Should you focus on only one thing?

7 replies
I have lots of ideas each day and after some research, I immediately start trying to find ways to go about each one. I realize writing them down is a good idea and I do that.

I go by the philosophy that there is no time like the present, but I get so muddled in all my ideas sometimes that it's hard to pinpoint which ones to make priority.

Is it better to just focus on one thing and see it all the way through or is it a good idea to get the gears moving on all of your ideas ASAP? Is there a process you use? How do you do it?
#focus #ideas #multitasking #thing
  • Profile picture of the author orraao
    I always get tons of ideas as well and put a lot of research into them. But spending years trying to work on several project at the same time never gave me the results I wanted. It did however gave me a good foundation for each idea which can come in handy.

    So nowadays when I'm about to start up a new project I find it best to put my focus at just that one project. Otherwise it never gets completely done, at least for me. Even though I put almost my full attention on one project I have quite a few websites and blogs which all requires at least weekly updates. Because of this reason I usually have one day a week when I just write content for all of them, or if I'm lazy, pay someone else to do it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      It is true that there is no time like the present, but you can use the present to take your list of ideas, rank them in order of doability or maybe ease of accomplishment, or importance.

      When you have your ideas ranked after a couple of days, take the lists of ideas from each day and then rank those. Then start on the one idea that came to the top from both those rankings.

      This way you don't get lost in volume of ideas, you have them stored for later, and you have evaluated each of them at least twice before you begin on any single idea.

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  • Profile picture of the author karenmmcgee
    Personally, I like to focus on multiply things at one time with the idea that I would perform small essential task/work for each item daily. I never like the idea of having just one opportunity, if it doesn't work out you will have to start over from scratch with something else. Having multiply opportunities open at one time make me feel like I have more chances to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author nwik
    One at a time. First things first. Assess yourself on what you do best. From there you will determine what are you going to do first.

    Finish what you started first then after that you can proceed to your idea number 2.

    Don't be distracted by your other ideas.
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  • Profile picture of the author scott m harvey
    I use the weighted average decision matrix to make decisions based on quantifiable aspects of a business. I write all the ideas down and rank them in order of these results. If there are any that end up being a bit crap, I'll keep them, but I know not to rush forward with them.

    If you spread yourself too thinly, you can bet your ass you're not going to get anywhere. While focussing on just one means that you've put all your eggs in one basket. Another bad idea. So what is the best solution?

    The highest scoring idea from the weighted average decision matrix is the main idea you want to focus on. This is where you'll commit the majority of your time and other resources. But...

    Set things into motion with one or two other ideas. Lay the groundworks for the business. Even if it's as simple as joining a new niche forum and commenting regularly to build a bit of authority among the community. If your main one doesn't work out, you have idea number two to crack on with.

    It's also important that you keep all your ideas written down, as you've said you do. This is now your project book. When you have some free time and find yourself bored, you can open up your project book and you know exactly what you want to work on next. It saves you from sitting around prospecting your mind for gold, given the fact that you've already mined it and put it in your safety deposit box!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nassime
    Hey thanks for this thread ;-)
    First you need to make you priority, what is the most important for you?
    Then, you can make a plan of your action
    And finally and is essential: to apply.
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  • Profile picture of the author HCFGrizzly
    Originally Posted by Nathan P View Post

    I have lots of ideas each day and after some research, I immediately start trying to find ways to go about each one. I realize writing them down is a good idea and I do that.

    I go by the philosophy that there is no time like the present, but I get so muddled in all my ideas sometimes that it's hard to pinpoint which ones to make priority.

    Is it better to just focus on one thing and see it all the way through or is it a good idea to get the gears moving on all of your ideas ASAP? Is there a process you use? How do you do it?
    How was that saying? The man who chases 2 rabbits, catches the squirrel? (or something like that ) )

    You said you write your ideas down. That is a good thing. After you do this, you should prioritize them and start from the top.
    If you want to accomplish them, don`t work on all at the same time. Work on one, finish your task and after you 100% complete the task at hand you should move on to the other.
    Do you want to have an excellent finished product or 10 less than mediocre unfinished products?
    HCF - Where Every Affiliate is Happy, Calm & Focused
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