How To Take Back Your Focus!
1. Know the stunning cost of distraction. You may be shocked when you notice this, so keep reading my friend...
Recently I found an article from "" (you can just google the article) reports that "average American watches 5 hours of TV per day. If take this number over the average adult lifespan, that's equates more than a decade of people's lives 24/7, is being spent in front of the boob tube. If you considerate this into hourly salary, that's nearly one million dollars of regular salary potential...what if it's an investment of million dollars, what's that potential? That's millions of dollars. And you've lost more than a decade of your life, more than a decade your real ability to connect with your loved ones, to really contribute to society, to reach your true potentials...those costs can't count even in the dollar amount, would you agree?
I know you're saying "I don't watch TV, man!". Be honest, how many hours you spend on Facebook, twitter and the other social media, how about emails, checking all kinds of news, reading blogs, or distracted by just some silly little things...
Most people are distracted is not because they are dumb or lazy, it's because they focused on the wrong things. The cost of distraction is IMMENSE!.
2. Start your day with a clear direction.
Most people show up every single day without any intention or direction, and they end up doing too many things that aren't important, that mean nothing toward their dreams.
So you should define your mission every single morning and figure out the steps to get there and start working a plan to get there and forget about everything else.
3. Make fewer decisions.
The more decisions you make, the more brain power you consume, the more your brain becomes fatigued and you become less effective.
Guess what happens when your brain become fatigued? You become easier to be distracted! So stop random tweeting, random reading, all browsing. If your mind has too many decisions to make, pay attention or not pay attention, then you lose your focal power and resources. If you're constantly focusing on a million things, you'll never get your focus power back.
So I was exactly like this in the past, I was not lazy and worked pretty hard, lots of hours daily, until I realize the stunning costs of distractions. I now call these "digital drugs". They are almost as addictive as, if not worse than those drugs.
Since then, whenever I start my day, I won't open any those browsers or apps until I finish my mission of the day. Instead, I treat them as rewards for my accomplishment. For example, when I finish this post, I will give myself 5 minutes break as a reward to check emails. Then I close them out and move on to my next project. I've found this works great for me in the past a few months.
So I hope this helps and I love to know what your ideas about 'staying on focus'!
More to share next time
Appreciate you all :-)
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