How the Myth of Hard Work Can Create a Decade of Online Struggles and How to Cure this Malady

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2 things are on my mind now: I want to buy chips and salsa before a Super Bowl party on Sunday and me and my wife are due to swing by our send off party on Saturday.

That's it.

I am not too busy. As you can see.

Today: we walked around the neighborhood in Costa Rica this morning. With a dog. Who adopted us. Named Caballon. Long story.

Anyway, I finished breakfast 10 minutes ago. Fresh bananas picked off the tree beside the house. Grano de oro, or the grain of gold which is also referred to as "Costa Rican coffee", was my beverage of choice.

Life is fun. 'twas not always this way.

Hard Work

I spent 7 years of my blogging career working hard. I failed miserably during much of my hard work days. Then I had some success. But I worked like a dog to create the success. Like the Lily Tomlin quote, I had won the rat race but was still a rat.

I have been online - in a blogging sense - for 8 years. I have cyber known cats (people not felines) for the entirety of my online career, many of whom had been online for 2 or 3 years before we cyber met.

Some of those poor souls are still working hard. 10 years into their online career. And they are *still* failing miserably. Because they work hard. I worked hard for 7 years. I failed for 5 years and struggled to maintain my online gig even when I gained a rep and made some scratch.

That's the curse of hard work.

That's why working hard can add a decade to your online struggles.

Force negates. Work hard, and you'll repel your dreams. Work hard, and even if you manifest your dreams every day will be an ego-drunk, pointless struggle to maintain what your Monkey Mind deems possible.

I should know. I was Mr. Monkey Mind.

Barnyard Progression

First, I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Frantic. I was like Usain Bolt on crack cocaine with a Red Bull Chaser. Fell flat on my freaking face. My energy was chaotic. That did not work well. Because desperate people repel just about everything.

Then I progressed from running around like a headless chicken to slaving like an oxen. Chicken to oxen. Get the visual.

I acted more calmly yet the underscoring fear of failing or losing permeated my being, and manifested as endless struggle, toil, and the general idea that I needed to grind, slave and strive to prosper online.

This did not work too well. Because even though I manifested some success, I was still bound. I won the race. But I was still an oxen. Slowly grinding it out. My success was predicated by me DOING stuff. Working, working, working. I had little fun. I just worked hard, grinded and saw some success. Miserable guy, really. Who likes carrying a yoke around for 10 to 16 hours a day?

Fun Play

In late 2015 I shifted my energy; I came across the teachings of a few self help coaches who seem to buck the trend of pushing, straining and striving. These folks explained how simply having fun and trusting in the Universe would manifest fabulous stuff in your life, since you, I, and all humans are divine by nature.

When you look out the window at your front lawn, the grass grows itself. The grass does not strain or strive. Nor does it panic into growth. It grows itself. Or, the Universe grows it. The blade of grass outsources all the growing to the Universe. And it grows.

Ditto with every non human life form, and the few enlightened souls of the world.

Ditto with you and me, when we accept this idea and trust.

OK, back to late 2015. I threw a tantrum after burning out....once again....because I was sick of working my ass off just to try to keep things going. So, armed with this new vibe/teaching, I decided to engage in fun play versus working hard.

I decided to only act when I was having fun. I stopped doing online stuff which felt like work. I have fun writing. So I wrote blog posts and guest posts. I have fun tweeting. So I tweeted for a short time daily. I have fun writing 1-2 in depth, insightful comments on authority blogs every 1-2 days. So I did that.

Things came together quickly. I grew my list, adding 50 subscribers fast. My presence expanded with about 1/20th of my prior effort. I didn't even try, really. I just had fun.

What about the rest of my gig? Working hard? Getting traffic? I outsourced it to the Universe. You see, we're all 1 Life Form. 1 presence. Trusting in the Universe allows the Uni to handle everything for you. Your job? Have fun, meaning, allow in playful people, ideas and circumstances, and solo play or co-play, writing or blogging or doing whatever brings you the most joy, and the Life Form will conform to your fun.

