Is this a motivating factor to success?

3 replies
I read this in the greatest salesman in the world, I don't know if this will motivate you or it will only build self-doubt?

What are your thought on this

"the beggar think only of his next meal, I was thinking it will be my last"
#factor #motivating #success
  • Profile picture of the author nwik
    For a salesperson everyday is a risk you will take.

    It's not always guaranteed that you're gonna generate sales the same way you did today.

    Just be optimistic when it comes to that matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author VicIncOb
    different things motivate different people, there are parts of the greatest salesman in the world that I find motivating and parts that I just don't really relate too, so I just dont really take much notice of them. I believe reading and listening to things in the self development and motivational niche are a vital part of achieving success, so i make a point of reading and listening (often several times) to things that give me that desired effect and quickly moving on from those that don't
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  • Profile picture of the author Nassime
    "If you fish for a beggar he can feed just a day, if you learn him to fish he can feed all his life" ;-)
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