A Brief History of Time for Internet Marketers

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If you can't solve the greatest puzzle of time called the time itself, you can forget about becoming a successful Internet marketer. What am I saying? You can forget about the word "success." There's never enough time. And, when you have some time to invest, you usually waste it for wrong people and wrong things. I'm so pleased that there are marketers, who seriously discuss this important problem. I've seen some great post and comments. There are so many shiny things and gadgets in the Internet marketing, but yet, we still focus on the "trivial" ones, such as is the organization of our time. You can use the most powerful computers in the world, an army of marketers and fabulous tools, but all of these is useless without the proper time management.

Speaking of which, I would like to share a concept, which has been stuck with me since my childhood. It turns out that a comic book provided me with one of the most brilliant ideas I've had a chance of examining so far.

Martin Mystery - Zero Time Inc.

You can Google a little bit about Martin Mystery, just to get an idea. Or, let me just say - the detective of impossible. Here comes one very interesting part. There's a villain, who runs a company called Zero Time Inc. So, you go there and for a ridiculous sum of money you get something seriously amazing. Thanks to a special serum, your metabolism go crazy. You are able to do so many things. The catch is that you spend an entire month, but for the outside world, you were missing for merely a day. So, you pay to get 30 days packed in a single day. Just like you enter another dimension where time passes at the 30 times slower rate, or something. My math sucks, so you can check this one for me.

There are some downsides or side effects, to be precise. If you become a regular client of Zero Time Inc., you can burn out, literally. Sounds familiar?

If I'm not mistaken our hero used this option to write a book, because he was behind with it. Some clients were using this a month for a day switch to be unfaithful or finish some of their business. So, once you're done, you get back. You did what you have to do, and you're thrilled that for the whole world you have been for no more than 24 hours.


You prepare an entire marketing campaign in a day of real time or a month of Zero Time Inc. Yet, you still have to be careful, so you don't burn out. Even the Zero Time Inc. can give you all the time in the world. If you don't organize and don't take an advantage of this unique situation, you won't achieve a thing. This is a powerful story that makes you think carefully about your available time.

I did the right thing by deciding to share this story with you. Are you sure that it is the right thing to invest a couple of minutes of your time in reading this story? I choose carefully my Internet marketers role models. I have no intention to learn all available Internet marketing strategies and concepts out there. Finally, I don't read all threads and comments on this Forum. I remember that there was a comment left by one of the Warriors, about him complaining for wasted 3 minutes of his time for reading one of my posts. He should've known better. Do you need the read the whole article, just to realize with the last sentence that it sucks? Do you have to apply the same Internet marketing strategy or tool all the time, before you realize it won't give you what you want?

I didn't even consider replying to this comment. Time is a precious resource, which doesn't include batteries or charger. So, when you say "thank you for your time" to any of your customers, affiliates, partners, users, or similar, make sure you understand what you're saying.

Thank you for your time you invested in reading about the Time Zero story.

So, what happened to our hero Martin Mystery and the notorious Zero Time? Well, he managed to escape, that's for sure. I think that he had to learn how to organize his time in the hard, but the extremely efficient way. Now, it is your turn to do something similar with your own time.

Good luck!
#history #internet #internet marketers #internet marketing #marketers #time #time management

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