If You're Smart, How Come You Aren't Rich?
If Internet marketing is supposed to be a land of opportunities, then even the average marketer is supposed to do something noticeable. This way, I feel like the dumbest marketer in the world. There's no need for bitter tones, but I can't help myself. All you have to is believe in yourself. I'm not successful, so I don't believe enough, obviously. The trouble is, when you put it this way, it turns out that this world needs more believers than marketers.
Why is it so hard to find a rock star marketer who would say something like, here's something that worked perfectly for me. I'm not saying that you will achieve all you want with my strategy or approach, but you can try it. Instead, I get it straight into my face. If my Internet marketing principles aren't working for you, then something is wrong you. Again, very encouraging, indeed.
There's more than one way
I never liked my way or the highway principle. I think it's better to take a little bit from here and there. Only the things you like and you can successfully apply in your own situation. And yes, my word of advice, which may or may not work for you, avoid Internet marketer superstars, who suffer from both narcissism disorder and Messiah complex, because it's not going to end up well for you. Maybe, it is about time for you to come up with a theory of your own. Why not? Cyber Oceans are supposed to be open and free for all swimming enthusiasts, regardless of their skills. Just don't forget to be aware of marketing sharks. Just big fish eats the little ones. Regular successful business situation.
Jonathan 2.0 Banned-
Signature"Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10727369].message }} -
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