Mind you I have a wife, a house, and 2 dogs.

      Am I selfish? Sure... I have to be in order to create the life I know I want for myself.

      I quit my job, pulled out my retirement, and went to work building my business online.

      I wasted some on gurus, courses, and bullshit along the way, but I also found myself in a completely new world.

      I had pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone that I didn't really know what the hell was going on at first!

      But eventually it all started to come together, and now I make a better living online then I ever did at my job, plus I have more time to do the things I love in life.

      It was certainly no picnic getting here though.

      If I've learned anything in the journey it's this:

      - Every chance you get, push yourself beyond your self-imposed limits. (If it makes your nervous, do it.)
      - Surround yourself with winners to become a winner. (You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most energy on: health, wealth, and happiness has a funny way of "rubbing" off.)
      - Never give up and stay adaptable. (Failure only happens when you accept defeat and stop trying. If you try something and it doesn't work, it's not yet a failure.)

      Remember, Edison figured out 1,000 ways to NOT make a lightbulb before he ever shed light on a situation.

      Don't stop, don't compromise your beliefs, and continue to take action every single day, and I promise you will one day become everything you aspire to be!
      Your story is quite inspirational. Thanks for sharing.

      Thanks also for the success tips.

      I think everyone who has made some sacrifices to achieve their goals can relate to what we're feeling on this thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author jw22777
    The most important sacrifices that I have made was cutting off people in my life that weren't helping me to grow like I wanted to.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11046167].message }}

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