Following your passion

15 replies
The reason that 98% people fail to reach their full potential while only2% succeed is that most people are not following their passion.

Most people are just engaged in activity doing the things they don't want to do at all. They just become the creature of their circumstances instead of becoming the creator of their circumstances.

Doing what you love to do gives you the motivation and confidence to carry on in difficult situations. When you don't care about the outcome and you focus on your efforts you attain real and long term success.
  • Profile picture of the author imperets
    I agree with your point but here's a caveat: if one's passion happens to be something that is not in demand on the market today, making a career out of that passion is not likely to lead to substantial financial gains.

    It's hugely important to enjoy your work, but that doesn't always translate into following your true passion.

    To give you a perspective, my passion is composing music. Yet I realise that if it was my main line of business, I would be considerably poorer and therefore more stressed. And that is due to objective reasons such as lack of demand for original music and an abundance of composers today.

    On the other hand, I enjoy copywriting, programming and design. None of those things are a real 'passion' but by doing what's both enjoyable and in-demand, I am able to free up enough time to do what I like the most.

    I hope I'd give my perspective on this.
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    • Profile picture of the author siwell16
      Originally Posted by imperets View Post

      I agree with your point but here's a caveat: if one's passion happens to be something that is not in demand on the market today, making a career out of that passion is not likely to lead to substantial financial gains.

      It's hugely important to enjoy your work, but that doesn't always translate into following your true passion.

      To give you a perspective, my passion is composing music. Yet I realise that if it was my main line of business, I would be considerably poorer and therefore more stressed. And that is due to objective reasons such as lack of demand for original music and an abundance of composers today.

      On the other hand, I enjoy copywriting, programming and design. None of those things are a real 'passion' but by doing what's both enjoyable and in-demand, I am able to free up enough time to do what I like the most.

      I hope I'd give my perspective on this.

      There is always a way to turn a passion into a profit you just have to have the will and the no how to do so. Many people who have passion for music, art, knitting, cup stacking or whatever have found ways to make a living off of their passions. It's all about finding a way to turn your passion into a profit.

      All of the niches that were created were created because someone had a passion and were determined to turn it into a profit. I'm not saying quit your day job and follow your passion no no no no! But what I am saying that it is possible to turn almost any passion into a profit.

      Well that's my opinion anyways.

      The path of being an Entrepreneur and being successful starts with the right mindset. Learn how to be a successful Entrepreneur and have a positive mindset.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    well if you are judging success purely based on wealth or income .. then there is a big reason why 98 percent of people are below the top 2 percent ..

    but then again most americans have no fing clue how percentages work ..

    a person passionate about baking bread who opens there own small bakery and does that for 50 years..or the guys who have been making pizza their entire lives doing it.

    will probably never get into the top two percent of earners wealth holders..which in your eyes makes them a failure ..

    there is a billion at the bottom that are making about 1 dollar a day or less ..

    what you need to be passionate about and work hard at making yourself better and more valuable.. and putting yourself in a position to help more people ..

    be passionate about improving yourself ..and helping others who themselves are putting effort in to help themselves ..
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    • Profile picture of the author omer123
      Yes Odahh becoming more valuable is important but when you are doing what you love to do you don't care much about the amount of money you make, you don't gauge your success in monetary terms and even if you earn less money you are contented.

      Secondly, building a hugely successful business is not easy, it requires effort and commitment on your part over an extended period of time. In case if you are doing something that is not your passion you cannot put an effort that is required over longer periods.

      Many thanks.
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by omer123 View Post

        Yes Odahh becoming more valuable is important but when you are doing what you love to do you don't care much about the amount of money you make, you don't gauge your success in monetary terms and even if you earn less money you are contented.

        Secondly, building a hugely successful business is not easy, it requires effort and commitment on your part over an extended period of time. In case if you are doing something that is not your passion you cannot put an effort that is required over longer periods.

        Many thanks.
        i tryped out many posts .so what do you tell the person in their early 20's who is tens of thousand of dollars in debt .. from student loand after studying thing they where passionate about ..but now have degrees that have no market place value ..

        this following your passion and not caring about the money .. sounds great ..then so does student loan forgiveeness..or free college tuition ..higher taxes on the 1 percent ..blah blah blah..

        you need to be passionate about developing skills ..that increase your value to the marketplace ..that the hard work.. part of it
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  • Profile picture of the author Funtobesocial
    Yes! Passion will push people. It will make them see obstacles as a learning experience. Passion helps people to see the end goal clearer!