Then the House Sit which Changed it all....

After choosing not to EVER work hard again I was having fun (code for "working") 2 to 5 hours a day. If that. But an opportunity arose to really put my trust in having fun and outsourcing everything, and I had to gobble it up.

We did a 6 week house sit in a jungle hut in Costa Rica. 3 miles in. No people around. No electricity or plumbing or internet of course. We walked 2-3 hours into town every Friday to buy food and to go online for 2-3 hours to check email and publish my weekly post.

During the first week of working 2-3 hours (per week) - and spending days staring at monkeys and sloths and parrots, and wrangling bullet ants and being aware of poison dart frogs, and of biting my fingernails to the cuticles as I worried about aggressive fer de lanzes climbing into the house at night - I rolled into town to find 4 new income streams had opened for me.

I literally did nothing during that week save eating, using the outhouse, staring at wildlife, and sleeping.

Hmmm...maybe the Universe *was* handling everything, all along? Maybe hard work is a load of crap?

During the next month - where I just published a post and checked my email for 1-3 hours, 1 day each week - I was featured on Richard Branson's Virgin Blog, Forbes, and I was also featured on Neil Patel Dot Com 3 separate times.

It was almost laughable. Like the Universe mocked me - in a fun-loving way - for my 7 years of hard, grueling work, when I tried so damn hard to get on these sites, and then, when I spent an hour each week having fun and surrendering, all came together with stunning ease.

Remember, the grass grows itself. The grass does not MAKE itself grow.

Why Working Hard Blocks Good Living

Working hard creates tension in your being. This tension blocks creative ideas, money and famous people or authority sites from contacting you. Because force negates. Sure you can manifest creativity and money and fame while working hard but the struggle is not necessary, and worse than that, the forced, tense energy of working hard leads to physical illness, sometimes mental illness and strained relationships.

Having fun - or, playing at your business or job - and outsourcing the rest to the Universe instantly makes you appreciative of your gifts. You appreciate it all. Also, you'll let in prospering ideas, people, circumstances, money, income streams, and all types of sweetness.

Why .00001% of Folks Follow this Strategy

Working hard feels familiar. When you work hard, you need not trust anything outside of yourself to order circumstances. Working hard feels safe.
Having fun, only doing what feels fun and outsourcing the rest to a Higher Power usually feels scary at first.

More than anything, few people play the day away because doing so requires you to predominantly move from a state of DOING to BEING. That move requires you to allow things to happen versus making things happen. It means sitting on the sidelines, boosting your appreciation levels, being quiet, and listening for what next fun feeling thing to do; amid maddening ego chatter. Which feels hellishly uncomfortable to the mind. And since most folks spend 99% of the day in mind and 1% being in the moment (if that), this alien experience will be resisted, until they trash "having fun and trusting" and return to busting their ass.

Benefits of Being Versus Doing

Be free. Have fun. Play. Get paid. Live your dreams.

Express yourself fully through your craft. Enjoy the ride. Skyrocket your appreciation. Travel. Profit. Enjoy.

You will live more in the Moment. Where all of your Power is. And you'll do stuff you never dreamed you'd do. When you're being, having fun and trusting, and when you cease working hard....for good.

If an unemployed, broke security guard can appear on Richard Branson's blog and Forbes, and can circle the globe and live in places like Fiji, Bali and Thailand, imagine what you can do by leaving hard work behind?
#create #cure #decade #hard #malady #myth #online #struggles #work
  • Profile picture of the author aniketsrivastava
    Awesome Man!!! Loved this post.. I know this post will have many critiques , but just loved your story. I work with same mindset as what is described here.

    Hard Work doesnt pay much when we are working on something we don't feel like doing. The work then becomes "hard ".

    Instead of hard work one should focus on "fun" work,,, i.e. doing a work which we feel like doing and enjoy doing..
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