An extremely motivating video

2 replies
I've been on and off the WF these last 4 years. I've jumped into small gigs, small deals, with small profits. I'm seeking something I can profit from and do WELL. Not half ass. I am posting this because its message affects me. It asks:

How bad do I really want it?
#extremely #motivating #video
  • Profile picture of the author Craig Evans
    I'm in the same boat A large part of what got me serious were some of those great motivational videos. They work!

    Like you, over the past several years I've dabbled in quite a few things; just didn't take them very seriously because I kind of figured my 7-5 was for life. I just recently chose otherwise.

    Go Get It!

    Take care
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  • Profile picture of the author fhorns2000
    Thanks Craig. I am praying and stepping forward making software purchases since I've consistently been drawn towards online marketing for offline businesses. I bought some SEO software, some video ranking information (which works), and.......I'm there. No customers yet or clear market besides online marketers.

    I did come across something last week which pointed out many marketers' weakness: having no funnel, no plan for engaging customers. The speaker said most have a product and a delivery tool. No plan or followup is set up, just a distant, cold sell approach. Establishing a connection is the difference between sales and no sales. I have enough tools, and I know where to find tools. I have not found good training on the engagement technique. And this is just my 2 cents.

    And.....since I've not seen training on this, I turn to Fiverr and quick sale sites. I sell stuff there, yet I've not bridged the gap yet. That is my goal.
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