    Nice post!
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    • Profile picture of the author omer123
      Thanks Funtobesocial.
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  • Profile picture of the author Reimaru
    I agree with the point here as I've personally made the leap to pursue my passion as well.

    The situation varies for everyone though. For people who are too much in debt or have a family to take care of, making the full leap usually isn't advised. Maybe you can start trying your hobby during the weekends while working at a regular job or something.

    In any case, when you find something you love to do, you'll do more of it and you'll become more skilled and knowledgeable about it since you find it fun. The challenge lies in learning how to make money out of it, but if you slowly ease into it, you'll somehow find a way.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShawnLim
    From the book, Good To Great, in order to create amazing success, you must:

    1. Align with your passion
    2. You must be able to monetize what you do / with market demand
    3. Something that you can excel

    Having passion alone is not enough. What if your passion is in basketball but you're way too short? That might not work out well for you.

    So choose to work on something that you're passionate in, something that you can monetize and something that you can be great in.

    The 3 INSANELY Effective Methods To Achieve Your Goals, GO HERE.

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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by ShawnLim View Post

      From the book, Good To Great, in order to create amazing success, you must:

      1. Align with your passion
      2. You must be able to monetize what you do / with market demand
      3. Something that you can excel

      Having passion alone is not enough. What if your passion is in basketball but you're way too short? That might not work out well for you.

      So choose to work on something that you're passionate in, something that you can monetize and something that you can be great in.
      thank you

      everything you are passionate about does not need to have a market demand .. but if you are going to build a business .. the passions you follow need to create something of value to the market ..

      at which point the hard work of honing your craft.. and striving and doing what you need to do to get better and better ..and bring more value to the market ..

      the major difference between very successful people.. and the majority of people in the modernized world.. where there is money and opportunity available .. is that people with long term success ..even if they are working jobs .. understand that is up to them to make themselves more valuable ..

      so do things you can get better at.. and always do what you can to get better and better .

      there are a huge number of people stuck in areas that have no opportunity .. or at least untill recently had no opportunity ...
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      • Profile picture of the author aniketsrivastava
        Passion will help you to sustain difficult times in your endeavor but your business model should be one based on solving people's problem or need.

        All successful businesses solve people's/organization's problem ...

        The only other way to get abundant is to have talents like that of famous artists...
        Even artists solve people needs.

        People love to hear beautiful songs and watch awesome movies/paintings/arts..

        So in a nutshell all successful business model should solve or fulfill people's need!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim John Jr
    I agree that passion will definitely push you along. It helps you learn everything in all the nooks and crannies about a subject.

    A little story: A few years ago I was learning Android programming - and I was becoming quite good at it. I used the Big Nerd Ranch book and got quite far. I developed a few apps - easy apps for training - and a few on my own. Then I decided that I should get a degree in Computer Science.

    I am currently dragging myself through all the homework. I am doing discreet math and I honestly have no interest in it. I dread opening the book because I start procrastinating right away.

    If I just stuck with the Android Programming lessons, I would have a bigger portfolio of cool apps and I would have a following. But all that is null now.

    If I had a passion for digging up stumps or painting - I would be very wealthy as well.

    But now what is pushing me to start with online marketing is the bad debt I have and the necessity to make a side income online.
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  • I think this is highly overrated, Your passion has to be profitable as well.

    Such niches just dont have the profitability.
    Do you want to learn how to make 10 to 15% ROI with less than 1 hour of work a month?
    Read it right here
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  • Profile picture of the author lanserno
    From my experience being dance instructor where dance is my passion, I never choose this to be my full time career. Following your passion can be great source of income, and you may become authority in that area, but better find something else that will make you a living.

    What I have seen with numbers of people following their passion is they stop enjoying it after time since it can be hard to make money from it and they have to deal with a lot of things that comes by. Choosing your passions as a career can be very difficult since you have to start looking it from other perspective.

    Rather focus on things you like and start being passionate about them, and leave your real passions for you so that you can enjoy them for years that come by.

    Just my 2 cents,

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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Once become living in total accordance to the optimal version of yourself => life will turn into a melodic harmony with your hair blithely getting blown by the wind, the chirping birds will start talking to you and the universe will conspire to actualize your dreams.
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